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Peeyush Pahade
H. V. Desai College, Pune
President IQAC Cluster.
National Education Policy
• On 29 July 2020, the Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister
Narendra Modi approved the National Education Policy 2020.
• The policy targets making way for large scale, transformational
reforms in both school and higher education sectors.
• The policy aims to make “India a global knowledge superpower”.
• This policy will replace the National Policy on Education (NPE),1986.
• Prior to 1986, the first National Education Policy was released in 1968
on the basis of recommendations of Kothari Commission.
Features of NEP 2020 College Affiliation
to be phased out
in next fifteen
years with graded Academic
autonomy . Bank of
• National Higher Educational
Regulatory Council

Educational and

Education with • General Educational Council

multiple entries
for Standards

Vocational Education & exits.

• Higher Education Grants
Higher education & Gross Enrolment Ratio
by 2035
i.e 35


Transforming institution into interdisciplinary/ multidisciplinary
holistic learning centers
This is a sample text, Insert your desired text here this is a sample text.

Multiple programs. Multiple partners

01 Options to choose
03 and Associations

Arts/ commerce/ science/ Large sized institutions with multiple

education/ computer sciences/ partners courses from all over the
Step 01 Step 03
social work/etc. nation. Where the courses are
recognized due to tie-ups. .

Cluster International
02 formation 04 affiliations

Various institutions share students for Step 02 Step 04 Example Indian universities in tie-up
their courses and for giving degrees with foreign universities for blended

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• There will be Holistic Multidisciplinary Education with
flexible curricula, creative combinations of subjects,
integration of vocational education and multiple entry and
exit points with appropriate certification.
Multidisciplinary/ interdisciplinary areas for learning
This is a sample text, Insert your desired text here this is a sample text.

Getting Jobs due to multidisciplinary


Options to move to various fields

5 2 Graduation for sake of a degree

Promoting what you love to do

4 3
Monotony in thought would be lost

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Skill development
• Skills as an integral part of the
• Skilling, reskilling, upskilling, new
• Skills promotion: industry
interface, internships,
interactions, requirement based
courses, industry role in syllabi
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First Second Third
year Year Year
a rs fter
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Multidisciplinary Education and Research
Universities (MERUs)
• Meru’s will be at par with IITs, IIMs, to be set up as models of best
multidisciplinary education of global standards in the country.
• Holistic understanding: for e.g.: businesses in India also need to know
the geopolitical situation, economics, planning and environment too.
• Different Perspectives to be tried to help applied research
• Real world approach: to sort real life problems.
• Collaboration Skills: working in collaborations.

• About 35 MERU’s will be set up all over the nation.

Academic Bank of Credits
Academic Bank of Credits (ABC)

An bank of credits 1 5 The extra credits they

created by the Nation earn will remain
registered in the bank.
Universities, Colleges,
educational institutions 2 They can use these
will be account holders credits whenever they
want (Redeem)
Students will register Student can apply for
there as member the extra credits in new
accounts. 3 7 courses he does.

Students will earn credits

from they courses they do. 4 8 Theses credits can be
stored for a long time
These will be recorded in
(7 years)
the virtual bank,
Why will the student do

Graduation course will not

Graduation will be a 4 year
be B.A, B.Sc, B.Com. It
will be Bachelors only.

Besides core subjects the The student can exit at any

student can choose any time 1st , 2nd , 3rd year and
courses from any where. join any time

Hence every credit earned

From any institute, any
needs to be recorded and
online course, any open
every extra credit can be
university course.
Why does the Government
want this?
Student Centricity

Choices to choose what students like & what suits them.

Help students choose best departments / instituitions.

Help students to learn at their pace and their choice .

Multiple entry /exit : Degree/ Diploma/ PG Diploma/
certificate programs.
Distributed teaching and learning activities on campus.
Facilitate life long learning with formal &
informal modes.
What will the credit
bank do?

Credit Credit Credit Opening &

accumulation Transfers Redemption Closure &
Now our headache Questions?
Who can Avail ABC?:
students from HEI Can ABC deliver a degree or diploma?
NO it cannot.
Criterion for HEI to register?
NIRF/ A-grade by NBA or NAAC/ How much is one credit?
Universities/Times listed/ QS listed. 12 to 15 lectures of one hour each for that
What should these HEI do?
What is credit accumulation?
They should register for ABC with
It is transfer and consolidation of academic
“establishment & Operation of ABC in HEI
credits through courses.
From which year is it applicable? How will the student store his credits?
2021 – 2022 onwards He needs to have his account. The credits need
to be put inhis account by the institution,
Howmuch credits can one earn from present
How long will all institutions come under this?
Minimum 50%
Not declared currently
Possible use of this mechanism in the
Industry would like to know its
future employees and their Good institutions will try to
academics. promote best students through
this data.

