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• Contemporary Art is influenced by the
economic, social, political and
environmental context where the artist is
immersed in.
• It can be said that Contemporary Art is the
artist’s expression of his perception and
comprehension of these contexts.
• Contemporary Philippine Art is not confined to
the usual genres of the four main art forms,
namely, visual, literary, applied and
performing arts.
• Genres are categories of artistic creation and
are characterized by similarities in form,
style, or subject matter. Many other genres
came up which include pure are forms as
well as mixed art forms.
• Contemporary Philippine artworks are
multifaceted and are expressive renditions of the
artist’s perception of what were observed and
• These artists create, work and make
art in their personal context.
Viewers can appreciate
contemporary Philippine art more
by employing all of their senses.
• Viewing art is not just a detached experienced
but a deep personal experience of dwelling into
the artist’s mind and heart.

• Contemporary art is the art of today, produced by

artists who are living in the twenty-first century.
• Art produced at the present period in time,
includes and develops from postmodern art,
which is itself a successor to Modern art.

• Art made and produced by artist living

• Statement that an artist makes about
life, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and many
other things that define human life.
Simultaneously reflects the realities
and values of our society, its variety
portrays the mosaic of our cultural
diversity is culture.
• Contemporary art of the 21st century may combine
elements of performance, painting, sculpture,
dance, and many other media.

• It draws on the movements of modern art,

including minimalism and assemblage art, to create
dynamic pieces that aim to challenge the viewer
and spark thought.
• Many contemporary artists use their work to
comment on cultural and political issues,
including race, human rights, economic
inequality, and global conflict.

• As the world continues to change and impact

human life on a large scale, art continues to
experiment with new ways of reaching its
• Contemporary Philippine Arts refers to the
works of art that have accumulated in the
Philippines from the beginning of
civilization in the country up to the present
era. According to Santos (2016), Philippine
art as in its culture, one notes the various
shades, lines, and tones, and even the
contrasting characters that have been
absorbed and blended into new forms that
are particularly Filipino.
• Contemporary Art’s content or
meaning is more important than the
materials or forms used to make it.

• Contemporary artists seem to be more

interested in engaging viewers
visually through subject matter and
the composition of elements and
• It is not restricted to individual experience but it is
reflective of the world we live in. the artwork that
is created by today’s contemporary artist has a
world view and sensitive to changing times.

• Contemporary artists frequently go beyond the

elements and values in their work using new ideas
and techniques to establish meaning of today’s

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