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Donald Trump

Donald Trump touts trade and defends tariffs as he oversees groundbreaking of Foxconn in Wisconsin

Bill Glauber Mary Spicuzza Rick Romell
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

MOUNT PLEASANT - Touting trade, defending tariffs and shoveling Wisconsin dirt, President Donald Trump dominated Thursday's groundbreaking of the Foxconn Technology Group facility.

He called plans to build a sprawling high-tech campus on what last year were soybean, corn and cabbage fields "the eighth wonder of the world," and touched on a range of issues during a speech to hundreds of business and political leaders inside a Foxconn building.

And, yes, he even took a swipe at Milwaukee-based Harley-Davidson, which announced this week that it is moving some production overseas in response to the European Union slapping a 31% tariff on motorcycles made in the United States.

"Harley-Davidson, please build those beautiful motorcycles in the USA," Trump said. "Please, don't get cute with us."

Over three days this week, Trump tweeted his displeasure with the company.

At Foxconn, Trump said America is demanding fair and free trade. Some fear, however, that may be triggering a trade war.

"We've put tariffs on steel and aluminum; those businesses are through the roof," he said.

He said he wants to level the playing field.

"We're going to make a deal with a lot of people," he said, even as he mentioned recent disputes with Canada, Mexico and China.

President Donald Trump with a model of the Foxconn facility that is being built in Racine County.

Moments after the ceremonial groundbreaking, Trump told the news media, "This is great, we're making wonderful trade deals for the U.S."

It was a day of high-tech glitz and spectacle. The $10 billion Foxconn project — which will turn out high-resolution flat screens — includes about $4 billion in inducements from state and local governments.

In steamy heat, Trump presided at the groundbreaking alongside Gov. Scott Walker, Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou and House Speaker Paul Ryan, whose district is home to the new facility.

In the distance, a large American flag was draped high in the air from the buckets of two excavators alongside a fleet of Case construction equipment.

An array of Wisconsin political and business leaders attended, including former Gov. Tommy Thompson, investor David Lubar, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Johnson Controls CEO George Oliver.

Key player

Also attending was Masayoshi Son. Son is the chairman and chief executive officer of SoftBank Group Corp., a large Japanese-based conglomerate with links to Foxconn.

Son played a key role in starting the process that led to Foxconn's decision to build the gigantic factory in Wisconsin.

"I'm the one who introduced Terry (Gou)" to Trump, Son said.

From the site of the groundbreaking, Trump headed to the Opus Building, where Foxconn showed off its technology that included two production lines for video display panels and television sets.

Outfitted like a trade fair, the facility highlighted the wares of Foxconn group companies in areas like health care, aviation, agriculture and security. The displays hinted at the type of technology Foxconn hopes could be produced or dreamed up on the Wisconsin campus.

A model of the proposed Foxconn campus showed the scale and scope of what the facility might become. Farm fields give way to a science and technology park, commercial development and residential areas, with an autonomous vehicle test track in the middle.

“This one of one of the largest developments ever built in the world," Trump said during his tour of the facility. “It’s an incredible achievement for Wisconsin. And the product they will make here, it’s like nothing else we’ve ever made in our country.”

In his speech, Trump recounted how the deal came together and said Gou fell in love with the concept and the people of Wisconsin. He lauded Walker for cementing the deal, calling him "an unbelievably talented guy."

"Foxconn would not be in America if not for you," Walker told the president, as he was brought back to the stage to speak to the audience.

"So I gave Scott the ball and he ran with the ball," Trump said, adding that Walker was "a special talent" and then joking he hoped the governor wouldn't run against him.

FULL COVERAGE:Foxconn in Wisconsin

Trump mistakenly mentioned that he was the first Republican since Dwight Eisenhower in 1952 to win in Wisconsin. Republicans carried Wisconsin for president in 1956, 1960, 1968, 1972, 1980 and 1984.

Midwest link

Gou said 44 years ago he got his first break as a young businessman in the Midwest, getting his first order from a Chicago-based manufacturer.

"I came back to the Midwest to make a major investment in Wisconsin, to repay the kindness of the people who gave me a chance to realize my own dream," he said.

"Wisconsin has been the manufacturing heart of America. It has the skill set, the hard-working attitude, the culture and the people to support the transformation to a high-tech hub to lead the future," he said.

"This $10 billion investment will create 13,000 jobs in Wisconsin. And not just any jobs, but high-tech jobs, high-paying jobs, high-potential jobs, high-value jobs."

He said a community will be created where the best talent in America will want to work and live.

