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Model of
What is Shannon-Weaver
Communication Model?

It was first introduced in 1949 by Claude

Shannon and Warren Weaver. They introduced
the concept of "noise." The model describes
how information is transmitted through a
medium, such as radio or television.
Who is Claude Shannon
and Warren Weaver

Claude Shannon was an American

mathematician and electrical engineer
who is considered the father of modern
information theory. He is best known for
his work on the mathematical theory of
communication, which laid the
foundations for the digital revolution and
the information age. Shannon developed
the concept of entropy, which is a
measure of the amount of uncertainty or
randomness in a message, and used it
to define the channel capacity of a
communication system.
Who is Claude Shannon
and Warren Weaver

Was an American scientist who worked

in the fields of mathematics, physics,
and engineering. He was a key figure
in the development of information
WARREN WEAVER theory and played a key role in the
development of the Shannon-Weaver
model of communication. Weaver was
particularly interested in the application
of information theory to problems in the
natural and social sciences, and he
played a key role in popularizing the
model and its concepts to a wider
When and Where was the
Model developed?

Shannon-Weaver model of communication was

developed by Claude Shannon and Warren
Weaver in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
Shannon first introduced the key concepts of the
model in a 1948 paper and Weaver later helped to
popularize the model by translating it into more
accessible terms in his 1949 book. The model is
considered one of the first mathematical models of
communication and it laid the foundation for the
field of information theory and the development of
modern communication technology.
Source Transmitter Reception Destination

Sender Encoder Channel Decoder Receiver


7 Key Components

The Shannon Weaver model starts with
the sender or “information source”. They The encoder is the
are the person (or object, or thing – any machine (or person)
information source) who has the that converts the idea
information to begin with. The into signals that can
information source starts the process by be sent from the
choosing a message to send, someone sender to the receiver.
to send the message to, and a channel
through which to send the message.

The channel of communication is the Noise interrupts a
infrastructure that gets information message while it’s on the
from the sender and transmitter way from the sender to
through to the decoder and receiver. the receiver. There are
We sometimes also call this the two types of noise:
‘medium’. internal and external.
Components of
the Model

The receiver is the end-point of the
Decoding is the exact opposite original Shannon and Weaver
of encoding. Shannon and model of the technical
Weaver made this model in communication process. This is the
reference to communication step where the person finally gets
that happens through devices the message, or what’s left of it after
like telephones. accounting for noise.

Feedback occurs when the receiver of the message responds
to the sender in order to close the communication loop. They
might respond to let the sender know they got the message or
to show the sender:
• Whether they got the message clearly without noise
• How well they understand the message

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