What is SMART Recovery?

SMART Recovery is the leading, evidence-informed approach to overcoming addictive behaviors and leading a balanced life. SMART is stigma-free and emphasizes self-empowerment.
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Get your SMART Recovery Handbook

The handbooks are full of tools, exercises and practical information that you can apply immediately. SMART is a non-profit organization. All proceeds go to support our fight against the addiction epidemic in America.

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Get the Mobile App

Download our app for iOS and Android for easy access to SMART meetings, tools, and help managing urges

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Explore the Tools

Learn about SMART’s tools and download free worksheets.

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Self Management and Recovery Training, for everyone

SMART Recovery is scientifically proven to help you manage problematic behaviours and addiciton - whatever the problem.

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Become a SMART Recovery meeting facilitator

Start your own meeting so you can help others to help themselves. Train online or in person and get access to our tools and resources.

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Download the SMART Recovery App on your iPhone or Android device

The SMART Recovery app is now available. Track urges, feel motivated and find and join meetings all on your smartphone or tablet.

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Get the latest from SMART Recovery USA

02 Oct 2023

Lessons From Early Recovery

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25 Aug 2023

SMART seeks to expand OCDEI Committee

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25 Aug 2023

Call for SMART Conference Proposals!

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