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3D Printing

• For methods of applying a 2-D image

on a 3-D surface

• Additive manufacturing or 3D
printing is a process of making a
three-dimensional solid object of
virtually any shape from a digital
model. 3D printing is achieved using
an additive process, where
successive layers of material are laid
down in different shapes.
What is 3D Printing?
• Additive Manufacturing: The
term additive manufacturing refers to
technologies that create objects
through a sequential layering
process. Objects that are
manufactured additively can be used
anywhere throughout the product life
General Principles
• Modeling
• Printing
• Finishing
• Additive manufacturing takes virtual
blueprints from 
computer aided design (CAD) or 
animation modeling software and
"slices" them into digital cross-
sections for the machine to
successively use as a guideline for

• To perform a print, the machine reads the

design and lays down successive layers of
liquid, powder, or sheet material to build
the model from a series of cross sections.
• These layers, which correspond to the
virtual cross sections from the CAD model,
are joined together or automatically fused
to create the final shape.
• The primary advantage of this technique is
its ability to create almost any shape or
geometric feature.

• Though the printer-produced resolution is

sufficient for many applications, printing a
slightly oversized version of the desired
object in standard resolution, and then
removing material with a higher-resolution
subtractive process can achieve a higher-
Different Methods
• Selective laser sintering (SLS)
• Stereolithography
• Fused deposition modeling
• Laminated object manufacturing
Selective laser sintering
• Selective laser sintering (SLS) is an additive
manufacturing technique that uses a high
power laser (for example, a carbon dioxide
laser) to fuse small particles of plastic, metal
(direct metal laser sintering),ceramic or glass
powders into a mass that has a desired 3-
dimensional shape
• Stereolithograph
y is an additive
process using a
vat of liquid UV-
”resin” and a UV
laser to build
parts a layer at a
• CAD (Computer
Assisted Design)
Programs help users
create STL Files for the
3D Printers to read.
(STereoLithography) file
format – a file format
which uses many little
triangles to make a 3
dimensional plot of the
objects intended
• Fused deposition
modeling (FDM) is
an additive
commonly used for
prototyping, and
Laminated object
• Laminated object
manufacturing (LOM)
is a rapid prototyping
system developed by
Helisys Inc. In it,
layers of adhesive-
coated paper, plastic
or metal laminates
are successively
glued together and
cut to shape with a
knife or laser cutter.
• Prototyping
• Modeling
• Custom parts
• Design
• Research
Challenges Facing 3D
• Intellectual
property rights of
the 3D Printer
• Nearly anything
can be printed by
3D Printers and
this is a troubling
prospect if
criminals use 3D
Printers to create
illegal products.
• Nothing communicates ideas faster
than a three-dimensional part or
model. With a 3D printer you can
bring CAD files and design ideas to
life – right from your desktop.
• Test form, fit and function – and as
many design variations as you like –
with functional parts.

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