7 November 2022

Version 8.03


  • Changed the Map Editor to handle Clipboard API-related issues with Google Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers
  • Changed the Map Editor scripts again to add an alert message and try to close window/tab in Chrome
  • Changed character handling in names and places to convert HTML character escapes to their Unicode equivalents; see the Database Section help page for more details
12 September 2022

Version 8.02


  • Changed the user interface for editing Map User Items in response to a change by Google Maps

    Prior to this release, Second Site automatically saved changes to the map when using the Map Editor. There is now an extra step, and if you do not perform this step, your changes will be lost. If you use the Map User Item, be sure to read the updated help page entry linked above.

  • Removed links for Themes where the domain is no longer owned by the original Theme designer


19 March 2020

Version 8.01


  • Improved the layout of the Interactive Pedigree chart to reduce the horizontal width

    This enhancement affects the Pedigree Link User Item and Pedigree Link Person Entry Item.

  • Improved the error handling for the Publish to Family History Hosting command to allow Second Site to recover from more network errors
  • Replaced the "Standard Centered" Menu script with a new version that uses a better method to center menu items

    The new script uses CSS display:flex and handles multiple rows of centered menu items. If you prefer the old behavior, you can switch from "Standard Centered" to "Standard Centered (SS7)".


  • Changed role name handling to always use the String values for the principal and witness roles

    Prior to this release, Second Site used the TMG role name for principal and witness for TMG v8+ projects, but used the String values for TMG v7 and prior projects. (See Tag Strings)


  • Fixed a bug where the Interactive Pedigree page always used the extension ".htm" rather than the user's preferred HTML file extension as customized in 2ndsite.ini
  • Fixed a bug where the Interactive Pedigree chart would not work properly unless the Include Parents property in the Search User Item was checked

    The Interactive Pedigree and Search Form share the same data file. The Interactive Pedigree relies on parent information to created the chart, and if that data is not present, the chart logic fails. As of this version, when the Interactive Pedigree is part of a site, the Search Form's Include Parents property is forced to checked.

23 January 2020

Version 8.00




  • Modified the styles for "surname index with counts" to match "surname index without counts"
2 September 2019

Version 7.05


  • Fixed a bug where using the Family History Hosting > Publish command in v7.04 caused Second Site to crash
30 August 2019

Version 7.04



  • Added the number of children to the memo of the dummy event used with Family Section heading sentences
  • Changed the veröffentlichen command to detect subfolders with many text files and optimize the upload process for those folders

    This change will affect a small number of users: only FHH customers with sites that have a subfolder with many text (including HTML) files in them.


  • Fixed a bug where the URL detection logic did not detect a URL if the protocol (http: or https:) was not lowercase
  • Fixed a bug where Second Site sometimes added a comma after a single-part place value when formatting a sentence template
  • Fixed a bug where Second Site sometimes placed citation references inside the parentheses of a lifespan value
23 January 2019

Version 7.03


  • Changed the Person Detail Filters: if a person has limited details, and Show Name when Child is unchecked, the parent section will not appear in the person entry
  • Modified the Map Editor to avoid warnings from the Google Maps service
  • Added DOCX and RTF as document filetypes
11 June 2018

Version 7.02


  • Fixed a bug where Family Section entries were not sorted properly
8 June 2018

Version 7.01


  • Changed the Three Column and Two Column Formats so that person exhibits always float left even if the images have differing heights
  • Changed Family Section sorting to respect this hierarchy:
    1. Family Section Note sort date for the couple, if any
    2. Marriage sort date for the couple, if any
    3. Earliest primary birth sort date for children of the couple, if any

    With this arrangement, the Family Section Note will participate in the sequence determination which is not true in SS 7.00, and will be the highest-priority date for a couple. For couples without a Family Section Note, the marriage sort date is now the most important date. That is a change from SS 6 and prior versions where the eldest child's primary birth sort date was given precedence over marriage dates.


  • Fixed a bug where the Calendar User Item did not work properly when used locally under some browser types
  • Fixed an installer bug where the lightly-used HtmlZap component was not registered properly
28 May 2018

Version 7.00


  • Updated the Three Column and Two Column Formats to adjust the structure of person image exhibits, which are now shown left-to-right rather than vertically

    If you prefer the old version, change your Format to Three Column Classic or Two Column Classic.


  • Updated all Second Site browser scripts to eliminate the use of HTTP cookies

    HTTP cookies can be used to store personally-identifiable information. Second Site was not using them for that purpose, but someone visiting or assessing the site might assume otherwise. In prior versions, Second Site preferred the use of Web storage over cookies, and only used cookies when Web storage was not available. As of this version, Second Site will only use Web storage. There will be no drop in functionality because Web storage is supported by all current browsers.

    This change affects the Calendar and Search features.

  • Changed Family Section Note processing

    A primary Family Section Note event will always appear, even if the person's partner is not eligible to be shown on the site. If the partner's name cannot be shown, Second Site will omit the partner from the tag before constructing the output. A conditional reference to the other principal will yield no output. An unconditional reference to the other principal will yield "an unknown person".

