Contribution Factors

Contribution and circularity factors are percentages used when calculating Universal Service Fund obligations and the annual true up.

What is the contribution factor?

The contribution factor is the percentage of end user revenue that will be contributed to the Universal Service Fund to support the universal service programs, as established by the FCC. The contribution factor changes every quarter.

What is the circularity factor?

The circularity factor is the percentage which lowers a filer’s contribution base to prevent the assessment of universal service fees on the pass-through Universal Service Fund charges that filers bill to their customers and are reported as revenue on the FCC Form 499.

After the contribution factor is applied to the quarterly contribution base, the circularity factor is then applied to reduce the contribution base resulting in a lower Universal Service Fund invoice. Like the contribution factor, the circularity factor is established by the FCC and changes every quarter.

The FCC releases a Public Notice each quarter to announce the newest contribution and circularity factors on its website.

Applies to Quarter Contribution Factor Circularity Factor Public Notice
October – December 2024 35.8% 26.2258% DA 24-924
July – September 2024 34.4% 25.4644% DA 24-557
April – June 2024 32.8% 24.6808% DA 24-257
January – March 2024 34.6% 25.5973% DA 23-1156
October – December 2023 34.5% 25.5250% DA 23-843
July – September 2023 29.2% 22.4813% DA 23-507
April – June 2023 29.0% 22.4050% DA 23-216
January – March 2023 32.6% 24.5701% DA 22-1286
October – December 2022 28.9% 22.4284% DA 22-946
July – September 2022 33.0% 24.7686% DA 22-623
April – June 2022 23.8% 19.3009% DA 22-268
January – March 2022 25.2% 20.1049% DA 21-1550
October – December 2021 29.1% 22.5384% DA-21-1134
July – September 2021 31.8% 23.9772% DA 21-676
April – June 2021 33.4% 24.8622% DA 21-308
January – March 2021 31.8% 24.0341% DA 20-1480

A historical record of factors can be found on the FCC’s Contribution Factors & Quarterly Filings page.