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Company Overview

27 CRANBURY, NJ 8600+ 350+

Years Headquarters Global Employees Clients Served Globally

Headquarters: Cranbury, NJ | 20 Global offices

Technology focus: Canada (1)

UK (1)
Germany (1) APAC (1)

USA (3) Pakistan (5)

Qatar (1) India (2)

KSA (1)

Egypt (1)
UAE (1)

Digital Cloud Data & AI

Australia (1)
Industry focus:

Retail Manufacturing &

& CPG Distribution

BFSI Pharmaceutical

Global Competency Areas & Partnerships
Business Data & AI

Cloud & Automation

Power Automate

Azure Cognitive Services

Retail & Integration
Azure Service Bus

Visionet Global
Competencies Azure Flow

What We Do Best
We are a Digital, Data and Cloud initiatives agency built to transform, automate and integrate e-commerce,
supply chain, and other mission critical Modern Business Applications. 
engaging B2X experiences across your data & processing
the Universe of digital foundation for embracing
touchpoints, focused on ongoing innovation.
Commerce, Sales, Service and
Marketing interactions.  INSIGHTS:   Advance Analytics,
Data Science & Deep Learning.
relationships between Customers, Data  VISIBILITY:  Accelerators for
the Brand, the Business, and Customer 360, Enterprise
Partners. Analytics

 ACCELERATION:  Business Digital  SECURE: Security first cloud

application modernization with native approach.
prebuilt industry solution Templates.
 Apps Cloud  OPTIMIZE:  Multi-Cloud
Applications for collaborative Adoption and Operations.
decision automation.
 LEVERAGE:  Application
 AUTOMATION:  Hyper Automation Modernization, Low code no
(blending RPA, OCR, NLP and code development.
Cognitive Computing).
End-to-End Services Portfolio

1 Strategy & Agency 3 Implementation 5 Support

Branding B2B + B2C, Omni & Unified Commerce SDLC Management
Marketing OMS, Sales, Service, Marketing, CDP, Infrastructure, Monitoring, DevOps,
Technology Social & Interaction Studio CI/CD, Release Management,
Analytics Managed Services, Quality
Search Engine Optimization Assurance & Monitoring

Analytics Cloud Integration

2 Content & Media
User Experience & Design
Service Cloud Marketing Cloud Commerce Cloud Experience Cloud
User Journey
Information Architecture

4 Accelerate 6 Enhance
Proprietary Middleware A/B Testing
Products Roadmap Optimization
ERP Integrations, B2B EDI Search Engine Optimization
Solutions Campaign Performance
Customer Analytics
Trusted By Top Brands

Strengthened Through Partnerships

Digital Consulting Services

The DCS team is a technology agnostic team of digital

enthusiasts and experts spanning all facets of the digital

Digital Technology Strategy Web Analytics

Digital Business Strategy Search Engine Optimization

Marketing Customer Experience

Branding User Experience

Digital Consulting Services 7

Selling eLearning

 They have to be interested in learning. SEO /

 They have to be able to find you in this service


universe. Marketing
 They have to be interested in gaining Site

something from your relationship. Visionet DCS Social

Marketing Services Social
 Then they’ll consider you during their Analytics Display
final choice. Design
 Their aspirations are big! Experience
 The delivery model BEGINS at
commitment experience

 Every moment they need something from compare

you online, it should be there…

 Job support matters


Delivering eLearning

CRM campaigns
 They have to commit to content
Social Apps
creation scores and
communication registration
 Collaboration is the key here Marketing
 Student to professor Visionet ??? Social

 Student to student Salesforce

 Professor to student Sitecore
 Professor to department Monsanto
 Department to department DMS?
 Data and content are key
Course Delivery
(files/presentations/te Source
sts) course

Touchpoints Everywhere

 Mobile
 Web
 Display
 Direct
 Social (earned)
 Social (paid)
 Broadcast
 Out of home
 On Campus?
 Newsletters
 Alumni
 Intranets
 Partners

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


We can Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

make this DELIVERY

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Design studio as a
driver of
Our Methodology: from design to delivery

Empathy Write hills Hill Hill Hill

Pragmatic map 1 2 3

Product playback

Product Playback Delivery Delivery

goals playback playback

Story map Plan releases and build

product backlog

Design Thinking Agile delivery/DevOps Run

Co- creation with Testing and learning Validation with key Pilot market planning
customers business (business, IT, finance and
stakeholders other SMEs)

