
Volt Stats is no longer operational, but when it was working it interfaced with OnStar to collect data about the performance of Chevy Volts driving in the real world.

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MPG: Simply total miles driven divided by total gallons of gas burned. This is how the Volt reports MPG, although since the electricity is counted as "free" it doesn't give a true picture of the energy used. On the other hand, this is literally accurate. :)

MPGe: Counts all electric miles driven as 93, 94 or 98 "MPGe", depending on the model year of the vehicle. See this wikipedia page for the gory details, but in short, 33.7 kw*hrs of energy has been determined to be equal to one gallon of gasoline, and the Volt is rated at a combined 93 MPGe (0.36 kw*hrs/mi) by the EPA for the 2011 model, 94 MPGe for 2012, 98 MPGe for 2013 and up, and 106 MPGe for 2016 and up. This gives a better account of the true energy usage of the vehicle, in a number that's easily comparable to traditional cars. However, this is just an estimation - I cannot currently read raw kw*hrs from Onstar, so actual energy usage could be better or worse than this number. Hopefully we can get a real MPGe calculation in the near future. The formula is: Total Miles / (Gallons Burned + (EV Miles / EPA rating))

MPGCS: Charge-Sustaining MPG, or what the Volt is getting on gas only.

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Raw Data

Month Vehicles EV Miles Total Miles EV MPVDD Total MPVDD EV % MPG MPGe MPGCS
April 2011 1 243.02 729.26 27.22 84.68 33.3 61.13 50.14 40.76
May 2011 15 7990.09 10170.89 31.09 39.66 78.6 172.89 70.27 37.07
June 2011 37 22944.71 30803.23 31.44 41.21 74.5 142.65 66.58 36.39
July 2011 61 36422.38 55819.05 30.34 46.13 65.3 107.82 61.38 37.47
August 2011 71 50952.58 65636.29 30.12 38.46 77.6 167.44 69.85 37.46
September 2011 107 62900.76 85415.28 30.09 40.14 73.6 139.97 66.44 36.89
October 2011 155 97316.27 134836.02 29.52 40.44 72.2 128.75 64.53 35.83
November 2011 232 142240.96 199025.17 29.01 40.57 71.5 123.48 63.52 35.23
December 2011 318 197893.76 285550.09 27.94 39.96 69.3 107.86 59.96 33.11
January 2012 418 256240.90 344408.60 27.50 36.82 74.4 121.82 61.89 31.19
February 2012 504 328624.19 444618.24 29.19 39.34 73.9 114.74 60.21 29.93
March 2012 723 475029.41 623864.46 31.34 41.02 76.1 148.02 67.19 35.31
April 2012 913 633947.39 831187.15 31.26 40.85 76.3 150.12 67.57 35.62
May 2012 1079 823945.83 1080642.50 32.18 41.83 76.2 150.55 67.68 35.76
June 2012 1214 895571.50 1191862.87 31.91 42.33 75.1 144.89 67.05 36.02
July 2012 1408 999442.86 1368964.62 31.39 42.84 73.0 131.32 64.94 35.45
August 2012 1607 1230319.86 1634628.22 31.40 42.82 75.3 142.00 66.45 35.12
September 2012 1825 1352197.98 1801080.29 31.48 42.31 75.1 111.47 59.04 27.78
October 2012 1900 627698.82 832699.04 32.12 43.25 75.4 139.93 66.07 34.45
November 2012 1013 208742.43 280232.27 30.54 40.81 74.5 134.93 65.58 34.42
December 2012 1328 851534.56 1195259.60 28.81 40.41 71.2 115.76 62.01 33.29
January 2013 1587 1019370.57 1386184.42 27.82 38.62 73.5 114.59 60.80 30.32
February 2013 1589 977267.87 1299270.35 28.97 38.48 75.2 126.08 63.20 31.25
March 2013 1752 1275191.58 1695907.50 30.11 40.14 75.2 135.97 65.65 33.73
April 2013 1893 1335135.44 1720740.77 31.79 40.84 77.6 160.12 69.59 35.88
May 2013 1921 1507725.99 1945484.80 32.41 41.91 77.5 160.47 69.73 36.11
September 2013 2035 1529984.71 1981226.65 32.67 42.40 77.2 163.43 70.66 37.22
October 2013 2159 1690431.94 2223885.87 32.09 42.31 76.0 153.56 69.38 36.84
November 2013 2179 1487317.52 2062211.89 29.92 41.59 72.1 121.39 63.57 33.84
December 2013 2268 1415735.16 2074207.17 28.09 40.53 68.3 95.75 57.04 30.40
January 2014 2349 1468142.34 2058392.08 27.36 38.24 71.3 94.48 55.60 27.09
February 2014 2388 1381310.81 1917561.84 28.83 39.83 72.0 101.59 57.75 28.41
