Philosophy of Education

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Philosophy of

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List everything you believe to be true about

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My Philosophy of Education

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Philosophy and Its Meaning
> The word philosophy comes from the Greek words ‘philo’, meaning
love, and ‘sophos’, meaning wisdom. It is a love of wisdom.

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Field of Philosophy
> We will consider:
• Four branches of philosophy relative to teaching
• Five philosophies of education

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Four branches of philosophy
> Axiology
> Epistemology
> Logic
> Metaphysics

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> Aesthetics
> Ethics

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> Theories of knowledge
> Knowing the limits or validity of knowing

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> Reasoning
> Increases with each stage of cognitive development

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> Meta ta physika
> Basic causes and nature of things

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> Socrates did not tell his students what to think – instead he forced
them to challenge their own thinking and to develop their logical
thinking skills and understanding.

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Philosophies of Education
> Essentialism
> Existentialism
> Perennialism
> Progressivism
> Social Reconstructionism

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> Academic tests
> Basic skills and knowledge

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> Essentialism
(click on link)

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> Free will
> Personal responsibility

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> Existentialism in Education
(click on link)

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> Aristotle
> Plato

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> Perennialism
(click on link)

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> Education which moves the students forward and is relevant to the
world today and in the future

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> Progressivism Philosophy of Education
(click on link)

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Social Reconstructionism
> Social issues
> Seek change

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Social Reconstructionism
> Social Reconstruction
(click on link)

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Break The Mold
> Your philosophy of education:
• Eclectic
• Reflective
• Special
• Unique

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Writing a Philosophy of Education

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Basic Concepts
> Attitudes
> Beliefs
> Values

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> Concise
> Examples
> Structured

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> Edit
> Revise

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References and Resources
> Images:
• Microsoft Clip Art: Used with permission from Microsoft.
> Books:
• Early Childhood Education Today, Twelfth Edition by George S. Morrison
This book is a great resource on early childhood education. It covers the foundation
of education, programs and resources for children and families, educational needs of
infants through the primary grades and the special needs of children and families.
• Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional. Fifth Edition by Don Kauchak &
Paul Eggen
For any student going into the teaching profession, this is an excellent choice. It is an
easy read for students on all levels. It covers the changing teaching profession, the
foundations of education and how to become an effective teacher.
• Touch the Future: Teach! by Carlos Diaz, Carol Pelletier and Eugene Provenzo, Jr.
In this book, students are asked to reflect on their own culture and how it has helped
them to develop their ideals of teaching. The authors ask students to reflect on their
own belief systems as they prepare to become future educators.
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References and Resources
> Websites:
• Philosophical Foundations of U.S. Education
Although this is a college text book, it is an excellent resource for students. It
includes an inventory and scoring guide for students to determine to which
philosophy of education they are most aligned.
• Socratic Questions
Socrates believed that the best educators asked questions, and lots of them. The
Socratic Questioning method is widely used throughout education. The site features
the six types of questions that Socrates asked his students.
• What is Your Philosophy of Education?
McGraw-Hill Publishers created an online inventory for students that will direct them
to one of five types of educational philosophies, Essentialism, Perennialism,
Progressivism, Social Reconstructivism or Existentialism, based on their responses.
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References and Resources
> YouTube™:
• Essentialism – Ed 312 Project
An informative video on the concept of essentialism in the classroom.
• Existentialism in Education
Philosophy video project on existentialism and its educational implications.
• Perennialism
This video describes the educational philosophy of perennialism.
• Progressivism in Education
Progressivism teaching philosophy in education.

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