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• Building cladding is the exterior skin, or envelope of a

building, and includes all moisture barriers and siding
materials used to cover the outside of the structure.

• Cladding can serve both a decorative and a functional

purpose. It is used to complement the architectural
style of the building while also offering protection from
rain, wind, snow, and other outside elements.

• Building cladding can also add insulation to the

structure while minimizing sound transmission through
the walls.
Installation systems
Attached System

• Has exterior cladding attached

directly to structural frame in
large panels which span one or
more stories or bays.
• Example: precast concrete or
steel-stud frames welded or
bolted to attachments built into
the structural frame.
• Primary advantage: ability to fully
insulate the exterior walls and
protect the structural frame from
deteriorating effects of weather.
Curtain Wall

• Similar to attached system

except it is attached to the
structural frame with clip
angles or sub-framing.
• Examples: metal or glass
walls which enclose most
modern skyscrapers. Also,
natural stones and light
weight precast panels.
• Primary advantage: standard
design requiring less time in
pre-construction and
Infill system
• Cladding material is installed
between exterior floor slab edges
and the exposed exterior columns
of the structural frame being the
identifying feature.
• Example: pre-cast concrete,
masonry, glass or combination of
• Primary advantage: installed from
the interiors without relying on
external scaffolding.
Stone Cladding
• This helps to protect wall from being damaged.
• it is a strong product that does not need to get painted.
• It also provide an extra layer of insulation that makes it easier to keep a home cool or warm.
• Besides just sealing off a building from the weather, it can also keep water and humidity out of walls, and this is not always
true for a typical wood frame house with drywall on the inside. It may reduce the risk of having water seep through walls
• Brings a feel of natural style and elegance
• Uses thin layers of natural or stimulated stones
• Expensive, labour intensive and heavy.
Type of Fixings
Metal Cladding
1. Durability:
Aluminium building products are made from alloys, which are weather-proof, corrosion-
resistant and immune to the harmful effects of UV rays, ensuring optimal performance
over a very long serviceable lifetime.

2. Design flexibility:
The extrusion process offers an almost infinite range of forms and sections, allowing
designers to integrate numerous functions into one profile. Rolled products may be
manufactured flat, curved, shaped into cassettes, or sandwiched with other materials. In
addition, aluminium can be sawed, drilled, riveted, screwed, bent, welded and soldered in
the workshop or on the building site.

3. Hundreds of surface finishes:

Aluminium can be anodized or painted in any colour, to any optical effect, using any
number of surface touches, in order to meet a designer’s decorative needs. Such processes
also serve to enhance the material’s durability and corrosion resistance, as well as
providing an easy-to-clean surface.

4. Fire safety:
Aluminium does not burn and is therefore classed as a non-combustible construction
material. Aluminium alloys will nevertheless melt at around 650°C, but without releasing
harmful gases. Industrial roofs and external walls are increasingly made of thin aluminium
cladding panels, intended to melt during a major fire, allowing heat and smoke to escape
and thereby minimizing damage.
• Copper, another type of metal cladding
5. Strength to weight ratio: is used for its aesthetics alone.
They are light weight • Zinc is very expensive but aesthetically
eye-catching and durable. xxx
6.Non-corrosive and recyclable in nature
Aluminium composite panel (ACP), also
aluminium composite material (ACM), is a type of flat panel
that consists of two thin aluminium sheets bonded to a non-
aluminium core.. ACP is made from light weight aluminium
with hard insulation. Aluminum composite cladding is used
for exterior cladding, column covers, fascias and canopies,
interior wall and partition panels, parapets, louvers and

There are a wide range of possible infill panels

for curtain wall systems, including:
•Vision glass (which may be double or triple
glazed, may include low-e coatings, reflective
coatings and so on).
•Spandrel (non-vision) glass.
•Aluminium or other metals.
•Stone veneer.
•Fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP).
•Louvres or vents.
Terracotta Cladding
• It is 100% natural and recyclable
• It is durable
• It requires no maintenance
• It is frost-resistant
• It is non-combustible
• Because of its low-thermal diffusivity, it
contributes to a stable and comfortable
indoor temperature during summer
• It has natural sound absorption properties,
thus making it an effective noise attenuator.
• It comes in a wide variety of shades and
textures (sanded, glazed, grooved, etc.)
Curtain Wall Cladding (Glass)
Curtain wall systems are a non-
structural cladding systems for the external walls of
Typically curtain wall systems comprise a lightweight
aluminium frame onto which glazed or opaque infill
panels can be fixed. These infill panels are often
described as 'glazing' whether or not they are made
of glass.
Brick Cladding
• For safety reasons, brick
cladding is not recommended
in seismically active areas,
where bricks could collapse
during an earthquake

• Brick cladding is designed to

shed and repel water so that
the water cannot reach the
internal framing of the
building. This reduces the risk
of damage to the framing
caused by mold and mildew. It
also keeps the interior dry and
Timber Cladding
Timber cladding is done in dry areas and hilly areas

Effective temperature insulator as it keeps the interior cool

Fitted by tongue and groove joints mostly

Requires thorough maintenance

Pre cast Concrete Cladding
• Inherent durability
• Chemical resistent
• Non combustible and will not corrode or rust
• Large thermal and moisture movement &
restricted ductility
Mosaic Cladding
• Small tiles plastered onto the
wall surface for aesthetic
• Has no insulation property
• Available in variety of colours

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