March 2014 2217 1019419.69 1405976.15 30.38 41.63 72.5 116.07 62.00 31.91
April 2014 1529 1116159.11 1472710.69 31.79 42.20 75.8 151.06 69.10 36.57
May 2014 1809 1418289.94 1860369.86 32.64 42.87 76.2 134.38 65.21 31.93
June 2014 2028 1462784.31 1937348.32 32.91 43.27 75.5 152.10 69.49 37.26
July 2014 2063 1515077.39 2057601.98 32.58 43.88 73.6 140.30 67.81 36.99
August 2014 2097 1560991.13 2094726.94 32.89 44.27 74.5 146.99 68.92 37.45
September 2014 2165 1606574.86 2118251.55 33.15 43.61 75.8 154.03 69.77 37.21
October 2014 2149 1612565.90 2119810.21 32.24 42.78 76.1 154.51 69.77 36.97
November 2014 2076 1374088.32 1903573.20 29.86 41.11 72.2 119.25 63.12 33.17
December 2014 2017 1145704.15 1610195.26 29.01 41.81 71.2 112.46 61.57 32.44
January 2015 1783 910724.46 1277558.12 28.52 40.07 71.3 97.41 56.73 27.97
February 2015 1033 409502.16 549794.80 29.02 39.53 74.5 103.12 57.49 26.31
March 2015 1188 792068.93 1055319.22 30.47 40.73 75.1 134.94 65.95 33.66
April 2015 1346 985908.29 1299392.43 31.56 42.13 75.9 147.90 68.52 35.68
May 2015 1534 1123282.17 1475549.51 32.11 42.35 76.1 155.29 69.97 37.07
June 2015 1523 1089366.93 1462950.34 32.76 43.89 74.5 144.43 68.49 36.88
July 2015 1559 1115129.90 1538997.30 32.64 44.87 72.5 133.99 66.98 36.90
August 2015 1606 1124332.15 1533811.06 32.31 43.97 73.3 137.91 67.56 36.82
September 2015 1568 1122328.89 1486106.66 33.21 43.52 75.5 151.01 69.45 36.97
October 2015 1639 1179482.54 1580380.71 31.91 43.43 74.6 144.90 68.68 36.76
November 2015 1679 1089134.86 1520949.90 30.11 43.11 71.6 124.38 65.14 35.31
December 2015 1722 1098377.24 1540473.00 30.12 42.29 71.3 120.27 64.26 34.52
January 2016 1759 1174968.21 1654435.24 29.24 40.55 71.0 107.63 60.64 31.19
February 2016 1879 1276256.00 1765116.93 30.88 42.38 72.3 115.23 62.49 31.91
March 2016 2032 1544541.33 2126137.34 31.84 43.56 72.6 130.61 66.60 35.73
April 2016 2208 1687485.40 2284054.67 32.28 43.88 73.9 139.52 68.38 36.44
May 2016 2321 1840923.06 2496737.95 32.45 43.93 73.7 142.58 69.22 37.45
June 2016 2453 1603463.45 2211683.00 32.81 45.60 72.5 141.39 69.58 38.88
July 2016 1656 1110854.29 1580955.59 31.51 45.07 70.3 124.94 66.38 37.15
August 2016 1914 1451690.67 1972717.04 32.80 44.44 73.6 143.47 69.70 37.89
September 2016 2103 1605053.30 2189833.32 33.19 44.85 73.3 142.32 69.63 38.00
October 2016 2269 1748059.52 2412677.34 31.70 43.71 72.5 138.02 69.03 38.02
November 2016 2418 1730205.47 2456862.35 30.90 43.77 70.4 124.35 66.36 36.78
December 2016 2553 1669118.11 2531054.90 28.53 43.16 65.9 94.15 58.15 32.06
January 2017 2725 1817591.60 2619881.15 28.67 41.41 69.4 105.18 60.91 32.21
February 2017 2793 1837929.92 2610627.91 30.10 42.71 70.4 114.70 63.59 33.95
March 2017 2926 2176546.77 3080224.04 30.88 43.85 70.7 117.43 64.35 34.45
April 2017 3028 2259269.89 3201128.09 31.63 44.87 70.6 125.22 66.69 36.84
May 2017 3172 2509287.86 3503134.18 32.36 45.14 71.6 135.94 69.15 38.57
June 2017 3264 2512426.60 3568639.17 32.49 46.17 70.4 129.48 68.02 38.32
July 2017 3374 2460317.49 3663977.13 31.04 46.05 67.1 117.31 65.90 38.54
August 2017 3481 2661418.74 3893970.34 31.99 46.55 68.3 122.38 66.95 38.74
September 2017 3610 2703891.70 3835072.46 31.83 44.64 70.5 130.92 68.43 38.61
June 2013 2008 1441339.95 1869104.90 32.61 42.15 77.1 160.62 69.99 36.76
July 2013 2049 1388964.61 1860120.41 32.40 43.22 74.7 145.17 68.11 36.77
August 2013 1880 1443697.35 1902896.95 33.02 43.53 75.9 154.15 69.51 37.20
October 2017 3649 2197190.00 3164952.47 31.03 44.41 69.4 123.85 66.93 37.87
November 2017 1711 1091117.66 1749707.60 27.92 44.21 62.4 90.58 57.23 34.10
December 2017 3788 1480602.19 2324144.14 27.99 43.55 63.7 88.11 56.69 31.98
January 2018 1273 630173.63 877557.25 29.24 40.21 71.8 108.21 61.21 30.51
February 2018 1459 878628.94 1221710.88 30.05 41.52 71.9 116.42 63.70 32.69
