University of Delaware Office of Development and Alumni Relations Privacy Notice



This Privacy Notice applies to the University of Delaware Office of Development and Alumni Relations (“we” or “us”) and explains our practices concerning the collection, use, and maintenance of personal information relating to individuals that have made or may in the future make a philanthropic gift to the University, including alumni, students and their parents, faculty and staff, and others who have an affinity with the University (“donors” or “you”).

Other units at the University may collect and use information about you differently than we do, and we are not responsible for their privacy practices. You should review the privacy notices for those units to understand their collection, usage, and maintenance practices. 


Collection of Personal Information from Donors

Information that We Collect 

We collect and maintain personal information from and about donors including name, home and work address, phone number, personal and work email address, preferred name, job title, spouse/partner name, parent name(s), biographical and demographic information, philanthropic capacity based on name, address, and publicly available information, payment information, gift history information, and event registration/participation information (including photographs and videos from events).  If a donor is an alumnus of the University, we may collect certain additional data from the University’s Office of the Registrar relating to the experience of the student while attending the University (such as student club memberships and degrees awarded).

Information about Minor Children  

We do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the age of 16.  We reserve the right to delete any information identified as having been provided by such persons at our discretion.


How We Use the Information We Collect 

We collect and use the information described above to maintain and manage our relationship with you as further described in this Privacy Notice. We use personal information from or about you to support our business functions, to aid in fundraising, marketing, and engagement for the University, and to support the missions of the Office of Development and Alumni Relations. We also use this information to solicit and process donations, to give credit to donors for their gifts, to issue receipts to donors (as required by IRS regulations), to register donors for University-related events, and for legal and regulatory compliance purposes.  We may use any information that does not personally identify donors for any purpose, including to aid in marketing, training, and benchmarking/self-evaluation.

In pursing our legitimate interests of fundraising and engagement for the University, we may use your information to contact you to provide you with University-related information, to inform you about events or programs that may be of interest to you, or to solicit donations. You can notify us at any time indicating that you would not like to be contacted by one or more of the methods listed above. Your preferences will remain effective for a minimum of three years unless a shorter time period is requested or until you change them, whichever occurs first. We may also periodically contact you to invite you to update your preferences. 


Our Disclosure of Your Information

We do not sell, rent, or lease your personal information to unrelated third parties, but we may share your personal information with others as described in this Privacy Notice, including: 

  1. to other departments within the University for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice;

  2. to University-controlled affiliated corporations for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice; 

  3. to the University of Delaware Alumni Association for their engagement and outreach purposes, including donation requests;

  4. to people who provide services to us, such as giving platforms, event registration platforms, mailings and surveys, donation processing, informationtechnology services, data hosting/storage, email marketing, and social media marketing;  

  5. to relevant governmental authorities and others to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations;

  6. to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or enforceable governmental request; 

  7. to enforce applicable University policies, including investigation of potential violations of University policies or procedures; and

  8. to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues, or protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of the University, the University's employees, faculty and staff, students, users or the public as required or permitted by law. 

Sharing excludes text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with others who are not working on our behalf.

Where Your Information Is Processed

We are based in the United States, but we and our service providers may transfer your personal information to other countries for purposes of processing and/or storage.  Where applicable, we will take the appropriate steps to confirm that any such transfer is permitted under the relevant data protection laws.  The laws of the United States and other countries governing data protection may not be as comprehensive or as protective as the laws in the country where you live. 


Data Retention

We generally retain your personal information for so long as it may be relevant for the purposes identified in this Privacy Notice, unless a longer period of time is required by law or University policy. 


Lawful Basis for Processing Your Personal Information

The laws in some countries require us to tell you about the lawful grounds we rely on to collect, use, disclose, and otherwise process your personal information.  To the extent those laws apply, our lawful basis for processing your personal information is because it furthers our performance, or preparation for performance, of a contract or agreement to accept a donation from you.  Where we do not have such a contract or agreement, our lawful basis for processing your personal information is because we have a legitimate educational and operational interest in processing your personal information for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice, namely, to support our business functions, to aid in fundraising, marketing, and engagement for the University, to support the missions of the Office of Development and Alumni Relations and the University, to solicit and process donations, to give credit to donors for their gifts, to issue receipts to donors, to register donors for University-related events, and for legal and regulatory compliance purposes, where that interest is not overridden by your fundamental rights and freedoms. 


Notice to Individuals in the European Economic Area

If you are within the European Economic Area (EEA), the data controller for personal data is: University of Delaware, 210 South College Avenue, Newark, DE 19716. 

We are committed to the lawful, fair, and transparent processing of your personal data and will only collect your personal data for specific and legitimate purposes and with your consent, as applicable, in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applicable within the EEA.

If you are within the EEA, you have the right to request access to your personal information and the rectification of inaccurate personal information from the University.  You also have the right to obtain from the University the erasure or the restriction of processing of your personal information in certain circumstances, including when the data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed, except when the University is required by law to maintain or otherwise process your personal information, for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims, or the protection of the rights of another person. 

You may exercise the rights described above by contacting us at [email protected]. When you make a request, we may ask you to verify your identity or provide additional information before we honor your request.  We may reject your request for certain reasons, such as when your request may infringe on trade secrets, intellectual property or privacy of others or to comply with law.  We will notify you either way.  

You have a right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority if you have concerns about how the University processes your personal data. 


Right to Change Privacy Notice

We reserve the right at any time to modify, alter, or update this Privacy Notice.  Please review this policy periodically, and especially before you provide any personal information to us.  The Privacy Notice was last updated on January 12, 2023. 


Questions & Comments

Send questions or comments to: 
Assistant Vice President, Development Services
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716 USA
[email protected]