Gifts in celebration

If you’re celebrating a birthday, anniversary, wedding, civil partnership or other event, and instead of gifts you would like family and friends to make a donation to Victim Support, an easy way to do this is by setting up an online fundraising page.

You can create a personalised fundraising page on JustGiving and keep your family and friends updated by uploading photos, sending emails, and creating links to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Simply personalise a page to suit your occasion — it’s as easy as that.

Tips for your page:

  • Include images and stories explaining why you’ve chosen to support Victim Support
  • Ask your most generous friends to donate first to set an example.
  • Add the link to your page to all your event invitations and emails.
  • Share your fundraising page on social media and email

Other ways to raise money:

  • Gifts: Do something amazing by asking friends and family to donate to Victim Support instead of buying you a gift.
  • Collection: Include a collection box on the gift table – and make sure people know it’s there!
  • Games: Get competitive and set up games or quizzes that guests can pay to enter, with a prize for the winner.

We wouldn’t be able to provide our services and support to people affected by crime without the efforts of our fundraisers, and donations from members of the public. Any donations we receive are hugely appreciated, and can make a real and vital difference to people’s lives.

If you have any questions, get in touch with our fundraising team by emailing [email protected]. We’ll be happy to help.