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Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Candle Blessing
E- E-/D E-/C
Baruch atah Adonai
E-/B A- B E- E-/D
Eloheynu melech ha’olam
A- B F#* E-/G
Asher kidshanu b’mitzvatov
C9 D B- C9
V’tzivanu, v’tzivanu
A- B E- E-/D E-/C B
L’hadlik ner shel Shabbat.
E- E-/D E-/C E-/B
Blessed is the Lord our God
A- B E- E-/D
He is the King of the Universe
A- B F#* E-/G
Asher kidshanu b’mitzvatov
C9 D B- C
He commands us, he commands us
A- B E- E-/D E-/C B E-
To kindle lights of Shabbat.
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
L’cha Dodi
F- F-/Eb F-/Db C
L’cha dodi likrat kahlah
F- F-/Eb F-/Db C
P’nei Shabbat n’kabalah
Bb- Eb C/E F-
L’cha dodi likrat kahlah
Db Bb- Csus C
P’nei Shabbat n’kabalah
Beloved come there’s a bride to meet
Beloved come there’s a Sabbath to greet
Enter in peace the arms of your loved one
Enter in gladness, enter in joy.
L’cha dodi likrat kahlah
L’cha dodi likrat kahlah
Oh bride.
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
•  Barchu'
•  F)'
•  Barchu'et'adonai'hamvorach'
•  Db'
•  Barchu'et'adonai'hamvorach'
•  Bb)'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Csus'''''C'
•  Baruch'adonai'hamvorach'l’olam'vaed.'
•  F)'
•  Praise'be'the'Lord'to'whom'our'praise'is'due.'
•  Db'
•  Praise'be'the'Lord'to'whom'our'praise'is'due.'
•  Bb)'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Csus''''''''''''''C'
•  To'whom'our'praise'is'due'now'and'forever.'
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
•  Shema'
•  C)7 ' 'F)7'''''Bb7'''''''''Eb'
•  Shema'yisrael'adonai'eloheynu'
•  '''''''
•  '''''''Ab''''''G''''''''''''F''''''''C)7'
•  Adonai'echad.'Adonai'echad'
•  Baruch'shem'K’vod'mal’chuto'
•  L’olam'vaed.''L’olam'vaed.'
•  F)7'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''C)7'
•  The'Lord'is'our'God'and'the'Lord'is'One'
•  '''''''''''''''''''F)7'
•  And'God’s'name'will'reign''
•  ''''''''''''C)7'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''F)7'Bb7''''Gsus'G'
•  For'as'long'as'there’s'a'sun'in'the'sky,'Adonai.'
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
•  F#)'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''C#'
•  V’ahavta'et'adonai'eloheycha'
•  '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''D'
•  B’chol'livavcha'oov’chol'novshicha'
•  ''''''''''''''''''''''C#sus'C#'
•  Oovchol'miodecha.'
•  ''''''''''''''''''F#)''''''''''''''''''''''''C#'
•  You'shall'love'the'Lord'with'all'your'mind'
•  '''''''''''D'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''C#sus''C#'
•  With'all'your'strength'and'all'your'being.'
•  F#)''''''''''''''''''''''C#'
•  Set'these'words'upon'your'heart.'
•  '''''''''''''''''''''''D'''''''''''''''''''''''''''C#sus'''C#'
•  Teach'them'faithfully'to'your'children.'
•  A'
•  Speak'of'them'in'your'home.'
•  E'
•  Speak'of'them'on'your'way.'
•  D'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''C#sus'''''C#'
•  When'you’re'lying'down'and'when'you'rise'up.'
