Council Meetings-SRPMIC

Council Meetings


Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community

According to the SRPMIC Constitution, the Council shall holds its regular meetings on the date set by the Council. SRPMIC Tribal Council meets weekly: Wednesday’s at 3 pm for Executive Session, Thursday’s at 10 am for Work Session, and Wednesday’s at 5pm for Regular Session, to conduct official business of the Community. At times, additional meetings are called by Council that include: Community Member Only Meetings, Senior Quarterly Meetings, Election Certification Meetings, Strategy Sessions, and other meetings as needed.

Council Regular Session

NOTE:  Upon completion of the most current Council Session meeting, the meeting will be posted, no later than noon the following day. Only the last four meetings will be available.


Council Work Session – Open Topics

NOTE: Council open work sessions will be posted below, no later than noon the following day. Only the last four sessions will be available. Some work sessions only contain Executive (or closed) topics, so no recorded meeting will be available for such sessions.


How can I provide comments, ask questions or give input?

Community Members can make their comments at the Wednesdays 5:00 p.m. Regular Sessions during Community Members Comments, which is held at the end of the meeting. Community Members must sign up for Community Member Comments, the sign-up sheet is placed in the Council Chamber’s Auditorium as the back of the room.

Community Member Comments Disclaimer:

  • It is not appropriate for Council to hear any comments on any pending Court issues until the Member has completed the entire process to include appeals.
  • Council should not hear any Human Resources issues, employees must follow the Council approved Chain of Command Policy to resolve employee issues.
  • If your comments concern issues related to juveniles or other confidential personal matters, an executive session (closed session) should be requested.
  • The intent of comments email address is to provide an opportunity for Enrolled Community Members to respectfully address the Council with your concerns / comments.
  • Comments should be focused on issues, rather than personal attacks, to uphold the Community’s value of respect for each other.
  • Community Members are required to sign-in, in order to be recognized by Council.