Execution Methodology
Evaluation of
Design Thinking existing journeys
Workshops / Discovery across all channels

Define Plan Design

Quick CX / Digital Understanding of

Maturity audits existing strategy,
business models & data

Create the foundation Understand the now & envisioned the future

Key outputs: Key outputs: Key outputs:

• User Research Document: deep • Propose Customer Experience • Create visual designs
customer understanding through focus Strategic Plan • Create clickable prototypes
groups, social listening & customer • Prioritize Customer Initiatives • User Test prototypes & validate/change
discussions • Develop Information Architecture, design/flow
• Define User Personas and Use Cases wireframes & style guide • Ensure design and developers are
• User Journey mapping exercise receiving efficient requirements

Digital Consulting Services 14

Define Phase
Define begins the creation of a Roadmap. During this phase, we define:

What Why How

we’re making we’re making it We will make it

1 2 3 4

Gather and assess We analyze what we have We create a Strategic We create

information about the heard, taking insights to Approach with Recommendation
audience, brand, frame roadmap goals. Objectives and defining Roadmap that serves as
marketplace, competitive Features. an actionable,
landscape, business and prioritized blueprint
internal stakeholder needs. for execution.

Design Thinking Workshop @ JNI

Design Thinking: A framework for collaboration that helps project teams

Design Thinking: Importance
(business, design, & technology) to develop user centric solutions

Prototype ideas as
Evaluate and decide
whether to move forward
with an idea or generate
alternate solutions
Explore Evaluate
Understand and develop
empathy for users

Understand Prototype

Explore the process of

generating potential solutions for
your users’ problems

Digital Consulting Services 16

Design Thinking: Envisioning Workstream

Insight Design Thinking Deliverables

Full insight into the business, A 1-week Design Thinking workshop The Envision work stream builds the
technology and market context is the accelerates the design process and constructs that ensure success and
first step to a successful project fully aligns the Customer and Visionet mitigate project and adoption risks
 Persona Revisions
 Strategy Review & Alignment  Persona Immersion  Final Customer Journey Maps
 Channel Strategy Review  Empathy Mapping  Conceptual Prototype
 Brand Review  Scenario Development  E-Commerce UX Strategy
 Persona Review  Story Mapping  Business Case
 Ecommerce Business Model review  Wire frame Development  Architecture
 Architectural Review  Prioritization  Change Management Overview
 Systems Gap Analysis  Prototype Initiation  Market Launch Plan
 Stakeholder Alignment  Roadmap & Project Plan

Digital Consulting Services 17

Some of the workshops we deliver in our DT session
Visionet brings together a diverse set of stakeholders in creative & collaborative problem-solving workshops to drive
ideation and co-creation

Stakeholder Map Empathy Map Scenario Map Story Map

User Interviews Competitive Analysis Feedback Grid Prioritization Grid

Digital Customer Experience 18

Design Thinking: Sample Outcomes
Customer Experience Digital Roadmap E-commerce Site/ Platform
Transformation Strategy Prioritization Re-Platform Strategy Support Strategy
• Innate understanding of leveraging deep • Innate understanding of leveraging deep • Innate understanding of leveraging deep • Innate understanding of leveraging deep
knowledge of digital trends and knowledge of digital trends and knowledge of digital trends and knowledge of digital trends and
innovation innovation innovation innovation
• Relentless focus on digital innovation for • Relentless focus on digital innovation for • Relentless focus on digital innovation for • Relentless focus on digital innovation for
creative problem solving creative problem solving creative problem solving creative problem solving

Executive Interview Analysis Segment Analysis Competitive Assesment

Other Deliverables
Persona Maps Customer Journey Maps Value Maps Analysis


Plan Phase



Design Phase

This phase involves detailed

design of the entire product
consisting of inner pages,
making refinements,
preparing specifications
documentation, design
supervision and usability


Design for flexibility

Responsive design is about more than just screen size – it means being the same
product across all platforms. Features, branding and messaging are consistent and
recognizable and all platforms must work in harmony to address user needs and meet
business goals, regardless of the devices people are using.


Design for flexibility

Responsive philosophy is about adapting to our customers. PA G E / T E M P L AT E
Flexible content allow different priorities to be met by offering a
variety of layouts and hierarchy.





