Help portray 24 hours in the lives of people affected by HIV

POSITIVELY AWARE magazine’s annual anti-stigma campaign, A Day with HIV, portrays 24 hours in the lives of people affected by HIV—that’s all of us, regardless of status. Here’s how to take part:

1. On Thursday, Sept. 22, take a snapshot of your day. Use your smartphone or digital camera.

2. Post the picture to your social media with a caption. Include the time and location (city, state) of your picture, and what inspired you to take it; use our hashtag #adaywithhiv.

3. Submit your entry. Upload your photo and caption to, or email them to [email protected] by Sept. 25, and they’ll be posted to our online gallery. A selection of high-res photos will be featured in the NOV+DEC issue of POSITIVELY AWARE. Four picture quality images will be chosen for different versions of the magazine’s cover.

Remember, photos must be taken on September 22!