•  F#)'''''''''''''''''''''''''''C#'
•  L’man'Nzkeru'va’asitem'
•  ''''''D'''''''''''''''''''''''''''C#sus''C#'
•  Et'chol'et'chol'mitzotai'
•  F#)'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''C#'
•  V’heey’tan'k’doshim'laylo'haychem'
•  ''''D''''''''''''''''''C#sus''C#''''''F#)'
•  Ani'adonai'eloheychem.'Amen'
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
•  A)''''''''''''''''G'''''''''''''''''''F'
•  Mi'chamocha'ba)elim'Adonai'
•  A)''''''''''''''''G'''''''''''''''''F'
•  Mi'chamocha'neador'bakodesh'
•  D)'''''''''E''''''''A)'E)/G'F'
•  Nora't’hilot'oseh'feleh.'
•  D)'''''''''E'''''''''A)'
•  Nora't’hilot'oseh'feleh.'
•  C''''''''''''''''''''''G'''''''A)'
•  Who'is'like'you'Master'of'Wonders'
•  ''''''G''''''A)''''''''''''E'
•  You'give'us'the'power'to'save'our'souls'
•  C'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''G'''''''''''''''''A)'''''''
•  You'brought'us'from'darkness'to'light'
•  '''''''''''G'''''''''''''''''A)''''''''''''''E'
•  We'strive'to'be'righteous'in'your'sight.'
•  A)''''''''''G''''''''''''''''F'
•  Adonai'yimloch'l’olam'vaed.'
•  A)''''''''''G''''''''''''''''F'
•  Adonai'yimloch'l’olam'vaed.'
•  D)'''''''''''''''''E'''''''''A)'E)/G'F'
•  Adonai'yimloch'l’olam'vaed'
•  ''''''''D)'''''''''E''''''''''A)'
•  Adonai'yimloch'l’olam'vaed.'
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
•  D)''''''''''G)/D''''''''A)'
•  Adonai's’fatai'NSach'
•  '''G)7'''A)''''''''''Bb'''G)'
•  Ufi'yagid't’hilatecha'
•  D)'''''''''''''''''''G/D'''''''''G)/D'
•  Eternal'God,'Open'my'lips'
•  '''''
•  '''''''''''''''D)7''''''''''''''''''A)/C'''''''''D)'
•  That'my'mouth'may'declare'your'glory.'
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
•  F''''''''''''C/A'''''''''D)'
•  Help'us'see'your'beauty'
•  '''''''F'''''''''''C/A''''''''D)'
•  It’s'just'beyond'our'eyes.'
•  ''''''''''''''Bb'
•  Help'us'see'your'miracles'
•  Csus''''''''''''C'
•  Help'us'realize'that'
•  F''C/E'''''D)''''''''''''''''''''''''''Bb''''''''''''''''''''''Csus'C'
•  You'are'holy,'your'name'is'holy'and'we'proclaim'that'
•  F'''C/E''''D)''''''''''''''''''''''''''Bb''''Csus'C'F''C/A''''D)'
•  You'are'holy,'your'name'is'holy'Atah'Kadosh'
•  ''''F''''''''C/A'''''''''''''D)'
•  Atah'kadosh'v’shimcha'kadosh'
•  ''''''''''''''''''F''''''''''C/A'''D)'
•  Ooh'k’dushim'b’chol'yom''
•  ''''''''Bb''''''''''Csus''''C'
•  Y’hallelucha'selah.'
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
A-9 A-9/G F9 G G#*
Those who keep the Sabbath and call it a delight
A-9 A-9/G F9 G A7
Will be blessed with gladness by creation’s joyful light
D-/F G C/E A-7 D-7 G7 C C#*
Yismechu v’mal’chuticha shomrey Shabbat v’korey oneg
D-/F G C/E A-7 D-7 G7 C E
Yismechu v’mal’chuticha shomrey Shabbat v’korey oneg
This day’s a celebration and a day to rest the soul
The seventh day is blessed by the One who makes us whole
Yismechu v’mal’chuticha shomrey Shabbat v’korey oneg
Yismechu v’mal’chuticha shomrey Shabbat v’korey oneg
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Shalom Rav
E E/G# A B E E/G# A B
Shalom rav al yisrael amcha ta sim l’olam
E E/G# A B E E/G# A B
Shalom rav al yisrael amcha ta sim l’olam
A E A Bsus B
Kiatachu melech adon l’chol ha shalom
E E/G# A B E Bsus B
Oh Lord of peace, bless us with peace. Shalom rav.