Packages in the industry would be Tracking performing and non

decided with the skill sets as seen performing instituions will be
in the account. easier for accrediting agencies.

Bank data analysis will help instituions

like AISHE to understand the current Many more benefits would be
skills sets of youth force. seen in future.
Role of IQAC in Academic Bank
of Credits
Understanding Understanding NEP

Awareness about Promote creating online

ABC courses.

Keeping a track of
. Promote cocurriculars and
changes taking skill based activities
Higher Education Commission of India (HECL)
National Higher Education Regulatory Council
Regulation 01 (NHERC)
Four Independent pillars of Higher Education

Setting , General Education Council (GEC )


Funding 03 Higher Education Grants Council (HEGC)


Accreditation 04 National Accreditation Council( NAC)

National Research Foundation
Objectives of NRF:
• Seed funding for research proposals
• Funding and mentoring research in Universities and HEI.
• Fund infrastructure, laboratories and equipment needed for research.
• To coordinate research between, central, state, industry so that the
research breakthrough are possible.
• Promote women participation in research.
Affiliation status loss
• Affiliation of colleges is to be phased out in 15 years and a stage-wise
mechanism to be established for granting graded autonomy to
• Over a period of time, every college is expected to develop into either
an autonomous degree-granting College, or a constituent college of a
Teacher Education:
• A new and comprehensive National Curriculum Framework for
Teacher Education (NCFTE) 2021, will be formulated by the National
Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) in consultation with National
Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT).

• By 2030, the minimum degree qualification for teaching will be a 4-

year integrated B.Ed. degree.

• A common National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST) will

be developed by the National Council for Teacher Education by
2022, in consultation with NCERT, SCERTs, teachers and expert
organizations from across levels and regions.
Other Significant Reforms:
• An autonomous body, the National Educational Technology Forum (NETF),
will be created to provide a platform for the free exchange of ideas on the use of
technology to enhance learning, assessment, planning, and administration.
• NEP recommends setting up an Indian Institute of Translation and
Interpretation (IITI), National Institute (or Institutes) for Pali, Persian and Prakrit
to ensure the preservation, growth, and vibrancy of all Indian languages.
• Internationalization of education will be facilitated through institutional
collaborations, student and faculty mobility, and allowing entry of top world-
ranked Universities to open campuses in our country.
• Increase the public investment in Education sector to 6% of GDP. Currently,
India spends around 4.6 % of its total GDP on education.
I. Fundamental principles of NEP
• Recognising, identifying, and fostering the unique capabilities of each
student to promote his/ her holistic development.
• Flexibility, so that learners can select programs of their choice.
• Multidisciplinary holistic education across science, social science, and
humanities to choose their own talents.
• Emphasis on conceptual understanding, critical thinking, logical
decision-making, innovation, ethics, and human constitutional values
and life skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and
• Extensive technology use in teaching and learning, removal of
language barriers.
II. Fundamental principles of NEP

• Respect for diversity and respect for the local context.