March 2018 1658 1172408.57 1653046.36 30.53 43.19 70.9 123.18 66.11 35.82
April 2018 1824 1297731.66 1819912.42 31.01 43.43 71.3 130.62 68.04 37.48
May 2018 1987 1566132.37 2168655.82 32.86 45.31 72.2 140.27 70.16 38.97
June 2018 2126 1592640.83 2303547.29 32.64 46.97 69.1 124.64 67.40 38.47
July 2018 2231 1638479.70 2397424.54 31.52 45.80 68.3 119.72 66.30 37.90
August 2018 2321 1790602.16 2587097.39 32.02 46.10 69.2 124.46 67.35 38.32
September 2018 2395 1752210.76 2481652.63 31.38 44.42 70.6 130.65 68.48 38.40
October 2018 2464 1905217.19 2709524.19 31.51 44.64 70.3 128.22 67.94 38.06
November 2018 2532 1693440.70 2538675.61 29.26 43.71 66.7 106.29 62.62 35.39
December 2018 2591 1648679.23 2539565.96 27.82 42.86 64.9 97.96 60.28 34.36
January 2019 2633 1659136.51 2429825.70 28.15 41.03 68.3 97.61 58.99 30.96
February 2019 2649 1515260.87 2224951.67 28.34 41.62 68.1 101.35 60.42 32.33
March 2019 2702 1893406.82 2795028.47 29.56 43.46 67.7 109.78 63.48 35.41
April 2019 2771 1986628.28 2860425.04 31.29 44.84 69.5 125.19 67.59 38.24
May 2019 2767 2125338.47 3032726.28 31.94 45.55 70.1 130.80 68.94 39.14
June 2019 2756 1996540.19 2903979.23 31.74 46.01 68.8 124.41 67.73 38.88
July 2019 2754 1991912.68 2938789.03 31.55 46.25 67.8 119.72 66.77 38.57
August 2019 2770 2067501.96 3005674.23 31.83 46.13 68.8 123.59 67.52 38.58
September 2019 2784 2010199.00 2866672.32 31.79 45.12 70.1 131.29 69.15 39.22
October 2019 2821 2110486.73 3028493.28 31.21 44.65 69.7 127.84 68.40 38.75
November 2019 2808 1837385.08 2772173.14 28.79 43.38 66.3 107.06 63.28 36.10
December 2019 2798 1760256.22 2749737.11 27.73 43.20 64.0 97.11 60.48 34.94
January 2020 2802 1822244.65 2685896.73 27.96 41.28 67.8 105.86 62.30 34.04
February 2020 2788 1769467.30 2625476.45 28.74 42.61 67.4 104.46 62.00 34.06
March 2020 2774 1432778.95 2044854.48 26.00 36.90 70.1 122.63 66.81 36.71
April 2020 2740 827052.91 1132090.29 20.86 28.57 73.1 136.82 69.40 36.87
May 2020 2726 1068418.20 1523891.24 22.60 32.18 70.1 128.06 68.41 38.28
June 2020 2687 1243105.07 1832239.40 24.83 36.46 67.8 119.03 66.72 38.27
July 2020 2645 1291084.59 1963207.59 24.96 37.87 65.8 108.81 64.24 37.25
August 2020 2589 1307541.54 1983980.75 25.45 38.30 65.9 111.20 65.03 37.91
September 2020 2553 1242677.02 1849882.67 25.61 37.96 67.2 118.12 66.81 38.77
October 2020 2498 1215615.87 1810153.76 25.28 37.60 67.2 116.72 66.38 38.34
November 2020 2438 1022107.17 1557435.72 23.55 35.70 65.6 108.27 64.18 37.21
December 2020 2380 945189.73 1495604.19 22.30 34.98 63.2 95.84 60.46 35.27
January 2021 2313 875619.86 1362517.04 21.94 33.90 64.3 95.00 59.76 33.95
February 2021 2258 788785.89 1217799.45 22.36 34.56 64.8 87.47 56.55 30.82
March 2021 2234 1037882.82 1571919.73 24.48 36.84 66.0 108.37 64.12 36.82
April 2021 2206 834570.21 1264989.04 25.05 37.86 66.0 112.37 65.53 38.23

Daily Driving Histogram

Blue Bars Represent:

This histogram charts the percentage of days that a Volt has driven a given number of miles. The green bars represent EV-only usage, and there are multiple options for the blue bars:

  • Total Mileage When Gas Used: If this is selected, the blue bars will represent the total distance driven when any gas was used. For example, if you drove 50 miles, 40 of which were EV powered, you would have a green tick at 40 and a blue tick at 50 in this mode.

  • CS-Only Mileage: In this mode, the blue bars will represent the number of miles driven in charge sustaining mode only. For our 50 miles/40 EV example, you would get a green tick at 40 and a blue tick at 10 in this mode.

  • Nothing - Show EV Only: Obviously, will clear the blue bars and only show EV usage.

In any mode, a day without gas usage will not get a blue tick. A vehicle's "day" is determined by the time zone of the zip code entered for the car. If the car doesn't have a zip code, central time will be used.

