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Eat That Frog

A report by Divyanshu Joshi

Roll No. - 202221020
Eat That Frog

Brian Tracy
About Publisher:
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.

Copyright Date:

“Your “frog” is your biggest, most important task, the one you are most likely to
procrastinate on if you don’t do something about it. It is also the one task that can have the
greatest positive impact on your life and results at the moment.” excerpt from book Eat that
frog by Brian Tracy.

He mentions several methods to avoid procrastination like Setting table, Plan the next day a
night before, Using pareto principle of 80/20. For example he asks us to identify three core
tasks of our every day, once identified prioritize them and focus just on those task
individually. Another technique he mentions is ABCDE method. In this we write on paper
and arrange everyday task in sequence of ABCDE with A being most important and E least
important. If we have more than one A priority task we give the numbering like A1, A2 … and
so on. In this way he mentions a lot of methods and techniques to Prioritize work and be
more productive.
The Table

This chapter focuses on Clarity in life. Knowing what you want in life is way too much
important. People with clarity make about 3-4 times more than anyone else with similar life.
For clarity have discussion with your boss or anyone giving you task. Be as crystal clear as
possible, write it down, set a deadline, make list of all the requirements for completing the
task and last organize a plan.

Do everything in a written manner as written goals have some galvanizing impact on you
they motivate you simulate your creativity and push you to do more and more.
Plan Every Day in Advance

How are you supposed to complete most difficult task everyday by taking one bite at a
time. As the name suggest brian here is explaining to plan every day night before you sleep.
He suggest to divide the task into its core components and eat one at a time. This has to
be planned and done in a correct way. So plan the task and its division a day before. A
concept of Return on Energy is explained - Spend time on planning more than you will in
execution as he refers that every minute spent in planning is 10 min saved of execution.

“Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance.”, Create lists and add new task to it
when something new comes up. Simple planning will save you a lot of time as every 10% of
time spent on planning save 90% in execution.
80/20 Rule

It is Pareto Principle stating top 20% of activities determine 80% of results. Everyday you’ll
have several task maybe they all will take same amount of time but some of them may
have the results with a huge impact on output. So those 20% of tasks have biggest impact
around 80% results.

All the tasks with the biggest impact are supposed to be hard but the results are the only
thing that you should take in consideration. They may be hard but have the biggest impact
on the output.

Rule : Resist the temptation to complete small tasks first.

The Consequences

Rule: Long-term thinking improves short-term decision making.

It is a lengthy chapter relatively. He claims successful people are more long-term oriented
and they prepare accordingly.

An attribute of successful people is that they can delay their gratification. Other set of
people are shortsighted and prefer short term pleasures.

Another learning from this chapter is Forced efficiency. There is never enough time to do
everything but always enough time to do what is most important.
Creative Procrastination

Set Priorities and Posteriorities. Priority of all the work that is important with most ROE.
Posteriorities are those jobs that have little impact and if you are ever going to do them.

Creative procrastination is setting posteriorities and procrastinating on those activities that

have little impact of have lowest ROE.
The ABCDE Method

Think on paper is the first learning, try to write everything you are going to be doing. Writing
brings clarity in your thinking as whatever you think is mixed with a lot of things but once
on paper its clear and concise and also free of every bias in your head.

ABCDE method is prioritize work method. In this we write on paper and arrange everyday
task in sequence of ABCDE with A being most important and E least important. If we have
more than one A priority task we give the numbering like A1, A2 … and so on. This is how
we get clear list of all the work we need to do and prioritize them.
Law of three

Identify three core tasks of our every day, once identified prioritize them and focus just on
those task individually. Here we get the concept of ROE Return on Energy spent.

More time you allocate to some task is going to consume more energy and we have limited
energy everyday so in order to get things done just identify 3 tasks and do them single
handedly with all the focus you have and energy.
One At A Time

When you divide tasks the get burdening can make you feel overwhelmed. So to avoid this
just try to complete one individual task at a time.

How do you eat an Elephant?

One bite at a time.

● Try to prioritize in writing and use
smart techniques to keep yourselves
● Do one task at a time. No
● Plan everything in advance. It saves
a lot of time in execution.

This book was a great help in learning time management. Prioritizing

work and some tips and techniques on how should we achieve our best in
the time we have. I shall recommend this book to anyone struggling with
Time Management.
Thank You

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