Analysis - Strategic Education Inc

Visionet | 2021 24
Review Strategic Education Inc
Traffic Analysis August 2022
August 2022

Key Callouts:
• Work on getting more loyal customers revisiting the site
• Increase the pages per visit ( ideally somewhere 5-6 p/v)
• Decrease the bounce rate
• Increase your market share from 0.13%

Digital Consulting Services

Visionet | 2021
Review Strategic Education Inc
Competitor Analysis August 2022
August 2022

Key Callouts:
• Increasing number of visitors & unique visitos against competitors ( 29.7k vs
• Increase the pages per visit (1.5 is lower than main competitors)

Digital Consulting Services

Visionet | 2021
Review Strategic Education Inc
Market Share Analysis August 2022
August 2022 0.13% Market

Key Callouts:
• Increase market share against competitors by;

• Defining your target audience

• Understanding your competitors

• Understand your key differentials, your niche, your brand identity and what
makes you stand apart

• Engage with your customers – so that they feel informed, connected and
cared for – social media is great for that

• Continue to innovate and delight your customer - ultimately the loyal

customers that come back are the will help you build up your market share

This value is based on the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index and reflects the division of market share among market players .

Digital Consulting Services

Visionet | 2021
Review Strategic Education Inc
Growth by Source August 2022
August 2022

Key Callouts:
• Work on including Referral, Search, Social and Paid

Digital Consulting Services

Visionet | 2021
Review Strategic Education Inc
Traffic Sources by Type August 2022
August 2022

Key Callouts:
• Not rely too heavily on direct

Digital Consulting Services

Visionet | 2021
Review Strategic Education Inc
Site Performance Top Pages August 2022
August 2022

Key Callouts:
• Mainly only two pages

Digital Consulting Services

Visionet | 2021
Review Strategic Education Inc
Target Audience August 2022
August 2022

Key Callouts:
• Target the older audience as well?

This value is based on the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index and reflects the division of market share among market players .

Digital Consulting Services

Visionet | 2021
Review Strategic Education Inc
Market GEO Distribution August 2022
August 2022

Key Callouts:
• International Expansion??

This value is based on the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index and reflects the division of market share among market players .

Digital Consulting Services

Visionet | 2021

A few case studies

Visionet | 2021 33
Case Study

Enabling Omnichannel
Customer Experience
Vitamin World is a leading nutrition and wellness brand that operates over 300 stores across the US.
They required a streamlined and mobile-friendly eCommerce experience with fully integrated
omnichannel capabilities.

Vitamin World wanted a streamlined, mobile-first eCommerce User experience with fully integrated omni-
channel capabilities. They wanted to minimizing bounce rate and keeping people engage in the website for
long and user won't go without ordering.
Working in direct collaboration with Vitamin World creative team, we designed and
developed an intuitive experience that unlocks the power of a powerful, yet clean and
simple web user experience coupled with storytelling at the forefront that entices the user
to try this cutting-edge platform
In the Discovery phase, we conducted comprehensive business research. Following are the
activities we performed during our discovery phase:

1 2 3
Discovery Workshop User interviews Ethnographic & Contextual Research

4 5 6
Competitor/Ecosystem Review Hypothetical Persona workshop User Personas & Empathy Mapping

7 8 9
Customer Journey Maps Content Assessment Service Blueprints

10 11
Information Architecture Technical Strategy
Using a carefully crafted digital strategy, Visionet delivered an omni-channel customer experience in record time. We
implemented and unified Vitamin World’s eCommerce and ERP platforms to create a seamless, consistent, and
personalized experience across their eCommerce platform and call center. We unified Vitamin World’s online, in-store, and
call center information and processes, including transaction and customer data, supply chain management, merchandising,
and customer service.

Increase in
Increase in
Increase in
conversion rate page views average order value
of users
By adopting a unified retail
model across sales and
supply chain, Vitamin
World will become a leaner,
modern and more profitable
retail outfit.”