Let there come a day when everybody loves each other with a perfect heart.
Let there come a day when we no longer know conflict that tears us apart.
May peace profound and true, heal our pain and lead us straight to you.
Oh Lord of peace, bless us with peace. Shalom rav.
Shalom rav al yisrael amcha ta sim l’olam
Shalom rav al yisrael amcha ta sim l’olam
May peace profound and true, heal our pain and lead us straight to you
Oh Lord of peace, bless us with peace. Shalom rav.
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
•  A)'''''''''''''''''''''D)'
•  May'the'words'of'my'mouth'
•  ''''''''''''''''A)'''''''''''''''E7''''''
•  And'the'meditaNons'of'my'heart'
•  ''''''''''A)''''''''''''''D)'
•  Be'acceptable'to'you'Oh'Lord'
•  ''''''''A)'''''''''''''''''''''D)''E7''A)'
•  My'rock'and'my'redeemer'
•  A)''''''''''D)'
•  Y’hiyu'l’ratzon'
•  ''''''''''A)''''''''''''''''''E7'
•  Im'reifi'v’hegyon'l’bi'l’fanecha'
•  ''A)'''''''''D)'''''''A)'''''D)'E7'A)'
•  Adonai'tsuri'v’go'ali'Amen'
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service
Baruch atah Adonai eloheinu melech ha’olam
Borei p’ri hagafen.
Baruch atah Adonai eloheinu melech ha’olam
Asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’ratza vanu
V’shabbat kodsho b’ahavah uv’ratzon hinchilanu
Zikaron l’maasei v’reisheet;
Ki hu yom t’chilah l’mikraeikodesh zeicher litziat mitzrayim
Kivanu vacharta v’otanu kidashta
Mikol ha’amim, v’shabbat kodshecha b’ahavah uv’ratzon
Hinchaltanu. Baruch atah Adonai m’kadeish ha Shabbat. Amein.

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Rabbi Nancy Erev Shabbat Service

  • 4. Candle Blessing E- E-/D E-/C Baruch atah Adonai E-/B A- B E- E-/D Eloheynu melech ha’olam A- B F#* E-/G Asher kidshanu b’mitzvatov C9 D B- C9 V’tzivanu, v’tzivanu A- B E- E-/D E-/C B L’hadlik ner shel Shabbat. E- E-/D E-/C E-/B Blessed is the Lord our God A- B E- E-/D He is the King of the Universe A- B F#* E-/G Asher kidshanu b’mitzvatov C9 D B- C He commands us, he commands us A- B E- E-/D E-/C B E- To kindle lights of Shabbat.
  • 7. L’cha Dodi F- F-/Eb F-/Db C L’cha dodi likrat kahlah F- F-/Eb F-/Db C P’nei Shabbat n’kabalah Bb- Eb C/E F- L’cha dodi likrat kahlah Db Bb- Csus C P’nei Shabbat n’kabalah Beloved come there’s a bride to meet Beloved come there’s a Sabbath to greet Enter in peace the arms of your loved one Enter in gladness, enter in joy. L’cha dodi likrat kahlah L’cha dodi likrat kahlah Oh bride.
  • 9. Barchu' ' •  Barchu' •  F)' •  Barchu'et'adonai'hamvorach' •  Db' •  Barchu'et'adonai'hamvorach' •  Bb)'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Csus'''''C' •  Baruch'adonai'hamvorach'l’olam'vaed.' •  F)' •  Praise'be'the'Lord'to'whom'our'praise'is'due.' •  Db' •  Praise'be'the'Lord'to'whom'our'praise'is'due.' •  Bb)'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Csus''''''''''''''C' •  To'whom'our'praise'is'due'now'and'forever.'