Group Name Mitglieder EV Miles Total Miles EV% MPG MPGe MPGCS
Wisconsin Volt Owners 105 2907572.86 4805581.87 60.5 88.22 56.99 34.84
Vegas Volts 33 680130.28 1035901.82 65.7 104.26 61.29 35.81
St. Louis Volt Owners 63 2006210.91 2855450.71 70.3 116.81 63.49 34.74
Indiana Volt Owners 71 2269370.45 3884288.57 58.4 85.69 56.65 35.63
Metro Detroit Volt's 153 4369550.57 6128113.12 71.3 125.69 65.55 36.07
North Texas 77 1845064.12 2715063.53 68.0 110.13 62.11 35.29
Guelph Volt Owners 19 594848.75 836498.11 71.1 126.78 66.30 36.63
Southern CA Volts!!! 211 5351941.65 7540262.77 71.0 120.97 64.27 35.11
DC Metro Volts 110 3263855.93 4370125.39 74.7 144.90 68.72 36.68
Greater Chicago area 138 3528991.12 5052897.24 69.8 115.52 63.15 34.84
Maryland Volt Owners 114 3703697.82 5019512.68 73.8 142.77 69.20 37.43
Houston Volts 72 2198662.57 3435335.59 64.0 100.39 60.30 36.14
Qweebec 41 1026065.74 1393251.93 73.6 122.74 63.64 32.35
Arizona Volts 102 2924454.70 4231148.06 69.1 114.37 63.17 35.32
Florida Volt Owners 229 6042423.01 8514856.60 71.0 127.93 66.36 37.15
Washington State Volts 133 3867518.00 5461555.08 70.8 125.11 66.00 36.52
NY Metropolitan Volts 51 1467714.16 2091862.43 70.2 121.19 64.69 36.16
SF Bay Area 221 5314148.06 7263721.97 73.2 138.09 68.12 37.06
Atlanta Metro Volts 102 2762078.62 4123922.81 67.0 107.61 61.75 35.54
Pennsylvania Volts 124 3279122.92 4727807.44 69.4 115.07 63.36 35.26
New England Volts 153 4417884.16 6067340.92 72.8 130.69 66.63 35.53
Hawaii Volt Owners 16 323785.90 386957.41 83.7 217.88 76.30 35.57
Triangle Volts 71 2159926.25 3014742.79 71.6 132.52 67.56 37.58
Ontario Volts 210 6431610.02 9601014.90 67.0 110.65 63.78 36.53
Ottawa Volts 44 1335156.69 1982416.38 67.3 108.51 62.71 35.43
NY State Volts 125 3609009.39 5372541.83 67.2 110.71 63.16 36.34
Michigan Capital City 30 689984.79 1086052.37 63.5 94.07 57.94 34.31
South Texas Volts 35 804141.64 1256316.63 64.0 95.94 58.62 34.53
AZ Volts 75 1966011.22 2838379.91 69.3 116.01 63.60 35.66
West TN Volts 28 869991.06 1178573.11 73.8 144.15 68.68 37.74
Missouri 48 1320745.43 1843638.26 71.6 131.72 66.84 37.36
Minnesota Volt Owners 116 2940905.21 4431784.09 66.4 97.39 58.58 32.76
IOWA volts 50 1172268.30 2029590.70 57.8 76.93 52.89 32.50
Volunteer Volts 38 1194230.37 1654249.49 72.2 126.90 65.54 35.29
Nebraska Volts 32 1007078.47 1385337.81 72.7 112.82 61.70 30.81
Colorado Volts 106 2836924.83 4029120.31 70.4 117.63 63.57 34.81
Cold Climate Volts 451 14407481.87 20716196.18 69.5 115.10 63.42 35.05
Ohio Volts 128 3878115.25 6181800.02 62.7 95.75 59.19 35.68
Jersey Shore Volts 22 624964.04 898822.76 69.5 118.13 64.02 35.99
Georgia Volts 88 2259909.26 3516458.75 64.3 99.98 60.16 35.73
GE EVs 12 221331.65 335065.11 66.1 99.71 59.24 33.84
Richard Rand 3 41217.27 43288.15 95.2 702.38 86.02 33.60
North Carolina Volts 130 4048866.80 5914137.13 68.5 124.28 66.76 39.20
Lupient Chev Volt Owners MN 25 597304.32 771722.05 77.4 139.90 65.68 31.62
Granite State Volts 26 737567.57 1019178.01 72.4 130.57 66.56 36.08
Alabama Volts 38 1509133.69 2457825.98 61.4 102.07 62.23 39.40
Powertrain Volt Owners 25 509835.01 764269.59 66.7 102.76 60.22 34.21
Northern CA Volts 89 2087757.86 2712115.18 77.0 160.98 70.93 37.06
Oregon Volts! 67 1512357.78 2192162.64 69.0 114.92 63.70 35.64
KC Metro 31 809485.29 1180339.58 68.6 112.40 62.86 35.32
RAJVOLT 1 26784.73 48831.64 54.9 73.09 51.87 33.00
sf 14 460709.02 592797.47 77.7 161.96 70.63 36.09
ISJ 1 3538.12 3832.34 92.3 438.44 82.63 33.66
Central Illinois Volts 54 1443185.71 2359310.52 61.2 88.12 56.69 34.22
Arkansas Volts 24 692060.89 1297929.12 53.3 80.70 55.81 37.67
Google+ Volt Group 53 1773893.79 2417087.18 73.4 134.82 66.30 35.87
Ann Arbor Volts 34 1386223.85 2090166.60 66.3 103.33 61.18 34.80
Connecticut Volts 68 2180729.98 2908186.72 75.0 140.20 67.95 35.07
CANADIAN VOLT 409 12414478.69 17037079.97 72.9 130.77 66.82 35.48
Maine Volts 18 519148.69 895051.72 58.0 82.01 55.62 34.44
