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Forensic Ballistics

Queenda C. Arcibal, RCrim, CCS

• Ballo or Ballein (Greek Word) – “to throw”
• Ballista (old English Ballistae)- giant bow or catapult
• Ballistics is the science of motion of projectiles
• Science- systemized body of knowledge
• Projectile- the metallic or non- metallic objects propelled from a firearm
• Motion- the movement or action of projectile launched by a firearm
Branches of Ballistics
• Internal or Interior Ballistics- motion of projectile while inside the gun
• Transitional or Intermediate Ballistics- projectiles behavior from the time it leaves the muzzle
until the pressure behind the projectile is equalized
• External or Exterior Ballistics- motion of the projectile from the time it escapes from the gun
muzzle until it reaches the target
• Terminal Ballistics- effects of projectiles on their target upon impact to include what happens
when the projectile strikes the target
• Wound Ballistics- closely associated with terminal Ballistics, primarily concerned with the nature
and medical implications of Physical injury and shock caused by bullets and explosive-driven
Historical background of Ballistics
• Man first used indigenous weapon such as bow arrow and sling shots
• Discovery of the black powder
First developed by Chinese alchemists
First explosives used to propel missiles for military reasons
• 10th century A.D, China- used for military purposes in the form of rockets
and bombs fired from catapults
• 1126 AD- first cannon appeared, Chinese soldiers used oiled bamboo
tubes in killing their enemy at great distances
• 1242 AD- Roger Bacon , English Philosopher, the first to describe its
• 1304- Arabs Produced the first gun , a bamboo tube reinforced with iron
that used a charge of black powder to shoot an arrow
• Prepare ½ Crosswise and answer the following questions:
• 1. What is the Greek word for the phrase “to throw”?
• 2. What is the English word that means a catapult or giant bow?
• 3. What is the metallic or non- metallic objects propelled from a firearm?
• 4. Who discovered the Black Powder?
• 5. He was an English Philosopher first to describe the preparation of the
gun powder
Provide brief description of the following
• Internal or Interior Ballistics
• Transitional or Intermediate Ballistics
• External or Exterior Ballistics
• Terminal Ballistics
• Wound Ballistics

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