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Select the numbers that present a sentence

1. The Star Wars movies were international hits.

2. My favourite history teacher
3. Young people and adults enjoyed the movies.
4. The films entertained and thrilled audiences
5. The key of the door.
6. To cry
7. Luke and his friends battled evil and created strong
• A sentence is a group of words that contains at least one
subject and verb and expresses a complete thought.
• A simple sentence has one subject+verb combination.
• The Star Wars movies were international hits. S+V
• Young people and adults enjoyed the movies. SS+V
• The films entertained and thrilled audiences
everywhere. S+VV
• Luke and his friends battled evil and created strong
friendships. SS+VV
• A phrase is a group of words
• One of the common types of phrase is a prepositional one
• George Lucas has changed film industry (in many ways)
•Find the mistakes
•My friends and I am sports fans.
•Michael Jordan are an innovator from the world
of sports.
•Many people is NBA fans because of Jordan.
•My uncle still wear Jordan’s “23” jersey.
•Many players wear “Air Jordan” shoes.
• There + be
• There is a men’s NBA team
• There are two NBA teams
• The price of tickets is
• Prepositional phrases are not the subject (mentally cross them out)
• Some words are always singular
• One of my friends is married.
• Both of my friends are married.
• Few words can be either plural or singular (! Noun in prepositional phrase)
• Some of the girls are not present.
• Some of the excitement occurs off basketball floor.
1.After I eat dinner
2. Students are never too busy to
help others.
• Go! (imperative mood)
• İf you leave out either the subject or the verb, you have incomplete sentence
• We call this a fragment

• Is a good idea to do volunteer work

• Students never too busy to help others.
• I couldn’t sleep. Because of the rain.
• Terri showing her award.
• I like the arts. Such as drama, music and dance.
• I like the arts, such as drama, music and dance.
• Sometimes, authors intentionally use sentence fragments to emphasize their
writing or convey something harsh or disjointed. Dive into a few intentional
fragment sentences made by professional writers to convey a specific message.
• Late afternoon. The sky hunkers down, presses, like a lover, against the land.
Small sounds. - Only the Dance by Judith Kitchen
• Capitalization (cap)
• Subject-verb agreement (s/v agr)
• Fragments (frag)
On the night of april 4th 1968, someone waiting opposite the windows of the Lorraine
Motel, in downtown memphis.

In front of the motel, a big white Cadillac parked; it was the car in which the martin
luther king was being driven round. As he traveled through the Southern states, speaking
to audiences in towns and cities, promoting the cause of non-violence and civil rights.

When King stepped out onto the balcony, to take a breath of fresh air after eating his
dinner, a shot rang out. The civil rights leader and Nobel-prizewinner, the man who
preached non-violence, fell to the ground, fatally wounded. Within minutes, he was dead.

The news spread like wildfire round the Usa; the man who had done more, perhaps,
than any other to further the rights of Black people in the United States of America, had
been assassinated. Weeks later a man by the name of James Earl Ray was arrested.
Sentenced to 99 years in prison for the assassination. But is that really what happened?
Though James Earl Ray initially confessed to killing King, it was not long before
he changed his statement; and to this day, there are those who does not believe that
Ray actually guilty of the crime for which he spent almost 30 years behind bars.
• STEP 1: Prewrite to get ideas.

• The first step is called prewriting. Prewriting is a way to gather

ideas and information. In this step, you choose a topic and
collect ideas and supporting information to explain the topic.

• There are several techniques you can use to get ideas. Listing
is a prewriting technique in which you write the topic at the top
of a piece of paper and then quickly make a list of the words or
phrases that come into your mind. Don't stop to wonder whether
an idea is good or not. Write it down! Keep on writing until the
flow of ideas stops.
A person who has made a difference
• Parvin teacher (pick a person you can write about)
• Why!
• Why do you think she is exceptional? Why do you think she has made
a difference in your life?
• Helped me to improve my English
• Guided me to discover my creativity
• Provided me with the knowledge on contemporary American
• Outline (My teacher: who has made a difference in my life)
• The person who has made a difference in my life is my
teacher. (t.s)
A She guided me to discover my creativity. (s.s)
• By encouraging me to write my own literary works
• By praising me on my literary translation skills
B Helped me to improve my English
• Conclusion
• STEP 2: Organize your ideas.

• The next step in the writing process is to organize the ideas into
a simple outline.

• The writer of the example lists on pages 21-22 wrote a

sentence that named the topic (his grandfather) and gave the
controlling idea about the topic: His grandfather helped the
community in two ways. Then the writer listed two of the ways
his grandfather made a difference and included supporting
information under each one.
• Peer review (15 min) (chapter 1)
1. Who is the topic of the paragraph? Does the paragraph give enough
information to show how this person made a difference? If your
answer is no, what else would you like to know?
2. Does the paragraph have any unnecessary information? If your
answer is yes, what information is not important to show how this
person made a difference?
3. Do you understand everything? If your answer is no, what parts or
sentences don’t you understand?
4. What do you like best about the paragraph? Write at least one
positive sentence?
• Peer review (chapter 2)
1. What memorable experience is described in the paragraph?
2. What details does the writer include to show you why the
experience is memorable?
3. Does the writer use transition signals?
4. Do you understand everything? If your answer is no, what
parts or sentences don’t you understand?
5. What do you like best about the paragraph? Write at least
one positive sentence?
• The one day I spent in Morocco, Africa was an experience of
a lifetime. When I finally reached Morocco and got off the
bus, there were four little girls standing shoeless in the hot
sun. After I swallowed my tears, I could not even try to
picture this in America as it is not something you often see in
the U.S. Meanwhile, my tourist guide instructed me not to
give them money as it encouraged the children to beg;
however, I was wearing four silver bracelets. As I walked over
to the girls, their eyes watched my every move. Then I
kneeled down to their level while I gave each girl a bracelet.
They stood there gleaming at me, for they were pleased. I felt
completely in disbelief that this tiny gesture could mean so
much. Though this experience was upsetting and a huge
culture shock, it will stay with me forever
• Outline
• T.S The one day I spent in Morocco, Africa was an
experience of a lifetime.
• S.S A. When I finally reached Morocco and got off the bus,
there were four little girls standing shoeless in the hot sun.
1. Four silver bracelets
2. Girls felt elated because of the bracelets
3. It was a huge culture shock
• C.S Though this experience was upsetting and a huge culture
shock, it will stay with me forever.
• Listing (putting events into chronology)
1. Arriving to Morocco
2. Four little shoeless girls near the bus
3. Coming close to four shoeless girls
4. Giving them my bracelets as a gift
5. Girls felt elated by my gesture
6. -
• Freewriting
• I took a trip to Morocco. It was unforgettable for me.
I got off the bus and saw four girls. They don’t have
shoes. I was shocked because in US it is not normal.
My tourist guide told me not to give them money
because they might want more and beg to get more
money from others. I had four bracelets, I decided to
give them to girls, I gave them and children were
pleased because of my gesture I didn’t understand
why they were so happy

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