Bloomfield Township Volts 18 424693.48 539001.39 78.8 162.57 70.33 34.48
Jackson Michigan Volts 4 148328.31 267394.03 55.5 80.40 55.39 35.80
Nothern Jersey Volts 33 882547.44 1181074.33 74.7 135.02 66.56 34.13
San Antonio Volt 23 622763.06 993758.23 62.7 95.03 59.17 35.48
StCharlesMo 9 294696.21 356098.86 82.8 203.86 74.69 35.15
Long Island Volts 41 888221.02 1119966.79 79.3 170.42 72.08 35.26
Utah Volts! 42 1407479.19 2488070.30 56.6 83.28 56.38 36.17
Toronto Volts 86 2540380.02 3580228.31 71.0 120.81 65.07 35.09
Politician Volt Owners 1 10965.47 36463.49 30.1 51.95 44.54 36.33
Facebook Volt Owners 234 8412556.89 12045598.91 69.8 119.22 64.20 35.96
Space Coast Volts 23 588083.05 814434.20 72.2 133.23 66.70 37.03
CMSFleet 2 39148.32 76559.75 51.1 69.00 50.38 33.72
SC owners 20 700608.77 919314.40 76.2 159.87 71.11 38.03
hawaii 3 87580.29 115026.00 76.1 152.47 70.30 36.38
Orange County, CA Volts 68 1639268.30 2215494.29 74.0 134.68 66.77 35.03
Cincinnati Volts 44 1111005.69 1594791.13 69.7 112.02 62.24 33.98
Quebec volt 270 6978626.36 9526964.91 73.3 130.98 66.43 35.04
Crystal Red Volts 83 2861396.84 4146780.57 69.0 112.15 62.31 34.76
Oklahoma 23 832704.41 1295417.38 64.3 99.12 59.99 35.41
Central Orange County, CA 7 98800.39 136060.39 72.6 114.79 61.69 31.43
Austin Volts 63 1883136.65 2707032.11 69.6 116.32 63.74 35.40
Virginia Volt Owners 70 2229446.74 3069591.83 72.6 132.93 67.01 36.38
Huntington Beach, CA Volts 11 277444.56 413392.61 67.1 108.00 61.98 35.52
MountaineerVolts 18 510437.63 807368.72 63.2 94.66 58.82 34.81
Columbia Volts 6 185001.34 219173.71 84.4 228.83 75.97 35.68
San Diego Volts 65 1781392.95 2465744.83 72.2 128.60 66.38 35.69
GulfVolt1 and GulfVolt2 8 92097.37 120328.73 76.5 145.06 67.38 34.03
Richard 2 67973.93 80119.67 84.8 200.91 73.34 30.46
DG-LG 4 78431.42 123558.00 63.5 102.21 60.73 37.33
Illinois Volts 103 2904561.13 4318058.77 67.3 106.70 61.63 34.93
Monterey Bay Area, CA VOLTS 11 192222.20 266548.56 72.1 134.59 68.21 37.53
Solar and Wind Charged Volts 127 4186315.94 5796237.03 72.2 129.37 66.00 35.93
Frederick MD Volts 13 594472.49 835134.10 71.2 118.68 63.99 34.20
Columbus Ohio Volts 39 1304844.57 2064096.53 63.2 97.60 59.68 35.90
Dayton Ohio Volts 16 320872.47 616768.52 52.0 72.07 52.13 34.58
Chicago North Shore 19 366716.96 639352.33 57.4 83.12 55.82 35.45
Sweet 1 1064.92 1296.85 82.1 170.30 70.15 30.46
Santa Barbara County Volts 12 299422.08 399348.88 75.0 156.36 71.19 39.13
6 Volts Over Texas 42 1266968.88 1829998.46 69.2 114.16 63.47 35.12
Take that OPEC !!! 42 1897234.08 2530037.98 75.0 134.39 66.10 33.61
Amylin Volts 5 123978.15 181555.58 68.3 118.41 64.40 37.55
Idaho Volts 15 600490.02 818923.44 73.3 140.78 69.04 37.55
2013 Model Year Volts 554 19372647.97 28273662.94 68.5 108.07 61.56 34.02
Hispanic Volt Owners 14 411062.65 642870.88 63.9 98.26 60.54 35.43
+Irvine, CA RESIDENTS group+ 13 276747.07 363596.34 76.1 159.36 71.19 38.06
Army VOLTS 10 367290.77 543930.41 67.5 108.80 61.44 35.33
Delaware Volt Owners 16 503115.45 653626.49 77.0 159.25 72.23 36.67
Santa Clarita Volts 14 358789.09 464220.66 77.3 170.35 73.05 38.69
Savannah Volts 8 171610.52 332456.77 51.6 74.21 53.66 35.90
Montana Volts 5 198160.90 353526.38 56.1 78.32 54.62 34.42
2012 Volt Owners Group 268 10703742.06 17469898.04 61.3 92.68 57.78 35.89
2011 Volt Owners Group 75 3489123.90 5835580.10 59.8 89.06 56.63 35.81
IT Professionals 184 6373487.50 9389437.97 67.9 108.34 62.18 34.80
JAX Volts! 12 391675.47 548207.71 71.4 129.34 67.59 36.93
Miami Volts 24 721851.23 1222642.34 59.0 84.24 55.80 34.50
Easthampton Volts 8 309617.08 432910.71 71.5 129.19 66.78 36.79
AB Volt Owners 16 412309.61 624967.71 66.0 103.44 61.57 35.20
DFW Volts 81 2220869.19 3275812.12 67.8 113.67 63.91 36.61
Veterans With Volts 53 1852888.11 2695224.16 68.7 109.96 62.34 34.36
Intel Volts 12 223969.13 320291.44 69.9 114.11 62.72 34.32
CVCV (Central Valley California Volts) 10 397773.45 710216.82 56.0 75.62 52.89 33.27
