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Meditation is an intensely personal and spiritual experience. The desired purpose of each meditation technique is to channel normal waking consciousness into a more positive direction by totally transforming one`s state of mind. To meditate is to turn inwards, to concentrate on the inner self.

The chakras are energy centers in the body that take in energy and distribute it to the physical body. They also serve as organs of psychic perception, and as recording discs of information from our lives. There are many chakras in the body, but Energetic Empowerment works primarily with the main seven.  These seven chakras, according to Dr. Anodea Judith in her brilliant book, Eastern Body, Western Mind, have psychological rights connected with them. If you are not experiencing all the rights associated with a particular chakra, it may be that the chakra is deficient, excessive, or both.  Generally, the chakra adjustments that helped us survive as a child are the opposite of what we need as adults. Energetic Empowerment helps you consciously update your energy system so you have the support you need to do what you came to do

The Empirical Data

Church/service attendance promotes longer life Religion or spiritual protects against cardiovascular disease Being prayed for improves physical recovery from acute illness Religion/spirituality protects against cancer mortality Religion/spirituality improves recovery from acute illness Religion/spirituality protects against disability Religion/spirituality slows the progression of cancer

Strength of Data
Persuasive Moderate Moderate Inadequate Very weak Very weak Very weak

Yoga, the Sanskrit word for "union", is a practice that uses posture and breathing techniques to induce relaxation and improve strength, and its health benefits may surpass those of any other activity.

Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs

Chanting Mantras
Mantra is a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation, originated from Vedic age. It is an entire branch of Yoga dedicated to the purification and care of the body with the purpose of deepening the connection with the Divine. This form of yoga brings great benefits to the individual, especially reducing stress and improving personal effectiveness. Yoga recognizes that the physical vehicle, the body, is a rare opportunity, and our only chance for spiritual development. Health problems are an impediment to meditation. Prana is the Sanskrit word for "breath," the "life force," the vital energy that supports the entire natural process of the universe, and chanting or mantra japa in Vedic tradition, was practiced primarily to elevate it.

BENEFITS OF CHANTING MANTRAS Changes brain activity  Improves immune response  Lowers heart rate and blood pressure  Reduces the bodys stress response Robert Gass, author of Chanting: Discovering Spirit in Sound, points to five key elements of chanting that make it such a powerful and universally appealing practice. The first two, he says, are characteristic of all types of music. Association (or triggering), in which one's experiential memories, built up over time, invest a piece of music with ever-deeper levels of meaning. Entrainment, in which the body-mind is induced to align (or vibrate) with a melody or rhythm to which it is exposed. The other three elements, according to Gass, are especially characteristic of chant: Breath, i.e., the salutary effect on the chanter's respiration as it slows from the normal 12 to 15 breaths per minute to between five and eight breaths per minute (which is "considered optimal for mind-body health,). Sonic effects, namely the pleasurable sensations and healing effects of extended vowel sounds typical of sacred chants. Intent, which reflects "our desire to be close to God."

Benefits of chanting according to psychology

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