  • Changed the Language.HTML Character Set default from "windows-1252" to "utf-8"; this change only affects new SDF files
  • When using the One Person Script, the proper person will now be selected when using the back button to return to a previous person after clicking a citation reference link followed by clicking a source link
14 March 2018

Version 6.06


  • Fixed a bug where the Family Explorer button text did not appear reliably
12 March 2018

Version 6.05



  • Replaced the old installer with a new installer that is based on more modern technology
  • Changed the Publish command: Second Site now creates the ZIP archive files before connecting to the FTP server
23 February 2018

Version 6.04



  • Fixed a bug where Index Membership entries were generated for disabled Custom Index items
6 November 2017

Version 6.3 Build 0



  • Fixed a bug where some single-excluded Name tags did not appear in the name index
26 May 2017

Version 6.2 Build 11


  • Updated a third-party DLL, ChilkatAx-9.5.0-win32.dll, to avoid a crash where other applications installed the updated version; the updated versions are not compatible with older versions, a mistake on the part of Chilkat
  • Modified the handling of split citation detail fields ([CD2], [CD3], etc.) to be more compatible with TMG v9.05: Second Site now supports the single- or double-exclusion characters at the beginning of any split field, not just the first
  • Modified the Welcome Header Script to scale the welcome image in small windows


  • Fixed a bug where name tags were not excluded from a name index even if the sentence structure for the name tag was doubly-excluded
6 March 2017

Version 6.2 Build 9


  • Changed the output routine for the Block Panel Tag Group to remove a trailing comma or semicolon if the Block Panel does not include the output of the Tag Sentence


  • Upgraded "TinyMCE" to avoid several issues that appear related to changes in Internet Explorer 11; TinyMCE is the third-party component used by Second Site's HTML Editor feature
30 October 2016

Version 6.2 Build 6


  • Fixed an error where Second Site v6.2.5 was omitting the Google Api Key from the script tag on pages with Google Maps
29 October 2016

Version 6.2 Build 5


  • Updated the URL detection filter for links in Source elements to allow exclamation points in URLs
  • Updated the Bing Maps support from Bing Maps v7 to Bing Maps v8 (Microsoft will discontinue Bing Maps v7 on 30 June 2017)


  • Fixed errors with the SS Map Editor
20 June 2016

Version 6.2


  • Changed the output of the [Y] variable to omit modifier words "before", "after", etc., so that the output matches TMG
  • Adjusted the registration form to appear in the Windows taskbar to ease switching back to the window when copying/pasting registration data
  • Improved error messages for the Edit Map User Item window


  • Fixed incorrect output in the Parent Section when a relationship tag had a parent ID of zero (not specified)
  • Fixed a bug where Second Site was not always processing [HID:]/[:HID] codes properly in place parts
  • Fixed a bug where Second Site was not excluding witness sentences properly when passing events to construct the master place index
  • Added a space after the ";" separator used when Pages.Body Tags.Detail Format is set to Raw Data
26 February 2016

Version 6.1 Build 2


  • Fixed a bug where Second Site was mishandling exclusion markers in the LatLong field of place records
  • Fixed a script error that occurred when Site.HTML Format was set to XHTML and Default Layouts.Frames was set to Side by Side
20 February 2016

Version 6.1 Build 1


18 February 2016

Version 6.1


  • Added image scaling for selected images; see Scaled Images in Second Site News #070 for details
  • Improved the behavior of multi-column Layouts on narrow viewports; see Multi-Column Layouts in Second Site News #070 for details


  • Changed custom indexes to use HTML more similar to the name index to allow User Styles to apply to either type of index
  • Added new "Static" Layouts and the Head Script "Standard Static"; see Static Layout and Script in Second Site News #070 for an explanation of their use
  • Changed the default value of the index-frame-width property in the Stylesheets.System.Layout.Layout Widths section from 200 pixels to 300 pixels; for framed sites, this makes the left-hand-frame wider
  • Changed the Mark of the Web text from "saved from url=(0014)about:internet" to "saved from url=(0016)http://localhost"; the latter works better for MS Edge users


  • Fixed a bug where country names were not being included in mapping service links
8 February 2016

Version 6.0


  • Updated multiple facilities in Second Site to produce mobile-friendly pages. Please see Second Site News #069 for details
  • Added Mapping Service Link properties to the Places Section to provide links mapping services for places shown on Person Page entries
    • Added Mapping Service Links and Mapping Services segments to the Places section
    • Added the Use Icon for Links property to the Place Index
    • Modified the list of mapping services (dropped Yahoo, added MapQuest, OpenStreetMap, and
    • Added filters that reduce the number of places that will have mapping service links in order to avoid places that are impractical to geocode
    • Added the SS-L-Links variable, a Second Site-only variable that returns place links; use it within HID codes when the sentence does not include the TMG [L] variable, for example, <[HID:][SS-L-LINKS][:HID]>
    • Added the No-Place-Map-Link and Place-Map-Link codes, special codes you may add to any place part, or to the place comment, to influence whether or not Second Site will add mapping service links for a particular TMG place record
    • Added the Geo-Place code, an optional way to specify the text to be geocoded when creating mapping service links
  • Added the "Embed" choice for all Video and Audio exhibits in the Exhibits section so those exhibits can be played directly from the browser, including support for multiple formats of audio and video files
  • Added the "Memo or Witness Memo" choice to the Column Data choices in Tag Groups


  • Updated mapping service links for Bing Maps and Google Maps
  • Adjusted the sentence formatting code that detects periods at the end of sentences to avoid adding a period when the output ends with a period followed by a right parenthesis: .)
  • Updated the web fonts library; now includes 708 fonts
  • Changed Map User Item JavaScript links to use HTTPS
  • Removed support for Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 8; those browsers are no longer supported by Microsoft and currently represent a only tiny fraction of web usage


  • Fixed a bug where Danish and Dutch sites were not using the correct culture code for Map User Items
  • Fixed a bug where some accented characters were not encoded properly when included in URLs, such as mapping service links
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