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Public Safety Power Shutoff

Another way SRP is helping reduce the risk of wildfires.

In response to concerns regarding emergency preparedness, SRP is postponing implementation of our Public Safety Power Shutoff Program in Maricopa County until next year.

Helping prevent wildfires

As part of our continuous efforts to protect our communities and reduce the risk of wildfires, SRP is implementing a new program called Public Safety Power Shutoff in high fire risk areas of our service territory.

During a Public Safety Power Shutoff, SRP will temporarily shut off power in high fire risk areas when certain weather and vegetation conditions exist. This safety measure helps prevent electric equipment or debris from starting or contributing to a wildfire 

How does it work?

Although the likelihood of a Public Safety Power Shutoff is low, during high-risk weather conditions, SRP will monitor several factors, including wind speed, humidity levels and vegetation conditions to determine if a Public Safety Power Shutoff is needed. If necessary, customers in affected areas can expect: 

  • SRP to provide advance notification of a Public Safety Power Shutoff, when possible, via email, SRP social media channels and this website.
  • Power to be restored once its safe to do so. The length of a Public Safety Power Shutoff depends on how long the weather conditions last and the time it takes for crews to physically inspect the deenergized power lines for debris and damage after the weather conditions subside. The outage may last longer if repairs are needed.


How to prepare for any type of power outage

Sign up for notifications

Update your information in SRP My Account™ to ensure you receive notifications about potential outages and Public Safety Power Shutoffs in your area.

If eligible, enroll in SRP’s Medical Preparedness Program for early notifications. Visit srp.net/medical to see if you qualify.

If eligible, enroll in SRP’s Medical Preparedness Program for early notifications. Visit srp.net/medical to see if you qualify.

Stay informed by signing up to receive emergency alerts from your county.

Stay informed by signing up to receive emergency alerts from your county.

Emergency plans

  • Create an emergency plan for each family member, including pets.
  • Store important phone numbers for medical providers, family, friends and SRP in your cell phone in addition to making hard copies.

Resources on hand

Have necessary resources ready:

  • Flashlights
  • Batteries
  • Radio
  • Nonperishable foods that are easy to prepare without power
  • Pet and baby food
  • At least one gallon of water per person, per day
  • First-aid kit
  • Family’s prescription medications, as well as a plan for storing medications requiring refrigeration or using medical devices needing power

Learn more about power outage and storm safety tips. For questions, you can contact us at (602) 236-2872 or [email protected]. We appreciate your support of our efforts to protect our communities from the risk of wildfire.  

How SRP prepares for wildfire season

  • Our teams work year-round with public safety partners, first responders and wildfire experts in your community to prevent, reduce and respond to wildfires. 
  • For your safety, prior to reenergizing high voltage power lines in high fire risk areas, SRP conducts a visual inspection to ensure the lines are not damaged or in an unsafe condition.
  • As part of our efforts, we’re reducing the risk of wildfires from our equipment by: 
    • Inspecting more than 38,000 miles of power lines to clear overgrown vegetation
    • Creating defensible space by removing vegetation around poles and substations 
    • Using advanced technology to troubleshoot issues more quickly, reduce the number of customers impacted and decrease the duration of outages