State Defined Solutions

The importance of state defined solutions for forest health, productivity, and resiliency cannot be overstated. Click on any of the headings below to learn more.

Wildland firefighters descend a hill.


Your state’s Forest Action Plan includes in-depth analysis of forest conditions and trends in your area. Collectively, state Forest Action Plans make up one strategic plan for America’s forests. Use the interactive map on this page to learn more about your state’s Forest Action Plan.

Owl in a deciduous tree

Timber Assurance provides information on the legality and sustainability of timber harvested in United States. Use the interactive map on this page to learn more about the management plans and policies your state employs to ensure sustainable timber harvest.

Beautiful vista in American West

Best Management Practices

Forestry best management practices (BMPs) are used to protect water quality during timber harvests and other forest management activities. Use the interactive map on this page to learn more about your state’s BMP program.

GNA project map hosted on USFS website

Good Neighbor Authority

Since GNA was first authorized by Congress with the 2014 Farm Bill, 32 states have broken ground on more than 130 GNA projects. Through these GNA projects, states are contributing to the restoration of federal forests on a scale never before realized.

Beautiful waterfall in forested setting


For more than a century, partnerships have been at the heart of state forestry agencies’ work to conserve and protect our nation’s forests. State forestry agencies can help achieve greater outcomes on all lands for all Americans with shared decision-making and priority-setting.

West Region

State and territorial foresters in the West are represented at the regional level by the Council of Western State Foresters.

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Northeast-Midwest Region

State foresters in the Northeast and Midwest are represented at the regional level by the Northeast-Midwest State Foresters Alliance.


South Region

State and territorial foresters in the South are represented at the regional level by the Southern Group of State Foresters.

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Join us for the 2024 NASF Annual Meeting from September 23rd-26th in Providence, RI!