  • 13. Shema' ' •  Shema' •  C)7 ' 'F)7'''''Bb7'''''''''Eb' •  Shema'yisrael'adonai'eloheynu' •  ''''''' •  '''''''Ab''''''G''''''''''''F''''''''C)7' •  Adonai'echad.'Adonai'echad' •  Baruch'shem'K’vod'mal’chuto' •  L’olam'vaed.''L’olam'vaed.' •  F)7'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''C)7' •  The'Lord'is'our'God'and'the'Lord'is'One' •  '''''''''''''''''''F)7' •  And'God’s'name'will'reign'' •  ''''''''''''C)7'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''F)7'Bb7''''Gsus'G' •  For'as'long'as'there’s'a'sun'in'the'sky,'Adonai.'
  • 15. V’ahavta' ' •  F#)'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''C#' •  V’ahavta'et'adonai'eloheycha' •  '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''D' •  B’chol'livavcha'oov’chol'novshicha' •  ''''''''''''''''''''''C#sus'C#' •  Oovchol'miodecha.' •  ''''''''''''''''''F#)''''''''''''''''''''''''C#' •  You'shall'love'the'Lord'with'all'your'mind' •  '''''''''''D'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''C#sus''C#' •  With'all'your'strength'and'all'your'being.' •  F#)''''''''''''''''''''''C#' •  Set'these'words'upon'your'heart.' •  '''''''''''''''''''''''D'''''''''''''''''''''''''''C#sus'''C#' •  Teach'them'faithfully'to'your'children.' •  A' •  Speak'of'them'in'your'home.' •  E' •  Speak'of'them'on'your'way.' •  D'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''C#sus'''''C#' •  When'you’re'lying'down'and'when'you'rise'up.' •  F#)'''''''''''''''''''''''''''C#' •  L’man'Nzkeru'va’asitem' •  ''''''D'''''''''''''''''''''''''''C#sus''C#' •  Et'chol'et'chol'mitzotai' •  F#)'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''C#' •  V’heey’tan'k’doshim'laylo'haychem' •  ''''D''''''''''''''''''C#sus''C#''''''F#)' •  Ani'adonai'eloheychem.'Amen'
  • 17. Mi'Chamocha' ' •  A)''''''''''''''''G'''''''''''''''''''F' •  Mi'chamocha'ba)elim'Adonai' •  A)''''''''''''''''G'''''''''''''''''F' •  Mi'chamocha'neador'bakodesh' •  D)'''''''''E''''''''A)'E)/G'F' •  Nora't’hilot'oseh'feleh.' •  D)'''''''''E'''''''''A)' •  Nora't’hilot'oseh'feleh.' •  C''''''''''''''''''''''G'''''''A)' •  Who'is'like'you'Master'of'Wonders' •  ''''''G''''''A)''''''''''''E' •  You'give'us'the'power'to'save'our'souls' •  C'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''G'''''''''''''''''A)''''''' •  You'brought'us'from'darkness'to'light' •  '''''''''''G'''''''''''''''''A)''''''''''''''E' •  We'strive'to'be'righteous'in'your'sight.' •  A)''''''''''G''''''''''''''''F' •  Adonai'yimloch'l’olam'vaed.' •  A)''''''''''G''''''''''''''''F' •  Adonai'yimloch'l’olam'vaed.' •  D)'''''''''''''''''E'''''''''A)'E)/G'F' •  Adonai'yimloch'l’olam'vaed' •  ''''''''D)'''''''''E''''''''''A)' •  Adonai'yimloch'l’olam'vaed.'
  • 21. Adonai'S’fatai' ' •  D)''''''''''G)/D''''''''A)' •  Adonai's’fatai'NSach' •  '''G)7'''A)''''''''''Bb'''G)' •  Ufi'yagid't’hilatecha' •  D)'''''''''''''''''''G/D'''''''''G)/D' •  Eternal'God,'Open'my'lips' •  ''''' •  '''''''''''''''D)7''''''''''''''''''A)/C'''''''''D)' •  That'my'mouth'may'declare'your'glory.'
