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Covenant University


Topic: Sociological Dimension of Conflict

Dr (Mrs) Tayo George

• Defining Sociology
• Defining Conflict
• Forms of Conflict
• Common types of Conflict
• Positive Outcomes of Conflict
• Negative Outcomes of Conflict
• Causes of Conflict
• Concluding Remarks
Defining Sociology
Defining Sociology
• Sociology is a scientific study of human
• Sociology places more emphasis on human
actions, activities and relationship which are
social in nature.
• Sociology seeks to understand how one
activity, or aspect of social life influences or
impact on the other.
Defining Sociology
Sociologists are interested in social interaction
among groups i.e ways in which people act
toward, respond to and influence one another.
Sociologists concentrates on the group because
human behaviour is largely shaped by the
group to which people belong.
Example of groups include: A group of
friends(clique), a family, A University
community (CU) and Nigerian Bar Association
(NBA) etc.
The major focus of Sociology is on the
group and not the individual as such.
Defining Conflict
• Scholars are of diverse views as regards the
definition, causes and implications conflict
have for a group, organizations and the
society at large which represent the
laboratory of the Sociologists.
• One of the earliest definitions of conflict was
by Karl Marx (1818-1883), a conflict theorists ,
define conflict as a result of divergent
interests within a group or as a result of each
group trying to pursue their various interests
they come against one another, hence conflict
Defining Conflict
Defining Conflict Contd.
• Marvin (1968)- Conflict can arise in any social
situation in which two or more actors interact.
• Marvin view conflict at that which does occur when
there is a discord or opposition between two or
more actors within the process of social
• Burton (1987) on his part views conflict as an
essential creative element in human relations.
• Burton like Marx concur that if conflict is
suppressed, society will become static.
Defining Conflict Contd.
• Durham (1984) supports Burton’s view that conflict
is not always bad for groups or organizations, but
can provide the needed change for organizations.

• Imobighe (1993) defines conflict as a condition of

disharmony in an interactional process.
Defining Conflict Contd.

• Conflict is the direct result of a clash of interest by

the parties involved in an interactional process.
• Conflict is as a result of the pursuit of incompatible
ends or the use of incompatible means to pursue
desired goals by the parties.
• This definition is the most sociological.
• It emphasis on clash of interest among parties in an
interactional process.
Forms of Conflict
• Two forms of conflict are easily identifiable in the
• Violent Conflict e.g Revolution, Terrorism (Boko
Haram Insurgence, Fulani Herdsmen attack), War,
Genocide etc.
• Non-Violent Conflict such as Peaceful
demonstration, Strikes, Lock-out, Work–to-rule etc.
Common types of Conflict
• Political conflict
• Organizational conflict
• Intellectual/Ideological Conflict
• Culture conflict
• Religious conflict
• Ethnic and Racial Conflict (Rwandan Genocide)
• Work and Family Conflicts
Positive Outcomes of Conflict
• Some positive outcomes of conflict:
• (i) Conflict can provide the needed change in
an organisation
• (ii) Increased group cohesion
• (iii) Cooperation
• (iv) Generate creative new ideas
• (v) Serve important group function
Negative Outcomes of Conflict
• Decreased Performance
• Decreased Cohesion
• Decreased Satisfaction
• Sabotage
• Physical Aggression
• Destruction of lives and properties
Negative Outcomes of Conflict
Causes of Conflict
• Unequal distribution of resources (Natural,
human and financial).- the manner in which
financial resources for instance are distributed to
individuals or groups can generate conflict.
• A form of competition for the scarce resources
always ensues between different parties.
• Bias/stereotypes
• Discrimination
• Distrust/Betrayal
• Sociology is interested in conflict studies
because conflict is part and parcel of every
human society.
• Kelly (1969) opines that conflict is inevitable
as it can be recognized and accepted as
integral to any human encounter.
• Conflict is a necessary element in Change.
Final Note
 Although conflict cannot be totally eradicated
in the society or among individuals/groups
with opposing viewpoints, it can be checked,
and reduced to the barest minimum.
 Peaceful negotiation and dialogue has been
found to be very useful instead of

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