Holiday Shopping for Queer Loved Ones? This Comic's For You

Our gift to you: A holiday comic strip by Sara Lautman, one of our favorite queer cartoonists.
Image may contain Comics Book and Manga


This holiday, we thought we’d gift you with something new: an original comic strip by one of this generation’s queerest cartoonists, Sara Lautman. Lautman teaches and illustrates from her home in Baltimore, and her work’s appeared in Playboy, Mad, and The New Yorker. Her distinct cartooning voice is thoughtful but her insights are weird; her line perceptive and emotional, but somehow also accurate. (See The Pitch, Crabs on the Subway, Some New Punctuation Symbols, or her book I Love You, available here.)

If you've ever tried to shop for a queer sibling — or if you just need a break from your siblings right now — pull this up on your phone and spend a moment or two with them. Here's to a safe and warm holiday.

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