
The information below explains why we ask for your personal information and how we use it. If you have any questions, you can email us at [email protected]. We may amend this policy from time to time, to make sure that it is accurate and up-to-date. If we do, we’ll share the changes with you here.

Because most of our website is hosted by Squarespace, some elements of their privacy policy may apply. Please see the Squarespace privacy policy for details.

Our website is hosted by Squarespace

If you subscribe to our newsletter

If you want to receive our e-newsletter, we need your email address to deliver it. We will never give your email address to anyone else.

You can subscribe to our e-newsletter by providing your email address on our Contact page.

When you subscribe, you'll receive a confirmation email which will ask you to validate your request. This prevents others from signing you up for our newsletter without your permission. If you don't see the confirmation message, you may want to check your spam folder just in case.

You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the newsletter, or by emailing [email protected]. If you unsubscribe, your email address is automatically removed from our list and we won’t contact you again.

If you purchase something from us

We use Stripe and PayPal for our secure online shopping cart and payment processing. All personal information necessary to make a purchase is available to them for security purposes. They’ll process your payment, which means Ultralingua can’t view any of your payment information.

When you purchase something from our site, Stripe or PayPal will tell us your name, your email address, and a list of products included in your order so we can provide support if you have a technical problem later on.

Do we share your personal information with anyone else?

No. We won’t give away or sell your information to anybody.

How do we use cookies?

We use them in our online dictionary to reload your most recent search in the dictionary, conjugator, and number translator. Squarespace, Stripe, and PayPal may use cookies to remember what’s in your shopping cart. We do not use cookies to track your personal information.

How do we safeguard your information?

We store your information in electronic form and take precautions to protect these records from misuse or unauthorized access. When your information is no longer needed, we remove it from our records.