Apple Volts 34 922939.25 1475121.72 62.6 91.65 58.01 34.31
South Jersey Volts 18 491235.24 623633.35 78.8 172.33 72.27 36.59
Vancouver Island BC 6 167015.58 204578.82 81.6 190.22 75.11 34.93
Michigan Volts 143 4638304.29 6658956.10 69.7 117.77 64.51 35.74
League City TX Volts 2 113783.99 156955.83 72.5 175.48 75.47 48.27
GM Volt Drivers 74 2304714.02 3289973.09 70.1 112.13 62.58 33.58
Greenville Volts 9 267042.79 350074.81 76.3 154.22 70.60 36.58
Wyoming Volts 1 8167.17 9683.26 84.3 170.66 69.13 26.72
Palos Verdes Volts 7 262235.13 342362.74 76.6 150.42 68.48 35.20
BC Volt Owners 45 1670402.10 2137115.52 78.2 161.16 72.07 35.20
Albuquerque Volts 12 297004.27 417817.42 71.1 117.95 64.26 34.11
Seattle Area Volt Owners 76 2305695.18 2992087.07 77.1 156.97 70.96 36.01
Central Mass Volts 24 724568.95 954593.34 75.9 145.03 68.85 34.95
Contra Costa Volts 14 378789.93 569734.61 66.5 107.93 62.87 36.17
Simi Valley Volts 5 160519.45 176126.63 91.1 378.36 84.26 33.53
Mississippi Volt Group! 6 237841.98 292373.42 81.3 206.11 76.27 38.44
120V Charged Volts 142 3872457.28 6152989.85 62.9 93.41 58.71 34.62
Macdaddy 4 67333.94 89846.54 74.9 133.71 65.42 33.50
White Diamond Volts 37 1301867.40 1751897.43 74.3 135.70 66.73 34.86
Jersey Devils 13 388703.77 557744.51 69.7 115.15 63.97 34.90
Rose-Hulman Volts 4 88971.90 176086.29 50.5 68.62 50.96 33.95
Quebec City 37 963692.83 1335381.50 72.2 116.43 63.03 32.41
Bunnin Chevrolet Volt Group 7 101311.47 131321.06 77.1 156.17 70.28 35.69
Volts from Neal at Atlantic 7 165460.03 214605.69 77.1 151.29 68.08 34.65
Blue Topaz Metallic Volts 35 1390553.83 1969404.38 70.6 117.26 63.24 34.47
San Bernardino County Volts 7 308390.49 566870.27 54.4 71.81 51.26 32.74
MathWorkers 11 431255.63 632756.91 68.2 114.50 64.36 36.46
Shenandoah Valley Volts 4 126098.02 214648.25 58.7 90.33 59.22 37.26
Central Florida Volts 86 2576299.30 3818656.52 67.5 116.06 65.01 37.76
Knoxville VOLts 18 604494.65 867419.92 69.7 114.94 63.74 34.84
Dad's and Son's Volts 6 268599.77 416941.78 64.4 100.55 60.70 35.77
larimer county volts 10 307335.50 458105.88 67.1 101.93 60.14 33.55
Manitoba Volts 9 251288.34 401700.87 62.6 85.96 55.50 32.19
NoVA Volts 39 1326150.25 1796664.81 73.8 136.33 67.57 35.70
+Black Volts 103 3386540.64 5374840.09 63.0 97.15 59.97 35.94
Fox Volt Owners 2 47031.03 59662.65 78.8 165.84 71.06 35.11
Engineers Drive VOLTS! 105 3868430.06 5381536.90 71.9 124.02 65.62 34.87
York, PA Volts 10 418993.69 623961.08 67.2 113.57 64.54 37.31
LGBT Volt Owners 51 1675873.11 2608172.94 64.3 98.70 60.47 35.28
Secular Humanists 16 526598.94 764074.89 68.9 119.22 65.94 37.05
Kentucky volt owners 28 964641.31 1739025.09 55.5 77.55 54.19 34.53
Los Angeles Volts Unite 39 1032145.99 1611565.81 64.0 101.62 61.80 36.54
AT-PZEV Volts 7 243746.52 322920.82 75.5 146.25 68.78 35.86
2014 Volt Owners Group 322 9916681.53 14607315.41 67.9 107.53 61.62 34.53
Rural Area Volts 29 979544.79 1618172.28 60.5 88.17 57.71 34.80
PHEV Development Group 3 113538.90 180416.61 62.9 94.32 58.36 34.96
LGEKU Volts 5 175812.81 254184.85 69.2 114.08 62.73 35.17
Kansas Volts 27 814016.67 1299787.83 62.6 92.44 58.28 34.55
S.W. Michigan Volt Group 16 535587.91 779759.64 68.7 122.48 66.35 38.35
Solar Powered Volts USA 78 2946753.35 3941908.10 74.8 139.02 68.03 35.10
Illini Volts 11 398534.02 724293.15 55.0 70.32 50.42 31.63
Women Volt owners/ Femmes propriétaires d'une Volt 30 924915.20 1255154.26 73.7 127.48 65.37 33.54
Twin Cities (West Burbs) 24 576929.14 849735.38 67.9 100.27 59.33 32.19
Springfield MO 2 73654.97 128268.85 57.4 79.26 53.40 33.75
Inland Empire Volts 28 979936.07 1632337.43 60.0 85.62 56.55 34.22
Illinois Tech Volts 10 355922.41 597376.48 59.6 79.76 53.64 32.24
Lehigh Valley PA 12 391800.92 557583.27 70.3 129.41 67.89 38.48
Middle Of Nowhere, CA 1 16940.13 25390.53 66.7 89.67 54.57 29.84
Sacramento 23 841200.13 1199649.39 70.1 117.57 64.71 35.13