Michael Madden
CEO, Vitamin World

Visionet | 2021 41
Salesforce End-to-End Services Portfolio

1 Strategy & Agency 3 Implementation 5 Support

Branding B2B + B2C, Omni & Unified Commerce SDLC Management
Marketing OMS, Sales, Service, Marketing, CDP, Infrastructure, Monitoring, DevOps,
Technology Social & Interaction Studio CI/CD, Release Management,
Analytics Managed Services, Quality
Search Engine Optimization Assurance & Monitoring

Analytics Cloud Integration

2 Content & Media
User Experience & Design
Service Cloud Marketing Cloud Commerce Cloud Experience Cloud
User Journey
Information Architecture

4 Accelerate 6 Enhance
Proprietary Middleware A/B Testing
Products Roadmap Optimization
ERP Integrations, B2B EDI Search Engine Optimization
Solutions Campaign Performance
Customer Analytics

Salesforce Practice Overview
Our team has extensive experience in implementing Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Sales, Service
and Marketing along with MuleSoft, Tableau and PartnerLinq middleware integrations.

7+ Years 250+
Experience of Serving Customers Globally Strong Global Salesforce Experts Workforce

Experience Salesforce

100+ 4.9/5
Projects Customer
Successful Projects Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction Score

Customers Certifications

30+ 200+
Satisfied Customers Salesforce Certifications

Sales Cloud Service Cloud Marketing Cloud Commerce Cloud Experience Cloud App Cloud Analytics Cloud Integration
Services Provided & Consulting Solutions

Strategy & Consulting Implementation Ongoing


Focus business and We propose prescriptive We plan, build & deploy customized, We ensure client success
customer strategy solution & scalable and fully-integrated solutions through training and ongoing
helping our clients recommendations to meet 24x7 managed services
grow goals and objectives

Sales Cloud Service Cloud Marketing Cloud Commerce Cloud Experience Cloud App Cloud Analytics Cloud Integration



Visionet | 2021 46
Bitdefender is a Romanian cybersecurity technology company
headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, with offices in the United
States, Europe, Australia and the Middle East. 

Project Outcome (solution, value add,

Complexity end-result)   
• Service Agent issues in resolving client calls § Converted to lightning from salesforce classic
• Revamping need on integration part
• Issues in customization and automation § Improved their Agent's experience by enhancing lightning
console app for service cloud.
• Poor Lead management  § Rectify the quote synchronization process to sync the
• Issues in converting from classic to salesforce pricing values between quote line items and opportunity
lightning products.

Visionet Engagement § Tracked the completion time of task an agents had spent in
contrast to defined business hours
• Managed Services Provider and as
Implementation partner for short terms projects § Improved their customer's experience by enhancing
Community cloud
Team Structure (SF Core – 4
§ Leverage the users to create leads from their portal using
resources) web To Lead process
• Offshore Sr. Technical Consultant x 2
• Offshore Sr. Salesforce Administrator x 2  § Integration Process (Run rate Process) : Initially the
process involved multiple API calls to push the data later
on, this solution reduced the API calls from multiple API
calls to a single call
Salesforce Clouds
• Service Cloud    § Enhanced the Lead management process using custom
• Sales Cloud development.
• Experience (Community) Cloud
§ Optimization of Process builder, apex triggers, batch apex
• Restful Integration and Flows.

§ Implemented custom assignment rules on Accounts object

to define the ownership of the record using criteria defined
in custom objects.
• American multi-brand mattress and bedding retailer with the largest geographic

Complexity Project Outcome (solution, value add, end-result)   

• Include multi-cloud integration (Commerce Cloud, Community Cloud, CRM and
Marketing cloud) • Enhanced their automation processes for Service Cloud, Improved Customer
• Customer service issues in terms of logging complaints Service Portal implementation on Experience Cloud & Salesforce Commerce
• Service Agent issues in resolving client calls Cloud, Implementing Sales Cloud to capture Leads.
• Issues with current implementation like revamping Warranty Claim process
• Adding multiple record types for Case management to help tracking complain
• System Running in Isolation with ERP team like no records being fetch from ERP's or
for Other teams likes (Logistics, Finance, Admin team etc.
Order management Systems
• Supporting Social connect with Customer community like login through
Visionet Engagement Facebook, Twitter etc.
• Managed Services Provider and as Implementation partner for short terms projects • Live Chat, Live Messaging, Chatbot ,Omni Channel, Log Cases/Complaints via
website and email, Automated responses, Customer Community to
Team Structure (SF Core – 9 resources) order/track purchases, Reports & Dashboards customizing through
Flows, Process Builders, Apex, Lightning Web components etc.
• Onshore Tech Lead x 2
• Offshore Sr. Technical Consultant x 4 • Added multiple email services functionalities to get Leads and Cases created
through email 
• Offshore Sr. Business Analyst x 3 
• Marketing Cloud integrations to sync the tracking data in real time. Campaign
now being running on CRM Lead/Contacts data.
Salesforce Clouds • MuleSoft Data integration for single customer identity that got resolved in
• Service & Sales Cloud
elastic search integrated with Cloudingo merge rules
• Experience (Community) Cloud
• Marketing Cloud
• Commerce Cloud
• MuleSoft Integration interfaces
Leading outerwear brand that operates through wholesale and eCommerce

