Amaal e Ashura

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SLep by SLep gulde of Lhe Amaal done

on Ashura day
@he uay of Ashura
W @he day of Ashura ls day of suppllcaLlon prayer
and mournlng of Lhe deaLh of lmam Pussaln (as)
and hls famlly SomeLlmes lL ls besL Lo be ln a
quleL area such as your house ln order Lo have a
sLrong connecLlon wlLh lmam and Allah durlng
Lhe Amaal as many Llmes you can geL dlsLracLed
aL Lhe mosque wlLh so many people around you
lnshallah Lhls presenLaLlon should help you go
Lhrough Lhe enLlre Amaal lf done on your own or
wlLh a small group of people
AdaabeAshura (Ashura's norms)
W uon'L Say Salam Lo any body
W uon'L show love Lo your kluS
W uon'L brush you Palr
W keep your sleeves folded Lo elbows Lo show
W 8eclLe Suraelkhlas SalwaaL and send LanaaL
on klllers of lmam Pussaln (AS)
W lor CompleLe llsL see books or ask Aallms
Amaal e Ashura
W lL ls recommended LhaL you do noL eaL or drlnk
unLll have Asr prayers
lmam !aa'far As Sadlq (AS) had advlsed Lhe
falLhfuls Lo do Lhe (followlng ) aa'maal Loday
(Lhe lmam had emphaslzed LhaL who so prays as
dlrecLed (on Lhe nexL sllde)shall be enLlLled Lo
recelve Lhe recompense of several Pa[[ shall be
kepL safe from deaLh by drownlng burnlng and
bulldlng collapse and no enemy can ever geL an
upper hand over hlm or her)
AmaaleAshura (conLlnued)
W ray Lhe followlng 4 8akaaL namaaz ln unlLs of 2
sLandlng under Lhe sky
1 llrsL 8akaaL afLer reclLaLlon of Soorah Al
laaLlh'ah reclLe Soorah Al kaaflroon
2 2nd 8akaa'L afLer reclLaLlon of Soorah Al
laaLlh'ah reclLe Soorah lkPLAS
3 3rd 8aka'L afLer Lhe reclLaLlon of Soorah Al
laaLlh'ah reclLe Soorah Al Ah'zaab
4 4Lh 8aka'L afLer Lhe reclLaLlon of Soorah Al
laaLlh'ah reclLe Soorah Al Munaflqoon
W AfLer Lhe namaz Say
1000 Llmes(can also be
read 100 Llmes)
C Allah condemn and
lay a curse upon Lhe
klllers of Pussaln (AS)
hls famlly and frlends
W @ake a few(7) sLeps
forward and say
verlly we are Allah's and
verlly unLo Plm we
reLurn We are happy
wlLh Pls wlll and carry
ouL Pls command
W @hen reclLe Lhe followlng lor Lhose who are noL fluenL ln
Arablc and don'L undersLand Arablc well lL may be a good
ldea Lo read lL ln Lngllsh (conLlnued on nexL sllde)
C Allah! Condemn and punlsh Lhe llcenLlous profllgaLes
who make Lhe llfe of @hy Messenger mlserable and waged
was agalnsL @hy close frlends and worshlpped oLhers (buL )
noL @hee deemed lawful (LhaL whlch) @hou had forbldden
brlng a curse upon Lhelr leaders followers on Lhose who
were ln Lhem secreLly or dlsLlncLly were hand ln glove wlLh
Lhem or condonlng Lhelr (mls) deeds A greaL many curses
C my Allah bld Lo brlng [oy and happlness qulckly for
Aall Muhammad" (Lhe chlldren of Muhammad)
besLow @hy blesslngs on hlm and on Lhem save Lhem
from Lhe dangerous cluLches of Lhe undercover Lwo
Llmers and Lhe obsLlnaLe dlsbellevers open for Lhem
Lhe doors of Lhe beglnnlng" a faclllLy Lo puL ln
pracLlce genLleness klndness and falrplay creaLe
favourable condlLlons for Lhem Lo make llfe full of love
and LhoughL cheerful free of care as early as posslble
on @hy auLhorlLy leL Lhem have full conLrol over @hy
enemles Lo help rescue and defend (manklnd)
W @hen ralse your hands havlng ln mlnd Lhe enemles of Aall Muhammad"
and say(conLlnued ln followlng slldes) (See ul lor Arablc)
C my Allah! lndeed a greaL many among Lhe people declared war lald
Lraps and lnLrlgued agalnsL Lhe careful and genLle guardlans who observed
and fulfllled Lhe duLy @he ungraLefuls (Lhe sald opponenLs) renounced Lhe
falLh and dld noL ln facL belleve ln Lhe kallmah" (LAA lLAAPA
lLLALLAAP) aLLached Lhemselves Lo Lhe Lrend seLLers of dlsorder and
Lyranny dlsowned and gave up Lhe 8ook and Lhe (ulvlne) rule of llfe
swerved from and angled off Lhe Lwo sLrlngs whlch accordlng Lo @hy
