Upcoming Events


CHaSS Research Open House


The College of Humanities & Social Sciences Research Team invites CHaSS Faculty to a series of open houses this September to introduce you to our team and what services we offer, especially in regard to proposal development and internal funding mechanisms. The open houses will take place in MAIN 340 (and on Zoom for statewide faculty members) on: Sept 9th 11 am-12 pm Sept 17th 2 pm- 3 pm Sept 18th 4 pm- 5 pm These open houses will be a great opportunity for faculty to meet the research team and other researchers. The research team consists of Associate Dean for Research Julia M. Gossard; Barbara Warnes, grant proposal development support specialist; and Nicole Steinicke, proposal development specialist. The open houses will allow faculty time to share research ideas with the proposal development specialists, discuss funding opportunities both internally and externally, and schedule further meetings with individuals from the team to support your research agendas. RSVP here: https://forms.gle/qg5U4seuQVZHisN6A

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm | Old Main |

CHaSS Research Open House


Please RSVP to help us plan for refreshments.

The College of Humanities & Social Sciences Research Team invites you to a series of open houses this September to introduce you to our team and what services we offer, especially in regard to proposal development and internal funding mechanisms.

The open houses will take place in MAIN 340 (and on Zoom for statewide faculty members) on:
Sept 9th 11 am-12 pm
Sept 17th 2 pm- 3 pm
Sept 18th 4 pm- 5 pm

These open houses will be a great opportunity for faculty to meet the research team and other researchers. The research team consists of Associate Dean for Research Julia M. Gossard; Barbara Warnes, grant proposal development support specialist; and Nicole Steinicke, proposal development specialist. The open houses will allow faculty time to share research ideas with the proposal development specialists, discuss funding opportunities both internally and externally, and schedule further meetings with individuals from the team to support your research agendas.
RSVP here: https://forms.gle/zQiAabLCAXNoPL5P9

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Old Main |

CHaSS Book Talk: Dr. David Lancy


Join us to celebrate the publication of Dr. David Lancy's newest book, Learning without Lessons, published with Oxford University Press. Professor Emeritus Lancy will provide a short talk about his work and there will be plenty of time for questions, conversation, and celebration. This is a great way to learn more about CHaSS research!

11:00 am - 12:30 pm | Old Main |

CHaSS Research Workshop: Best Practices in Book Proposals with University of Colorado Press


Faculty in CHaSS are invited to attend a Zoom workshop with Darrin Pratt, Director of University of Colorado Press. We will review the best practices in writing book proposals for academic and university presses as well as how to "pitch" your work to acquisitions editors. This is part 1 of a series on book proposals offered by CHaSS for faculty.

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

CHaSS Book Talk: Dr. Austin Knuppe (sponsored with Heravi Peace Institute)

Lecture/Readings | Tanner Talks

Join us to celebrate the publication of Dr. Austin Knuppe's (Political Science) recent book, Surviving the Islamic State: Contention, Cooperation, and Neutrality in Wartime Iraq. This book talk is sponsored by both CHaSS and the Heravi Peace Institute

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm | Old Main |




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