Complexity of the project

Project outcome (solution, value add,
• Service Agents were struggling with so many end-result) 
complaints/queries. It was needed to address clients not
only via calls or emails also from another medium to § Live Chat Implementation for Service Agents to
distribute the load, Case management system was handle chats right from their website (for 10
needed to handle all these requests/complaints from
customers. § Implemented Payments via Adyen API on
• Payment gateway need to be integrated with community
§ Implemented surveys after live chat completion

Visionet Engagement § Customer community for logging claims online

through portal.
• Started with Project based engagement then turn into § Case Management implemented for cases
ongoing support and maintenance contract created via community or any other means like
Web, Chat or Email.
Team Structure (SF Core - 4)
§ Implemented Omni-channel based queue
• Onshore Solution Lead x 1 routing setup on Service console
• Offshore Sr. Technical Consultant x 2
§ Analytics based reporting.
• Offshore Sr. Business Analyst x 1 
§ GiveX implementation which was primarily
Salesforce Clouds done by reps by manually assign gifts to
customer now been integrated through service
• Service Cloud directly 
• Experience (Community) Cloud
• Commerce Cloud 

• The full-service real estate company has more than 300 real estate, mortgage, insurance, title and
escrow service offices across 10 states, with more than 11,000 sales associates and staff, including
many of the industry’s top-producing real estate agents

Complexity Project outcome (solution, value add, end-result)   

• Difficulty in lead management generating from multiple mediums at different § Easy to use salesforce community site to track complain status, upload
systems and not available at one place. documents etc.
• Manually entering loan application by MLO/Agents § Complete loan management from request to process within Salesforce.
• Include integration with multiple platforms / tools
• Management and tracking of sources for data entering into salesforce 
§ Mobile App for agents and borrowers to process and track loan status and get
update every time status change.
§ Created Community for external/internal Users so that they can view the progress
Visionet Engagement of their case by logging into community
• Managed Services Provider § Borrowers can upload and track documents they uploaded 
§ Customized REST integration for every lead generation source
Team Structure § A complete system within Salesforce to track loans and process them further
• Onshore Tech Lead x 1 § 360 view of the Customer using Person Accounts, to have every information on
• Offshore Sr. Consultant x 1 one page
§ Rest integration with Custom mobile apps for Android and iPhone
Salesforce Clouds § Push notifications on each loan status change on mobiles for
• Sales Cloud    agents and borrowers
• Community Cloud
Data and AI

Visionet | 2022 62
Data & AI Service Offerings

Data Modernization Data Intelligence Data Management

Data Platform Modernization Self-Service Analytics DataOps & MLOps

Data Fabric Enablement Search & Content Analytics Data Quality & Observeability

Cloud Enablement & Migration Customer Analytics Data Security & Privacy

AI/ML Enablement Applied Data Sciences Metadata Management

IoT Data Management BI/Visualization Multi-Cloud Data Management

Our Differentiators Our Accelerators

Integrated Service Delivery Model

Capacity Engineering Delivery Model A connected Customer Data Modern Enterprise Analytics An end-to-end analytics platform
Diversified Technology Skillset Platform to unify all digital/non- Platform offering industry designed to increase insurance
Cross Industry Domain Expertise digital touch points for a standard capabilities for Cross sales by equipping users with
Multi-Cloud Experience customer for targeted actions Channel Retail data-backed insights
Data & AI Focus:   What We Do Best...

Data Data Analytics & Self- Data

Engineering Governance Service BI Science

Design and implementation of Data Governance program to Analytical data platform to ML / AI based techniques
Enterprise Data Platform with define process, policies and present useful insights,  & algorithms to support
on prem and cloud-based rules for data landscape. analytics & operational reports data driven and
data services  Define data glossary and along with self-service BI complex business use cases
Metadata driven data catalog.

