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Your $: Financial Literacy for Kids

Helping to End Hunger

March 26, 2021

Claire Babineaux-Fontenot believes it’s possible to end chronic, or long-lasting, hunger in the United States. She’s the CEO of Feeding America. It’s the largest hunger-relief charity in the country. In the past year, Feeding America’s nationwide network of 200 food…


Playing Games

February 26, 2021

Investors think carefully about the stocks they buy. Usually, they buy a stock because they think the business will grow and the stock price will go up. Take Amazon. During the pandemic, people ordered more items online. They did a…


Jaydyn's Big Win

February 25, 2021

In December 2019, Jaydyn Carr’s mom gave him a present: 10 shares of GameStop stock. She had purchased them at $6.19 a share, for a total of about $62. The present was meant to teach ujamaa, one of the seven…


Five of Our Favorites

January 29, 2021

Learning about money should be something you do in every grade, from the time you enter kindergarten until you graduate from college. Why? Because financial literacy is one of the most important skills you can learn. It means understanding how…


Busy Season

November 24, 2020

What do Christmas trees have to do with budgeting? If you’re one of the farmers who grow and sell them, the answer is—a lot. The business holds valuable lessons for anyone who wants to make a set amount of money…


Doing Good

November 5, 2020

Since March, when COVID-19 lockdowns began in the United States, you’ve probably found yourself with more free time on your hands. We’re inspired by how kids have used that time to take on new projects. Some have started charities to…


Zoom Boom

October 2, 2020

Last spring, Megan Mullaly’s sixth-grade social-studies class finished its unit on ancient India by gathering to watch Sanjay’s Super Team. This short animated movie is about a young boy who imagines Hindu gods as superheroes. When it was over, the…


COVID-19 and The Economy

September 14, 2020

Maybe you’re reading this magazine in your classroom, with desks spaced six feet apart and your teacher wearing a mask. Maybe you’re reading it at home, and you’ll discuss it online with your teacher or classmates. The coronavirus that began…


Answering Questions About COVID-19 and the Economy

April 24, 2020

How is the COVID-19 pandemic changing life for you and your family? You’ve likely been asked to make changes to prevent the spread of the disease. Your school has probably been closed. You might be practicing social distancing. You may…


The Plastic Bag Problem

April 10, 2020

Imagine this: It’s Friday afternoon. You’re at the grocery store picking out snacks for a movie marathon. You head to the checkout counter and get ready to start bagging—and realize there aren’t any plastic bags. And paper bags, if you…


The Pay Goal

March 3, 2020

In July, the members of the United States women’s soccer team fought their way to a fourth World Cup win. Now their focus is on a different struggle: the fight for equal pay. The team members have filed a…


Precious Time

February 14, 2020

Genevieve Burke, 14, remembers the first time she got paid for work. It was two years ago. She took care of a neighbor’s dog, Utley, while the family was on vacation. After a week of feeding Utley, walking him, and…


Supply and Demand

December 19, 2019

On August 12, Popeyes tweeted a mouthwatering snapshot of a new limited-edition menu item: “Chicken. Brioche. Pickles. New. Sandwich.” “I need this in my life,” replied one person. “My. Mouth. Is. Salivating,” wrote another. Many thousands of likes and retweets…

Buyer Beware

November 27, 2019

Ever wonder why kids on the other side of your screen gush over a new toy? The truth is, many of those kids aren’t just toy-loving kids like you and your friends. They’re influencers. Rather than paying for products, they…

10 Ways to Stay Safe Online

November 5, 2019

You’re part of the first generation of kids who didn’t know a time without smartphones and social media. That’s great when it comes to being comfortable with the technology, but it can cause you to let down your guard. Here…

Comparing Costs

October 9, 2019

Take a walk through a supermarket or big-box store. What do you see? Three or four brands of O-shaped cereal. About a dozen brands of yogurt. And, since it’s October, there are probably shelves of Halloween candy. Which bag should…

Growing A Family Business

September 16, 2019

Every Saturday and Sunday this fall, while other kids are sleeping in or gearing up for a soccer game, Phillip Gargiulo, age 11, will be up at 5 a.m. sweeping floors. It’s hard work, but Phillip’s job at Masker Orchards…

Insert Coin

April 26, 2019

Do you ever play in-app games on a phone or tablet? Some kids do it every day (some grown-ups do, too). These games often ask us to spend money to earn things such as extra lives or special features, or…