MSU Spartan Volts 14 433205.11 711658.47 60.9 89.22 57.74 34.91
Montérégie/Québec 73 2103703.73 2860269.07 73.5 128.14 65.91 33.90
White Volts 20 698608.45 1092454.94 63.9 95.23 59.05 34.33
+Silver Ice Metallic Volt+ 49 1380388.22 2285407.73 60.4 87.68 57.39 34.72
BROWARD COUNTY VOLTS OWNERS 4 124214.12 146793.17 84.6 228.32 76.84 35.12
Summit White Volts 19 735172.42 1109748.65 66.2 101.00 59.95 34.09
Viridian Joule Volts 21 850216.34 1283598.56 66.2 105.55 60.79 35.64
!40 miles or more commute! 109 4467323.10 6646980.30 67.2 107.45 62.00 35.24
Polar Volt Club 2 70107.97 111514.52 62.9 93.00 57.80 34.53
Louisville KY Volts 11 419742.56 749232.53 56.0 84.17 57.03 37.01
Sonoma County, CA 5 97989.63 140037.94 70.0 122.81 66.17 36.87
Wrobel Volts 4 113830.65 154346.51 73.8 126.55 64.82 33.22
Roulez Electrique 160 4617437.33 6149308.90 75.1 145.69 69.80 36.29
zzz 4 152003.76 310935.71 48.9 69.16 51.58 35.35
EMC Volts 10 343292.29 445199.08 77.1 159.99 71.15 36.62
Cleveland Volts 18 503469.16 747667.36 67.3 108.27 62.65 35.36
2nd Volts 26 738315.61 1063063.90 69.5 114.94 64.11 35.11
Boston Area Volts 58 1618850.38 2323998.63 69.7 121.11 66.15 36.75
Grics 10 262062.31 316130.19 82.9 185.10 72.86 31.66
Vermont Volts 8 253367.50 417422.03 60.7 86.72 56.72 34.08
Sag-lac Volt 8 143580.25 251291.92 57.1 102.83 65.25 44.08
Fort Myers Florida Volts 4 120886.11 162977.05 74.2 148.13 70.58 38.26
RAVÉ Regroupement des Amateurs de Véhicules Électriques 53 1494293.71 2077934.28 71.9 125.71 65.74 35.31
Monrovia CA VOLTs 1 54230.20 67047.36 80.9 185.13 73.23 35.39
Pittsburgh n' at Volts 22 759421.88 1127928.60 67.3 101.40 59.98 33.13
South Puget Sound and Olympic Peninsula Volts 30 1064276.43 1568118.77 67.9 113.03 63.97 36.32
Firefighter / EMS 6 211763.66 297808.63 71.1 123.90 65.66 35.80
Asian Volt Owners 7 188545.89 307745.86 61.3 92.66 59.17 35.89
Volt, en français. 155 4688914.55 6280387.35 74.7 141.76 69.35 35.92
3 Year Lease Volts 41 961694.99 1305780.34 73.6 140.29 69.76 36.97
2015 Volt Owners Group 165 4804885.13 6946481.64 69.2 115.96 63.75 35.75
Deaf Volts 1 1415.24 3269.98 43.3 63.24 49.43 35.87
NWI Volts of the Region 10 490100.07 849916.63 57.7 83.91 56.23 35.52
Brownstone Metallic Volts 15 492047.86 637008.83 77.2 155.26 69.82 35.33
Trois-Rivières 8 263279.58 314818.35 83.6 214.14 77.92 35.06
Tompkins County Volts 4 132696.79 228701.18 58.0 81.94 54.99 34.40
!50 miles or more commute! 146 6781113.49 10456035.48 64.9 100.36 60.96 35.27
Ashen Grey Metallic Volts 17 626592.84 802026.69 78.1 152.09 68.92 33.27
Military Owners 13 321083.22 516433.28 62.2 99.63 62.06 37.69
Netflix Volts 1 18893.48 23009.43 82.1 121.18 60.13 21.68
Alaska Volts 4 65953.25 136789.37 48.2 66.22 50.67 34.29
2nd Hand Volts 115 4985988.53 8958786.32 55.7 79.61 54.77 35.30
Music City Volts 9 311083.18 415139.10 74.9 145.35 69.64 36.43
New Brunswick Group 1 34334.45 60028.69 57.2 83.29 57.47 35.65
Kings County Volts 1 67702.83 119923.30 56.5 76.48 53.09 33.30
Phoenix Volts 28 1126422.88 1585564.62 71.0 121.68 65.30 35.23
Brockville Owners 4 60924.25 82800.76 73.6 122.83 65.72 32.45
Macomb County Voltarians 9 281828.82 341399.10 82.6 256.78 82.53 44.81
!100+ Mile Commuters 74 3063368.59 6118236.83 50.1 75.40 55.00 37.65
les tripeux de volt 25 903300.49 1234969.07 73.1 130.66 67.91 35.09
West Virginia Electric Auto Association 8 301598.27 508873.88 59.3 85.45 56.68 34.81
Peterborough Volt Owners 3 67238.23 103138.42 65.2 94.39 58.58 32.85
Charleston Area Volt Owners 3 160876.57 213820.90 75.2 158.99 72.78 39.37
2016 Volt Owners Group 182 5501866.99 7427255.28 74.1 151.86 73.63 39.37
Finger lakes volts 8 252692.52 444289.62 56.9 80.51 55.40 34.72
LinkedIn Employees Volt Group 1 20035.63 44033.21 45.5 65.18 50.04 35.52
AB VIDEO INC. VOLT OWNERS 3 62203.71 82038.62 75.8 120.00 62.23 29.01
Denver Volts 13 610226.85 790590.01 77.2 144.14 68.54 32.88
GEN2 Quebec Volts 86 2858661.59 3640316.50 78.5 170.43 75.22 36.59
