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Rule on DNA evidence :

G.R. 250885
Josephine Cabezudo et al Vs. Heirs of Heide Cabezudo Sayno G.R.
250885, May 2, 2019
• Petioners Josephine Cabezudo et al, filed a complaint for settlement
of Estate, declaration of Heirship and damages against the heirs of
Heide Cabezudo to the RTC of Camarines Norte Branch 38.
• The Cabezudo alleged that they were the illegitimate children of the
Lazaro and Efondo both deceased.
• Petitioners contested that Saynos heirs were illegimate children of
the deceased spouse , and continues possession the status of
illegimate children of Lazaro.
• As proof of paternity live birth of Josephine Cabezudo and Anita were
• Cabezudo narrated that no will executed before the date of Lazaro.
• Year 2014 Cabezudo et al executed the extra judicial partition of
estate, but Sayno refused for partition
• Cabezudo denied that they don’t have the knowledge of Lazaro’s
illegimate children and they are the only children of Lazaro with
Vicenta Villana.
• Cabezudo filed a manifestation with motion praying to be ordered the
Sayno heirs for Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) test. The RTC 38 ordered
for DNA testing to Sayno heirs.
• Sayno heirs filed a motion for reconsideration insisting that the
requirements of prim facie case must first established in hearing for
DNA testing before an order may be issued.
• Sayno filed a petition for certiorari under rule 65 of CA.
• whether or not CA erred finding the need to conduct a hearing before
the trial court court may order of DNA testing.
• Court of appeals declared RTC Branch 38 order as null and void because
there was no show cause hearing to establish a reasonable possibility of
paternity, and dismissed the complaint due to prescription.
• The complaint for declaration of Heirship is Dismissed for being barred
by prescription.
• CA stated that RTC should have conducted a show cause hearing to
establish the possibility of Lazaro’s paternity before the issuance of DNA
testing order.
• As a condition precedent, the DNA testing must not proceed without the
Supreme Court decision
• The burden of proving paternity is on the person who alleges that the
putative father is the biological of the child.
Herrera vs Alba
The Rule on DNA evidence.
Article 166 (2) of the Family Code and the Rule on DNA evidence is an
acceptance of this accurate scientific breakthrough of determining, not
jus non paternity, but paternity itself.

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