Residential Solar PV Price Index – June 2020

Average residential solar system prices have remained constant $1.04 per watt ($/W) this month on the back of several factors, including changes to the composition of the Solar Choice installer […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index – May 2019

Average residential solar system prices have increased to $1.17 per watt ($/W) this month on the back of several factors, including changes to the composition of the Solar Choice installer […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index – February 2018

Average solar system prices (on ‘primary’ offerings) have slipped slightly upwards since the beginning of the year, coming in at around $1.40/W – as opposed to about $1.30/W in December – […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index – January 2018

In this month’s Solar PV Price Index, the average price for a ‘primary’/standard solar PV system offering remains almost unchanged from December, at about $1.31 per watt ($1.31/W). The average […]

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