"To Silicon Valley and Boston, Wisconn Valley is coming," he said.

Gou thanked Ryan and Walker. And he said if not for Trump, "I would not be here today."

"As a global businessman, I'm invested in many businesses around the world," he said. "President Trump is one of the few leaders who has shown me so much patience and support."

Gou said during meetings with Trump in the past year, he said the president consistently told him: "Jobs. Jobs. Jobs."

Walker was enthused with the groundbreaking, declaring: "Because of President Trump, Foxconn's LED panels will be made in the USA."

"Today we break ground for the largest economic development projects in the history of our state," Walker told the audience gathered inside the Foxconn Opus Building.

Walker, who faces re-election, emphasized how Foxconn will provide an economic jolt across the state. He defended the deal as good for taxpayers and said Foxconn will "meet or exceed the laws that protect clean air, clean water," he said.

"This will make us a brain-gain state," Walker said.

Democrats for the most part have opposed the project, claiming it's a bad deal for taxpayers.

They're also upset with Trump taking on Harley.

“The irony of President Trump coming to Wisconsin to praise Foxconn — a Taiwanese company that has required billions of Wisconsin taxpayer incentives — while threatening to tax Wisconsin’s own Harley-Davidson out of existence, is not lost on Wisconsinites," said U.S. Rep. Ron Kind (D-La Crosse).

Late Thursday, Walker's office said on Friday morning the governor, Gou, Packers president and CEO Mark Murphy, as well as business leaders, would make an economic development announcement.

Milwaukee fundraiser

Trump arrived in Milwaukee late Wednesday night and settled in at the Pfister Hotel, which has hosted presidents going back to William McKinley in 1899.

Early Thursday, Trump touted the Foxconn development and the jobs it will bring in a tweet. He says in the tweet the project will create 15,000 jobs, but Foxconn has set that number at 13,000.

He headlined a Republican fundraiser in the morning, which drew about 250 people.

Several attendees at the GOP fundraiser described the event as "emotional" and inspirational. They said the president spoke for about 15 minutes at the main breakfast and touted his economic achievements.

"It was amazing. Trump gave a really great speech about economic growth and all of the jobs he's bringing to Wisconsin, specifically with Foxconn, and also the U.S.," said Christine File of Brookfield.

"I think it was very positive, it was very encouraging. His policies promote good things for businesses," she said, "and that grows the pie for everyone. It's not a limited pie."

Trump was "more impressive than I ever dreamed that he would be," said retired Milwaukee Circuit Judge Ralph Gorenstein, who attended the event with his wife, Cherie.

"When you're watching him on television, you don't get the whole thing," said Cherie Gorenstein. "He knows everything he's talking about. It was amazing. I cried twice."

"The most important thing he said: I made money for myself, I made deals for myself and made myself very wealthy. And now I'm doing it for this country," Ralph Gorenstein said.

The lobby of the Pfister Hotel was teeming with Secret Service agents, guests and Republicans during the fundraiser.

President Donald Trump's motorcade was parked outside the Pfister Hotel during the fundraiser.

In a hallway, a group of people gathered hoping to get a glimpse of or autograph from Trump.

On display at the Foxconn building in Mount Pleasant are bottles of whiskey made with Wisconsin ginseng.

RELATED:Donald Trump heads to Wisconsin to celebrate Foxconn amid his attacks on Harley-Davidson

RELATED:Foxconn looms as election wild card in Wisconsin for Scott Walker

RELATED:Trump bashes Harley-Davidson again, tweeting: 'We won't forget'

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP VISITS WISCONSIN:  Upload your videos of President Trump

President Donald Trump waves after he announced last July that Foxconn planned to build a massive plant in Wisconsin. To the left is House Speaker Paul Ryan. To the right is Foxconn CEO Terry Gou.

Protesters rally

The immigrant rights group, Voces de la Frontera, protested the Trump administration's border and immigration policy with a rally beginning at Zeidler Union Park.

More than a dozen protesters for a time blocked an I-794 off-ramp into downtown Milwaukee. Representatives of the immigration support group said they were acting in support of Franco Ferreyra, a Waukesha father of four who has been detained by federal ICE agents since June 11.

RELATED: Trump, visiting Wisconsin, a little better on Truth-O-Meter

Labor rights groups also protested near the Bucks new arena. Community groups also protested near the Foxconn site.

Jennifer Walter in Mount Pleasant and Milwaukee and James B. Nelson, Don Behm and Ahmed Elbenni in Milwaukee contributed to this report. 

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