Our Team

Rabbi Jon Spira-Savett

Shalom and welcome to Temple Beth Abraham! Our synagogue’s name means “House of Abraham”, and we strive in our house to live out the middot (qualities of character) that Jewish tradition teaches us about Abraham and Sarah, the founders of the Jewish people.

Sarah and Abraham pitched their tent at the crossroads and stayed close to the front door, so they could greet anyone passing by. They provided food and drink, good conversation, and an escort into the sometimes dangerous territory around them. We strive to make their spirit of hospitality, mutual support, and giving the hallmark of our congregation.

Each of us tries to live a life grounded in values and ideals. I see the synagogue as a well where we draw from the mayyim chayyim, the living waters of our Torah. In quiet moments of prayer, in discussion and study, and just by seeing other people gathered for holy purposes, we can find more strength as we try to align our lives with what they ought to be.

I hope you will find through Temple Beth Abraham many opportunities for fellowship, celebration, study, social action, and Jewish culture. Some of it is here in our sacred space. We do it too in each others’ homes around a Shabbat table, in discussion groups at someone’s place of business, and even on-line.  And there are many places in the synagogue to volunteer your talents and interests as well, to help build and strengthen our community.

My door here is always open for you (and for that matter, my telephone and e-mail as well). For Jewish questions, a confidential sounding board, a place to share reflections on the congregation, or no particular reason. To contact me, send me an email to [email protected].

I look forward to getting to know you. B’ruchim haba’im – welcome!

Sarit Tsor, Director of Education and Community Engagement

As a veteran Jewish educator, I love finding new, relevant and exciting ways to engage children and families in Jewish experiences. I believe that Judaism can guide us toward becoming the best versions of ourselves – that it is a way of being. I am especially interested in experiential and self-directed learning, through which the learner can explore what is most meaningful to them.

At Temple Beth Abraham, I have been working to redefine Jewish education by creating the Jewish Education Center of Nashua at the 5 Raymond Street building (across the street form TBA). The Center offers Sunday morning educational programs for children ages preschool to 7th grade, and we also offer after school clubs such as cooking, drama and more. We are well on our way to change how people think and engage with Jewish education, and set an example of what 21st century Jewish educational experience is all about.

In my role of Director, I also manage family engagement and work collaboratively with Rebecca on TBA communications and events, which allows me to connect with community members from all ages, life stages and interests. This enriches my work, and expands my horizons as I learn from everyone!

If I haven’t met you yet, please reach out!  The best way to reach me for a quick response is via email [email protected].

Rebecca White, Office and Communications Manager

I am excited to take on the role of Office and Communications Manager at Temple Beth Abraham.

My past experience includes working in some of the Boston area’s most interesting and creative Jewish organizations: Gann Academy, Mayyim Hayyim Community Mikveh and Education Center, and the Jewish Community Day School. JCDS has been my most recent professional home, a pluralistic and soulful Jewish day school located in Watertown, Ma. My main focus at JCDS was on development and institutional advancement, and my favorite part of working at JCDS was the ruach (spirit) of the school, the warm and close-knit community, and the environment of collective learning and coming together, especially around Jewish holidays.

My interest in working in the Jewish community grows out of my own life story. Growing up in Easton, Ma, I attended the Solomon Schechter day school in Stoughton, and my family belonged to Temple Beth Emunah in Brockton. I’ve been to Israel twice, with Birthright and on a trip with one of my cousins.

In my spare time, I like photography, listening to musical groups like the Backstreet Boys, hiking, spending time with family, and exploring new places with my dogs. I also love to run, and have completed six marathons so far: Berlin, Chicago, New York, London, and Boston twice! I have typically raised money for charity for all of them.

In moving up to Nashua, I join my parents and two sisters, as well as an uncle. I am looking forward to helping connect new people to the community, continuing to figure out my own Jewish identity, and making our community more of a home for people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.

If there’s anything I can help you with or you just want to introduce yourself, drop a note to me at [email protected] or call the main office at (603) 883-8184. The office is typically open from Tuesday – Thursday 10-4, and 10-2 on Fridays. I look forward to meeting you!