  • 23. Atah'Kadosh' ' •  F''''''''''''C/A'''''''''D)' •  Help'us'see'your'beauty' •  '''''''F'''''''''''C/A''''''''D)' •  It’s'just'beyond'our'eyes.' •  ''''''''''''''Bb' •  Help'us'see'your'miracles' •  Csus''''''''''''C' •  Help'us'realize'that' •  F''C/E'''''D)''''''''''''''''''''''''''Bb''''''''''''''''''''''Csus'C' •  You'are'holy,'your'name'is'holy'and'we'proclaim'that' •  F'''C/E''''D)''''''''''''''''''''''''''Bb''''Csus'C'F''C/A''''D)' •  You'are'holy,'your'name'is'holy'Atah'Kadosh' •  ''''F''''''''C/A'''''''''''''D)' •  Atah'kadosh'v’shimcha'kadosh' •  ''''''''''''''''''F''''''''''C/A'''D)' •  Ooh'k’dushim'b’chol'yom'' •  ''''''''Bb''''''''''Csus''''C' •  Y’hallelucha'selah.'
  • 25. Yismechu A-9 A-9/G F9 G G#* Those who keep the Sabbath and call it a delight A-9 A-9/G F9 G A7 Will be blessed with gladness by creation’s joyful light D-/F G C/E A-7 D-7 G7 C C#* Yismechu v’mal’chuticha shomrey Shabbat v’korey oneg D-/F G C/E A-7 D-7 G7 C E Yismechu v’mal’chuticha shomrey Shabbat v’korey oneg This day’s a celebration and a day to rest the soul The seventh day is blessed by the One who makes us whole Yismechu v’mal’chuticha shomrey Shabbat v’korey oneg Yismechu v’mal’chuticha shomrey Shabbat v’korey oneg
  • 30. Shalom Rav E E/G# A B E E/G# A B Shalom rav al yisrael amcha ta sim l’olam E E/G# A B E E/G# A B Shalom rav al yisrael amcha ta sim l’olam A E A Bsus B Kiatachu melech adon l’chol ha shalom E E/G# A B E Bsus B Oh Lord of peace, bless us with peace. Shalom rav. Let there come a day when everybody loves each other with a perfect heart. Let there come a day when we no longer know conflict that tears us apart. May peace profound and true, heal our pain and lead us straight to you. Oh Lord of peace, bless us with peace. Shalom rav. Shalom rav al yisrael amcha ta sim l’olam Shalom rav al yisrael amcha ta sim l’olam May peace profound and true, heal our pain and lead us straight to you Oh Lord of peace, bless us with peace. Shalom rav.
  • 32. May'The'Words' •  A)'''''''''''''''''''''D)' •  May'the'words'of'my'mouth' •  ''''''''''''''''A)'''''''''''''''E7'''''' •  And'the'meditaNons'of'my'heart' •  ''''''''''A)''''''''''''''D)' •  Be'acceptable'to'you'Oh'Lord' •  ''''''''A)'''''''''''''''''''''D)''E7''A)' •  My'rock'and'my'redeemer' •  A)''''''''''D)' •  Y’hiyu'l’ratzon' •  ''''''''''A)''''''''''''''''''E7' •  Im'reifi'v’hegyon'l’bi'l’fanecha' •  ''A)'''''''''D)'''''''A)'''''D)'E7'A)' •  Adonai'tsuri'v’go'ali'Amen'
  • 43. Kiddush Baruch atah Adonai eloheinu melech ha’olam Borei p’ri hagafen. Baruch atah Adonai eloheinu melech ha’olam Asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’ratza vanu V’shabbat kodsho b’ahavah uv’ratzon hinchilanu Zikaron l’maasei v’reisheet; Ki hu yom t’chilah l’mikraeikodesh zeicher litziat mitzrayim Kivanu vacharta v’otanu kidashta Mikol ha’amim, v’shabbat kodshecha b’ahavah uv’ratzon Hinchaltanu. Baruch atah Adonai m’kadeish ha Shabbat. Amein.