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Post-wildfire Drinking Water Crisis: Implications and Opportunities for the Insurance Industry

SOA Research Institute Societal Purpose

March 2024


Jianxi Su, PhD, FSA
Andrew Whelton, PhD


The purpose of this report is to provide the actuarial community with education about wildfire-caused contaminated plumbing and recovery associated phenomena, health, and financial impacts. From a practical perspective, this work can help raise awareness of this national emerging issue within the insurance industry and prepare the industry for confronting this issue. From an academic perspective, this report can serve as an important stepping-stone for promoting future in-depth investigation in related domains conducted by actuaries, advancing the actuarial community toward the research frontier of this national emerging issue.


Post-wildfire Drinking Water Crisis



Deepest gratitude is extended to several individuals and organizations without whose efforts this project could not have come to fruition. The authors thank the Project Oversight Group for their diligent work overseeing, reviewing, and editing this report for accuracy and relevance.

Project Oversight Group members:

Andre Chen, ASA
Derek Jun, CFA, FRM
Andrea T. Sellars, FSA, MAAA
Chelsea Shudtz, FSA

At the Society of Actuaries Research Institute:

Rob Montgomery, ASA, MAAA, FLMI

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