
How to navigate new FOCAC action plan

Transparency and responsible governance must be prioritised to truly benefit the people.

Counties must embrace frugality

Wasteful spending has been devolved now to the county administrations.

Most 'witches' may suffer from dementia

We should test suspected witches for dementia before jumping to conclusions about them.

Airport strike is misguided

The JKIA strike is premature and unnecessary as no decision has been reached and the High Court has blocked the Adani ...

Extending SGR to Malaba good idea

Extending the SGR to Malaba is the right investment at the right time.

State must help female runners

Government needs to protect female runners from financial predators

Why travel junkets by state officials must stop

Kenyans are tightening their belts, and it is only fair that the government leads by example.

Recruitment agencies should deposit a bond

Job agencies should pay a substantial bond to government because deregistering is insufficient punishment for rogue ...

Remove new levy on government tenders

The new levy on government tenders is unfair, unnecessary and cumbersome

Maduro won't release Form 34A equivalents

The opposition is disputing the August presidential election which Maduro claims he won.

Disqualify politicians who owe IEBC money

The IEBC could disqualify candidates from standing rather than sending auctioneers after politicians who have not paid ...

Protect Kenya's position in health innovation

This burgeoning sector offers immense potential for economic growth and job creation.

TSC and Kuppet need return-to-work deal

It is prudent that any sticking issues are resolved swiftly and amicably to avoid such disruptions.

Kenya has underrated the threat of Mpox

The country must leverage lessons learned from previous public health crises, such as Covid-19.

Price controls would make MPs unpopular

Proposed price controls for maize and other commodities will only lead to shortages and higher unofficial prices.

Kenya Power must show respect for trees

The complaint is that KPLC is too zealous.

Starlink is good for Kenyan consumers

Let satellite internet operators like Starlink work independently in Kenya.