
e-Newspaper Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve updated our app and e-Newspaper with key improvements. The following guide will help you navigate and get the most out of our new features

Note: If you have previously bookmarked our e-Newspaper, you will need to update it. Please use as your new bookmark.

The e-Newspaper is a replica product built in the familiar format of a printed newspaper. It offers additional, exclusive content available only to subscribers. You may read the e-Newspaper in a web browser on your computer or smartphone, or you can download our app for easy access.

How can I learn more about the upgraded Times app?

Watch the short video below.

What's different?

  • What's the same, but might look different?
  • Page size:
    • If you’re viewing on your desktop, you can adjust the size of the page on the screen by clicking on the + or – buttons, or by clicking on the button with two arrows (that looks like this ) which will adjust the page fit on the screen. If you’re on your mobile device, just pinch to zoom in or out. (Hover over any tool in the navigation bar and it will tell you what it does.)
    • Text size: You can change the size of the text on the story page.
    • Printing articles, including comics or games: From the story/article view, click on the "Print" icon.
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How do I ... ?

  • How do I share a story?
  • Click on this icon to share on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn or email.

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  • How do I search for a story?
  • Click on this icon and enter a keyword or phrase. You can enter the date within the past 30 days to help narrow down your search.

    You can also search editions from the past 30 days by clicking on the three bars in the upper right corner and clicking or tapping "Archive."
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  • How do I bookmark a page if I want to save it and view it later?
  • When viewing the e-Newspaper on a desktop computer, find the page you would like to bookmark and click the “Bookmarks” icon in the top bar.

    When viewing the e-Newspaper on a tablet or smartphone, locate the page you would like to bookmark and tap the menu icon to open the menu list, then tap “Bookmarks.”

    A pop-up window will appear asking you to name the page. In the input field, enter a term you will remember later then click the “Add” button. The page will be added to the “Bookmarks” section, and will appear below the input field.

    To remove bookmarked items, navigate to the “Bookmarks” section either by clicking/tapping the “Bookmarks” icon in the top bar or by clicking/tapping the “Bookmarks” label in the menu. In the pop-up window that appears, click/tap on the “X” on the top right of the saved page image and the item will be immediately removed (NOTE: There is no way to undo this action).
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  • How do I download a PDF version of the e-Newspaper to read offline?
  • To download PDF copies of one or multiple pages of the e-Newspaper on desktop computers, click the “Download” button in the top bar.

    If you’re on a tablet or smartphone, tap the Menu button to open the menu, then tap “Download.”

    A pop-up window will appear offering you several options.
    • To download one or more pages individually, click/tap on the image thumbnails of your desired page(s). A blue checkmark will appear on the pages you select.
    • To download an entire issue, tap the “Select All” button. A blue checkmark will appear on all of the page thumbnails.
    When you are satisfied with your selection(s), click the “Download” button.

    A new screen will appear indicating the PDF is ready for download. Click the blue “page.pdf” link to open the PDF in a new browser window. You may then save the file to your local device or open it in an app capable of reading PDF files.
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  • How do I jump to a specific section of the paper? Where is the section navigation bar/table of contents?
  • For desktop readers, there are several ways to jump between sections in the e-Newspaper viewer. One way is to click or tap the “Section List” button located in the right corner of the top bar.

    This will open the “Section List” window. From there, tap or click any of the labeled thumbnail images to go to the first page of that section.

    Another way to navigate is to click or tap the “Pages” tab at the bottom of the screen to open the Page Browser.

    Within the “Pages” tab, you’ll see a section navigation bar. Click the left and right arrows to horizontally scroll through the labels to find your desired section, then click to select. You can also navigate individual stories and find them in the “Articles” tab next to the “Pages” tab.

    If visiting our e-Newspaper on a tablet or smartphone, tap the “Menu” icon to open the menu, then tap the “Sections” bar to expand the list of section names.

    Tap the name of your desired section to navigate to that part of the e-Newspaper issue.

    To display the Page Browser on a mobile device, tap the Menu icon, then tap Pages from the menu list. Scroll through the thumbnail images to find your desired page, then tap to go there. Close the browser by tapping the “X” button on the upper right.
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  • How do I print puzzles and crosswords from the e-Newspaper?
  • Locate a specific puzzle item in the e-Newspaper and click or tap it. You will now be in article view mode. Tap the printer icon on the top left corner of your screen to display your device’s default print window, then follow the prompts.
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  • How do I clip a portion of a page?
  • On desktop computers, click the “Create Clipping” icon that looks like a pair of scissors in the top bar of the e-Newspaper viewer.

    The first time you use the tool, a window will display with instructions on how it works (there is a check box that allows you to hide the window on subsequent clicks). Click the OK button to close the pop-up window.

    Click and drag your cursor to select the area of the page you wish to clip. To move the clipping box, click, hold and drag the box where you desire. To resize it, move your cursor to the lower right corner of the clipping box, then click, hold and drag to reshape it.

    On the bottom right corner of the clipping box, you will find three buttons. The “X” button exits clipping mode and returns you to the e-Newspaper viewer. The middle button, with the refresh icon, allows you to redraw your selection. The third button, with the checkmark icon, confirms your selection. Once you confirm your clipping, a “Clipping Options” modal window will display giving you the ability to preview, save, print or share the image.

    Here are some pointers about using the clipping tool:
    • It only works on the actual news pages. You can’t clip if you are viewing in the “Article View” mode. You can print entire articles, however, when in “Article View.”
    • It works best if you are in “Page Fill” viewing mode.
    • You can make clippings in “Page Fit” mode, but If you try to zoom in to clip something, it might skew the image.
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  • How do I zoom in?
  • There are several ways to magnify content on a page:

    On desktop:
    • Use the spread and pinch gestures on your laptop’s trackpad (if available) to zoom in and out.
    • Double click on the area you’d like to zoom into.
    • Use the magnification slider in the top bar of the e-Newspaper viewer.
    On tablet and smartphones:
    • Double tap on the area you’d like to zoom into; double tap again to zoom out.
    • Tap once to read an article in plain-text mode.
    • Pinch and spread to zoom in and out.
    Remember: If you want to make a clipping, it is best to do it in “Page Fill” mode because zooming in while you’re in “Page Fit” mode, might not give you the desired clipping.
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  • How do I view the e-Newspaper archive?
  • Desktop users can view a past edition of the paper from the 30-day archive, by clicking on the icon that looks like a file cabinet. (If you hover over it with your mouse, it says “Archives.”) That will give you access to past editions. You can also access past issues by clicking on the menu icon with the three lines. Then click on "Archive" to see the available past editions.

    Tablet and smartphone users can access the 30-day archive by tapping the Menu icon to open the menu list, then selecting the “Archive” label.

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What if I have further questions?

  • What if I have further questions?
  • For questions about your digital or print subscriptions, please contact our customer service department at [email protected] or call 1-800-888-7012. To sign up for a digital or print subscription, visit
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