• Equity and inclusion as a cornerstone of all educational decisions.
• Rootedness and pride for India, and its rich diversity, ancient and
modern culture, languages, knowledge systems and traditions.
II. Transformative Initiatives in Education
• Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Education to develop intellectual,
aesthetic, social, Physical, emotional, ethical, and moral capacities.
• Adoption of a flexible curriculum with creative combinations in
addition to rigorous specialization in subject/ subjects.
• Semester-based UG programs with a 1-year certificate, 2-year UG
Diploma, 3- year Degree & 4-year rigorous research-based
multidisciplinary program with duration, with multiple entries and
exits. and re-entry with appropriate certifications.
II. Transformative Initiatives in Education
• Inclusion of credit-based courses and projects in the areas of
community engagement & service, environmental education, and
value-based education.
• Student internships with industry, businesses, artists, crafts, and
research for understanding the practical side.
• Reorienting teaching programs across disciplines including science,
social science, languages, literature, music, philosophy, sports, etc.
III. Curriculum Framework
• Main features of NEP 2020:
• To move from one discipline to another.
• Choice of courses (CBCS)
• Multiple entry & exits.
• From one institution to another
• Switching from offline to online and even hybrid modes.
• ABC for supporting the framework.
Some definitions:
Terminology Particulars Details
Semester 90 working days Academic year in 2 semesters
Summer term 8 weeks of summer For students who wish to exit after 2/ 4 semesters.
vacation for internships. Regular courses are to be fast-tracked so that students earn
extra credits.
HEI needs to arrange the necessary teachers for those credits.
Major The subject with the main Students must earn 50% of the total credits in the major courses
Discipline focus in which degree will in the discipline. (Depending on the duration of the program)
be awarded.
Minor Subjects other than the Earning up to 12 credits from a bunch of courses within a specific
Discipline majors. subject. For e.g. Major is zoology and a minor discipline is
Awarding Certificate details
UG Program Duration Credits Additional details Re-entry
to earn
UG Duration 40 I vocational course of 4 credits Can re-enter degree program within
Certificate one year (2 during the summer vacation three years and complete the degree
semesters) program in maximum of seven years.
UG Diploma 2 years (4 80 I vocational course of 4 credits Can re-enter degree program within
semesters) during the summer vacation of three years and complete the degree
second year. program in a maximum of seven
Awarding Certificate details
UG Program Duration Credits to Additional details
3 year UG 3 years ( 6 120 Major – 60 credits
Degree semesters) Minor 24 credits
Multidisciplinary 09 credits
Ability enhancement courses -08
Skill enhancement – 09
Value added ( for all) – 06 to 08)
Summer internship – (02 to 04)

4 year UG 8 semesters 160 Major – 80 credits

Degree Minor 32 credits
Multidisciplinary 09 credits
Ability enhancement courses -08
Skill enhancement – 09
Value added ( for all) – 06 to 08)
Summer internship – (02 to 04)
Research Project / Dissertation: 12
Major Multi- Value added
Courses. Disciplinary courses

60/80 9 credits 6 /8 Credits

Credits Research

12 credits.

Courses Ability Summer
Enhancement Internship
24/32 Courses
credits 08 Credits 2 to 4 credits
Awarding Certificate details
UG Program Duration Credits to earn Additional details
UG with single 3/4 years 120 credits 60 & 48 credits for a
Major double major in the same
subject, the minor of 24
will not be valid here. The
student may have to earn
extra credits.
UG with Double 3 / 4 years 160 credits 80 & 64 credits in the
Major same subject
Interdisciplinary UG 3/ 4 years 120/160 credits Credits will equally get Equal
programs distributed. For e.g. weightage for
economics + statistics = each
degree in econometrics. discipline.
Multidisciplinary 3/ 4 years 120/160 credits E.g. life sciences, physical Minimum 15
programs and chemical weeks for each
sciences,etc. discipline.
Types of Courses
• Lecture courses:
• Tutorial courses
• Laboratory work
• Seminar
• Internships
• Studio activities
• Field projects/ Practice
• Community engagement and service
Implementation of NEP from 2023-2024
1. Academic Bank of Credits account has been opened for the
students. These will operate through the Digi locker app.
2. The four-year undergraduate program with multiple entries &
multiple exits begins from 2023 – 2024.with CBCS
3. Curriculum and Credit framework for undergraduate Programs
(CCFUP) with CBCS in process of getting implemented from 2023 –
Teacher & NEP
• Government Jobs/ Well paid jobs.?
• Time table
• Fluctuating Workloads
• Subject connect of students and teacher.
• Changed fee structure and fee-centric teaching.
• Multiple college teaching.
• Alternative technologies (videos/ Audio/ etc) and teaching.
• Classroom attendance.
• Industry-connected learning
Thank you

Do You Know
Who are we as “IQAC Cluster”?
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Registered Trust Teachers as IQAC

working for HEI Coordinators
MAH/236/2021Pune Who train the organizations
effectively to understand
accreditation and Quality in HEI

Organization with Technologically

Excellent rural – urban sound and able to
– national PAN India cater physically and
connect with 2000 plus virtually anywhere
institutions. anytime in India.

Excellently connected with colleges,
P O W E R P O I N T T E M P L AT E |
Universities, UGC, HRDC,
Email : [email protected] |
RUSA, state governments in India.
Web : 41
What do we do as IQAC Cluster?
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Work by IQAC Cluster

Online meetings Student courses Teacher Trainings Audits Visits

Query solving Naac related NAAC/ AQAR AAA Mock NAAC

Multi purpose Energy AQAR Analysis

LMS supported courses

Special purpose
Website related
Gap finding

Live Workshops


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