Data  Master Data DataOps &  Platform

Security & Privacy Management MLOps Modernization

Define data security standards Application of MDM on Define manage services model Modernization of data platform
and ensures the policies in various business entities to and introduce process  to adopt scalable, reliable and
place to secure sensitive data stitch data across channels automations to improve cost-efficient solutions aligned
and identify golden records  platform operations with business objectives
Data & AI’s skill value proposition for Access Holding

Data Engineering Expertise Strong Analytics Capabilities

Visionet has been playing strategic partner role for large Strong expertise in enabling Analytics and AI/ML across use
enterprises for: cases
• Building the Data Transformation Roadmaps • Financial Analytics
• Engineering Partner for enabling data analytics • Supply Chain Analytics
• Operations partner to achieve optimizations • Demand Forecasting
• Digital & Marketing Analytics

Diversified Technology Footprint Experience of SORs

Certified Resource Pool to help customers across diversified Hold expertise to build analytics on top of different SORs
technology areas (System of Records)
• Azure Data Platform • ERP’s
• Power BI • CRM
• Databricks • Salesforce Commerce Cloud
• Snowflake • Marketing Campaign Solutions


Visionet | 2021 66
Client Background
Multi-billion $, leading bedding retailer in the US with more than 2,600 B&M stores across the country


Lack of a unified platform for customer analytics and insights

Inability to stitch customers obtained from multiple sources

Customer touchpoints were not captured and modelled


No customer Master Data

Customers process in place
Unique Customers After Deduplication
100.8 M 46.3 M

Downstream applications could not serve customer centric use cases

Data Services Expertise

Leverage Digital Optimize Supply Chain Customer-First Approach with Maximize Marketing Impact
Transformation to Drive Processes for Operational C360° Insights with Data-Backed Campaigns
Online Conversion Efficiency
Use the latest technologies to track Optimize supply chain operations; Harness deep insights into Discover key insights around
key digital metrics and monitor from demand forecasting, logistics customer behavior and create a marketing campaigns to maximize
audience journey through the website management and production 360° view to maximize customer return on marketing investment
planning to warehouse operations loyalty

Optimize Product Deep-Dive into Sales Trends Devise Pricing Strategies For Augment Advanced
Portfolio Based on Customer to Boost Growth & Maximize Target Market & Brand Analytics with AI/ML Tools
Preferences  Profits Positioning 
Monitor product sales & margins to Deep-dive into sales trends to Gain a competitive edge with our Leverage AI/ML models for
identify over and underperforming garner rich insights about Price Prediction models which predictive analytics that enables
products and optimize product organizational performance recommend the best price for your data-driven decision making
portfolio products 
C360 Data Sources
Sample 360 Activations

Customers' Review & Purchase Behavior

Customers who purchased & reviewed

Customers who purchased & posted positive review

Customers who purchased & posted negative review

Customers who purchased again after positive review

Customers who purchased again after negative review

In-Store Purchase Online Purchase

Analyzing customers' post-review purchase behavior helped us increase Analyzing customers' post marketing email purchase behavior helped us analyze the
customers' return rate. effectiveness of using emails as a marketing medium as well as the responsiveness of
different customer segments to this medium.
Nearly 40% of customers who posted a positive review purchased again after
they were sent targeted emails with product recommendations. Customers who purchase only after clicking on email links are sensitive to marketing
content and can be sent emails more regularly to increase purchases.
Nearly 25% of customers who posted a negative review purchased again after
they were offered discount coupons. In this case, we found that more than 30% customers made a purchase in after clicking
on a marketing email.
Sample 360 Activations: Customer Journeys
Post 2nd Email Interaction
Analyzing Customer Drop-out Post Email Interaction
Rates Drop-Out
Drop-Out Exploring drop-out rates allows
organizations to analyze:
Customer Base • Stages where customers are
dropping out
• Identify bottlenecks that may be
impeding customers' purchase

Analyzing Customer Journeys Post Marketing Call

Customer Post Call Post Follow-Up Call Final Call Conversion
Analyzing customer journeys after a
Base Conversion Conversion marketing interaction allows
organizations to understand:
• Effectiveness of different marketing
• Types of customers for which certain
mediums are effective or ineffective
• Mediums more likely to lead to a
Mattress Matcher
BI Rule Engine: Questions Response Filter
BI Rule Engine