commandmenL (Lhey) should have held fasL and sLuck close by
undermlned and LwlsLed Lhe LruLh WenL away from Lhe real purpose ln
Lhe opposlLe dlrecLlon encouraged parLlsanshlp AlLered and falslfled Lhe
8ook refused Lo belleve ln Lhe evldenL proof and rlghLful claln whenever
confronLed face Lo face chose falsehood whenever came across losL
Lhelr way and corrupLed @hy laws lslam led people asLray kllled Lhe
chlldren of @hy ropheL @hy llberal hlghmlnded servances bearers of @hy
knowledge lnherlLors of @hy wlsdom and revelaLlon Lhe 8ook
W C my Allah pseL and overLurn Lhe plan and movemenL of @hy enemles (who are
also) Lhe enemles of @hy Messenger and Lhe chlldren of @hy Messenger C my
Allah puL a sLop Lo Lhe spread of Lhelr sphere of lnfluence make Lhelr equlpmenL
and men unservlceable Lhelr expresslon confused and conLradlcLory brak up Lhelr
supporL crack up Lhelr sLaLegy lay hold upon Lhem hlL and cuL off by @hy one
sharp sLrlke Lhrow Lhem down frlghLened by @hy hard unnervlng barrler bury
Lhem under Lhe swallowlng mud of dlsasLers leL Lhem be mean and conLempLlble
under Lhe yoke of desplseable penance brlng Lhem Lo book and leL Lhem have
Lhe LasLe of a hard and sharp reLrlbuLlon fesLer Lhem wlLh deflnlLe and exemplary
punlshmenL as @hou wlpes ouL @hy enemles lL ls beyond Lhe shadow of doubL
LhaL @hou cracks down upon Lhe crlmlnals C my Allah Lhe way of llfe approved by
@hee has been Lossed aslde @hy code of law has been suspended and Lhe
descendenLs of Lhe ropheL ln Lhls world had been LormenLed C my Allah
@herefore glve all @hy aLLenLlon and care Lo slgnlfy LruLh and Lhe upholders of
LruLh resLraln and prevenL falsehood and Lhe campfollowers of falsehood and
Lake us Lo safeLy as a favour gulde us Lo Lrue falLh make avallable for us as soon
as posslble happlness and bllss brlng everyLhlng ln Lo good order Lhrough Lhe
lnsplrlng presence of @hy represenLaLlves make us deslre and love Lhem make
Lhem recelve us wlLh open arms
W C my Allah brlng Lo noLhlng Lhose who celebraLe Lhe day Lhe cholcesL (grand) son of @hy
ropheL was marLyred ln cheerful amusemenL laugh and en[oy ln uLLer dellghL and lndulge
ln wanLon bolsLerous merrlmenL caLch hold of and punlsh each one of Lhe remalnlng [usL as
@hou cracked down on Lhe early (culprlLs) make Lwoce as muchLhe penalLy C my Allah and
punlshmenL a warnlng example (whlle convlcLlng0 Lhe LyranLs who Look llberLles wlLh and
abused Lhe chlldren of @hy ropheL glve Lhe eaLh blow Lo Lhelr henchmen puL an en Lo Lhelr
headmen wlpe ouL Lhelr paLrons and Lhelr groups alLogeLher C my Allah mulLlply @hy
blesslngs generously @hy mercy llberally @hy favours llke a wlndfall (Lhou besLows) upon Lhe
chlldren of @hy ropheL who @hy enemles Lrled Lo lgnore frlghLen and corner Lhe chlldren
who are Lhe bloomlng prlde of Lhe fragranL sLrongly grown and ferLlle Lree LeL people
subscrlbe Lo and uphold C my Allah Lhelr expressed reflned (LhoughLs) and geL Lhe beLLer of
Lhe anLagonlsLs ln debaLe and dlspuLaLlons Lhrough Lhelr argumenLs puL Lhe dark clouds of
Lrouble dlsLress noLhlngness and lgnorance Lo fllghL Lhrough (on accounL of) Lhem make
flrm and sLrong Lhe hearLs and mlnds of Lhelr followers (Lo know Lhlngs for cerLaln and glve
correcL answers) Lo belong Lo @hy parLy obedlenL Lo @hee Lo love Lhem Lo supporL Lhem
sLand by Lhem slgnlfy Lhem Lhey exerclsed selfconLrol whenever Lhey puL up wlLh damage
and ln[ury ln @hy cause brlng ln for Lhem Lhe days people wlll see Lhem and flnd Lhem
among Lhemselves Lo pronounce Lhe professlon of Lrue falLh a bllssful and happy Llme
8e qulck ln provldlng rellef and [oy afLer a long perlod of sufferlng (Lo Lhem and
us) on accounL of Lhelr presence brlng on Lhelr worLhy decenL and reflned sphere
of lnfluence and supporL Lhem as @hou has glven a guaranLee ln Lhls connecLlon ln
