Announcement: SOA congratulates the new FSAs for September 2024.

Announcement: SOA releases July 2024 Exams FAM, FAM-L, and FAM-S passing candidate numbers.

Impact of Patient Care Innovation on Health Insurance

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In recent years, health care has seen rapid changes in many areas leading to better patient care and lower morbidity rates of certain conditions. Some examples of patient care innovations include the rise of telemedicine, increased health data and diagnosis from wearables, the use of virtual reality for surgery preparation, and AI interpreting radiology exams. As the health care industry continues to modernize and innovate around patient care, it is important for health insurance companies to understand how the changes will impact their products.

Research Objective and Deliverables

This project would explore the qualitative impact on health care and the health insurance industry of one or more recent patient care innovations by addressing key questions such as:

  • How has the change impacted patient care?
  • How widely adopted is the change across the health care industry?
  • How could the patient care innovation impact the health insurance industry?
  • What further data or analysis is needed to quantify the impact on the health insurance industry?

Target Audience and Impact

This study will provide health insurers and actuaries interested with qualitative analysis that will assist in incorporating the impact of patient care innovation on their products.

Estimated Cost


Estimated Timeline

Approximately 10 months