Sleep Mattributes

Customer interacts Sleep Filter

with Mattress Recommendation A
Profile PI

Best Ranked and matched products are sent back to Best Rank Results
AI Based Recommendation System
Sigmoid Function
Function learnt for scoring
items in a market based on
combination of all inputs

ML Algorithm Best Model Stored

Model Retrained
Score for bought and returned for
after specific
All possible input All items in a market given the input
combinations to
Prepared Data calculate score of all
Feedback Variables
from Rank = f(bought, returned)
ga_feedback would
help in readjusting
Ranking Items
Feedback Loop
by Market and user input
for redjusting model Data Refreshed

Final items recommendation to


Function to
Final Ranking of
User inputs form data Manipulate Ranking
considering the
Real World edge to Forecasting
AWS Big Data Platform

System Capabilities
• Enterprise Data Lake to serve Analytics & AI
• Scalable Processing Capabilities
• Increased Speed-to-Value for Future Projects
• Enable Semi structured data ingestion abilities
• Improvement in Overall Strategizing Capabilities

Landing Zone

• Staging area for all the sources

Curated Zone

• Compressed historical data

• Imposed schema for efficient I/O operations
Serving Zone

• Transformed Data in form of Facts & Dimensions

Morpheus Application

Application Capabilities
• Measurable forecast with complete
• Business achieved agility to factor in market
dynamics and marketing spend for accuracy
• Unified view of forecast for finance and
operations on a collaborative application
• External Data Levers for Covid like
• An Application platform with flexible
architecture to accommodate future needs
Morpheus Application Site Map

Site Map for Application

• Prediction Engine uses Data Sources and User

Parameters to forecast written sales
• ML forecast is auto generated, users can create
their own copies for adjustments
• Written Sales adjustment options at different
• Product Forecast by Vendor & DC
• Product Demand integration with AX
• Analytical Reports for deeper dive and comparison
across different forecasts versions
• Parameters includes new products (Product
Parameters, Product linkage, Promo Calendar),
new stores (store attributes) & Holiday Calendar
Near Real Time Data Ingestion

Near Real Time Data Ingestion

• Data Ingestion in Elastic Search Data lake in

Near Real Time as it happens on POS
• Near Real Time Data availability for
Downstream Applications
• AWS Services based scalable solution
• Event based ingestion into AWS Data Lake
Trusted By Top Brands

Digital + Omni-Channel Customer

Time to Market Digital Transformation

New Revenue Streams + Customer
Learning Management System
UpBrainery Technologies Founded in 2020 with the vision to transform the face of Education.

Overview Challenges Visionet Approach Customer Benefits

 Provided design services to  Improved scalability,
Key Features  Legacy application using old implement advanced clean
design experiences
maintainability and
application performance.
technology was a growing  Application Demonstration
 Application modernization
using new application versions went very successfully due to
 Client needed to modernize its
improved and attractive
Technical Solution core LMS based application to
with revised application
architecture design approach.
achieve AI based application  Reduced overall spend on
 Infra management services on
AWS to manage growing Infrastructure and
 User Experience of the LMS
needs of video conferencing maintenance.
portal was not intuitive and easy  New Features helped
calls in application. 
to use
 Delivered using Agile delivery customer to reach larger
 Legacy system needed to be re-
methodology audience than before.
engineered to improve
application performance and
scalability while reducing cost
 New Features need to be added
into the system to improve
usability for all stakeholders e.g.
Organizations, instructors,
parents and learners
UpBrainery Technologies Founded in 2020 with the vision to transform the face of Education.

Overview  Courses with efficient Learning Management System

App Modernization
Features & Services  Live & In-classroom
sessions Education/SaaS
 User smart desk
Technical Solution  User dashboard USA

 Usage reporting
 Session progress Services
 Quizzes'  Designing and UI
 User activities Development
 Backend REST Services
 User assignments
 Application modernization
 On demand sessions  Data migration
 User registration/login  DevOps Implementation
 Quests
UpBrainery Technologies Founded in 2020 with the vision to transform the face of Education.

Overview Technology
• AWS EC2 Services
• Ubuntu - Apache
• PHP 8.x - Drupal 9 Headless
Key Features • Angular 9
• MySQL 8
• Elastic Cache - Redis

Technical Solution

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