@hy revealed 8ook @hou sald (and @hy words are always Lrue) Allah has promlsed
such of you as belleve and do good deed LhaL Pe wlll surely appolnL Lhem
successors ln Lhe earLh as Pe appolnLed successors Lhose before Lhem and LhaL
Pe wlll surely esLabllsh for Lhem @helr rellglon whlch Pe has chosen for Lhem and
surely Pe wlll glve Lhem lnexchange safeLy afLer Lhelr fear @hy (shall) ascrlbe
noLhlng as parLner unLo Me C my Allah! @herefore dlsperse Lhe dark clouds
hanglng over Lhem no one has power Lo keep safe from palr and dlsLress save Pe
C unlque ! C Slngle ! C Lverllvlng ! C SelfsubslsLlng! l C my Allah @hy bondman
cauLlons and (always) aware of @hy [usL requlLal Lurn Lo @hee wlLh a requesL
sLandlng before @hee Lo seek Lhe favour of Laklng refuge wlLh @hee ln @hy
courLyard fully aware of Lhe facL LhaL Lhere ls no way Lo run away from @hee
excepL unLo @hee C my Allah accede Lo my requesL Lake noLlce of my poslLlve
sLaLemenL and hearLfelL secreL avowal C my Allah and leL me be Lhe one whose
conducL saLlsfles @hee (whose) plous llfe devoLed Lo @hee recelves @hy approval
(whom) @hou brlngs Lo a place of safeLy Lhrough @hy mercy verlly @hou arL rare
dear and beloved (because of ) @hy klndness
C my Allah send blesslngs ln Lhe beglnnlng and aL Lhe end on
Muhammad and on Lhe chlldren of Muhammad keep aL peace aL
all Llmes Muhammad and Lhe chlldren of Muhammad leL @hy love
and Lenderness always envelop Muhammad and Lhe chlldren of
Muhammad more Lhoroughly and declslvely Lhan @hou had
blessed kepL aL peace and loved @hy ropheLs Messengers Angels
and Lhe bearers of @hy Arsh ln Lhe name of and for Lhe sake of
C my Allah leL Lhere be no separaLlon (ever) beLween me and
Muhammad and Lhe chlldren of Muhammad @hy blesslngs be on
hlm and Lhem leL me be one among Lhe frlends and followers of
Muhammad All laaLlmah Pasan aned Pusayn and Lhelr pure and
selecL descendanLs glve me Lhe lnslghL Lo cllng Lo Lhelr frlendshlp
and be always ready Lo walk wlLh Lhem and make use of Lhelr llfe
sLyle verlly @hou arL llberal Cenerous and klnd
W (now go lnLo prosLraLlon (Sa[dah) keep elLher slde of your face on
Lhe earLh one afLer Lhe oLher and say)
C Pe who decrees LhaL whlch Pe wllls does LhaL whlch Pe wanLs lL ls
@hou who possesses and exerclses absoluLe power Lherefore (all)
pralse ls for @hee (only) (@hou alone arL) Lhe pralseworLhy Lhe
C my MasLer leL Lhem have a llfe full of love and peace and leL us
share Lhe harmony and bllss wlLh Lhem because @hou has glven a
guaranLee Lo puL Lhem on Lhe hlghesL pedesLal of love honour and
wlsdom afLer Lhe severesL Lrlal and LrlbulaLlon Lo do Loo much for
Lhem exceedlng all bounds afLer Lhey had puL up wlLh Lhe worldly
mlnlmum (ln @hy cause) Lo make Lhem dlsLlncL and evldenL afLer
(@hy enemles) kepL Lhem ln obscurlLy C Lhe MosL @ruLhful ! C Lhe
MosL Merclful!
l beseech @hee C my Lord and MasLer humble and weak before
@hee Lo Lhrow wlde open doors of @hy generoslLy and klndness Lo
leL my hope (of fulflllmenL of hearL's deslres)come Lrue and geL and
aLher whaL l wanL ln surplus and make valld my deeds wheLher
lnslgnlflcanL looklng or welghLy prolong my days unLll l am saLlsfled
wlLh belng an eyewlLness and glve LesLlmony and be among Lhose
who are called upon so run Lo obey Lhem love Lhem and supporL
Lhem (Lhe descendenLs of Lhe Poly ropheL) Make me see LhaL
very soon close aL hand ln good healLh sund mlnd and wlLh
bellevlng hearL verlly @hou arL able Lo do all Lhlngs
(ralse your head look Lowards Lhe sky and say)
ln @hee do l seek refuge LhaL l should be among Lhose who hope noL
for @hy uays" so make me full well and be Lhere C my MasLer
Lhrough @hy mercy ln LhaL Llme
lL ls now recommended Lo reclLe
W ZlyaraL e Ashura
W uua Alqamah
W ZlyaraL e nahlya
W uua nudba

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