NASA 8 282518.34 540010.21 52.3 77.65 55.04 37.03
Portland, Oregon Volts 13 294111.20 509441.75 57.7 80.92 55.71 34.20
Hacked/Tuned Performance Volts 8 269948.89 493193.00 54.7 75.46 53.48 34.16
2017 Volt Owners Group 370 10889091.39 14949716.57 72.8 146.63 72.93 39.83
Garage-less Volts 18 747027.58 1362762.25 54.8 76.45 53.88 34.54
Upper Michigan U.P. Volts 3 73552.53 86901.84 84.6 188.91 74.16 29.02
Workiva Volts 2 84010.71 154752.03 54.3 70.60 50.46 32.28
Marin County Volts 2 25758.55 30310.98 85.0 267.14 85.03 40.12
Cisco Volts 2 51500.39 59749.31 86.2 273.75 82.62 37.79
South Central Kansas Volts 5 113834.50 220862.44 51.5 72.98 53.21 35.37
Lexmark Volt Owners 2 57852.78 74846.32 77.3 170.56 74.40 38.72
Louisiana 1 21764.30 35191.44 61.8 107.34 66.00 40.96
Stigall 2 43131.06 57253.16 75.3 106.98 59.76 26.39
Teacher Volts 11 573290.31 870487.02 65.9 108.58 63.45 37.07
Palo Alto Volt Drivers 1 73102.16 89490.14 81.7 196.93 74.55 36.06
Memphis Area Volts 10 317613.94 584829.92 54.3 88.38 59.32 40.38
Western Mass Volt Owner's 5 222660.94 284254.49 78.3 168.63 73.80 36.54
Erie County PA Volts 2 65269.39 84654.27 77.1 179.01 77.76 40.99
100,000+ Mile Volts 30 2295307.36 4378951.66 52.4 76.53 53.98 36.42
Rochester NY Volts 16 520857.49 807518.94 64.5 98.51 60.77 34.97
NYC VOLT 4 141454.32 197419.01 71.7 127.57 67.28 36.16
Cape Coral Volts 3 103936.24 145713.44 71.3 120.19 63.70 34.46
Pepperdust Metallic Volts 5 69557.56 76548.33 90.9 427.51 91.65 39.04
IBEW Volts 3 110345.27 174957.86 63.1 87.24 56.41 32.22
Amateur Radio (Hamradio) 14 612986.61 1082615.32 56.6 81.68 56.24 35.43
SIG Volts 3 168790.99 213742.14 79.0 179.26 74.93 37.70
Kinetic Blue Metallic Volts 23 851381.77 1178103.62 72.3 145.91 72.92 40.47
Tri-Cities Ontario 11 319788.22 410494.58 77.9 167.14 74.72 36.93
Volt Gen 2 sans sonde modifié. 23 901673.83 1209116.13 74.6 140.39 70.41 35.70
Pilot Volts 4 85511.75 109478.21 78.1 199.18 80.72 43.60
Heather Gray Volts 9 240733.11 323123.79 74.5 163.37 76.05 41.66
Central PA 7 325307.32 410085.68 79.3 160.69 70.98 33.22
2017 Volt 86 2789384.62 3921831.62 71.1 138.88 71.75 40.10
Siren Red Tintcoat 13 412584.78 582180.29 70.9 130.22 69.61 37.93
Lake Havasu City Volts 2 113037.39 164615.94 68.7 122.53 65.14 38.39
100,000+ EV Mile Volts 7 903073.18 1168171.63 77.3 152.53 68.11 34.61
Quebec Bolt ev 2 67007.89 91027.11 73.6 101.22 57.75 26.71
Triad NC Volts 9 394855.13 661868.19 59.7 137.44 75.60 55.45
Capital Region of New York 7 272908.75 425791.71 64.1 97.27 60.24 34.93
Original Owners 2011 Early Adoptors 2 116071.15 153309.29 75.7 137.78 64.94 33.47
Bucks County 4 124440.14 181080.12 68.7 130.11 68.69 40.70
Waterloo Region Voltec 6 115425.25 143753.80 80.3 186.19 77.25 36.69
Hamilton Volts 6 204401.82 287774.85 71.0 120.15 66.18 34.81
Eugene OR Volts 3 126536.36 180066.14 70.3 120.09 65.35 35.70
Marion County Volts 2 46556.00 50913.35 91.4 492.21 93.82 42.12
Winnipeg Volts 1 18331.79 59020.20 31.1 45.62 39.86 31.45
SMUD Volts 3 147378.46 216540.33 68.1 118.92 66.69 37.98
Varian Volts 1 20865.99 28931.06 72.1 168.98 78.60 47.11
West Texas Volts 3 104145.68 253942.77 41.0 55.73 45.42 32.87
Carvana Volt Owners 3 108909.23 136644.09 79.7 183.72 76.01 37.29
2018 Volt Owners Group 92 2375479.69 3354581.36 70.8 126.88 68.62 37.03
Buffalo/WNY Volts 5 237462.28 396136.35 59.9 90.19 59.42 36.13
AT&T Volts 3 95430.42 118657.22 80.4 194.77 78.61 38.13
Sharkfinev.Blogspot 1 26270.68 29921.50 87.8 307.53 86.69 37.52
Volterado 1 3477.97 4919.93 70.7 111.95 64.09 32.81
Wellington North 1 44871.87 53983.45 83.1 226.74 81.62 38.27
Sedona/VOC Volts 1 40906.35 47168.81 86.7 453.53 87.48 60.21
Ross' 4 167400.86 330671.15 50.6 68.48 50.31 33.81
BC/Canada Volts 4 163806.97 185316.71 88.4 342.92 88.85 39.80
2018 Volt Owners 21 538776.42 835913.93 64.5 99.14 61.68 35.24
Douglas County OR Volts 1 56464.53 83240.46 67.8 105.87 61.10 34.06
Central California Volts 3 103311.68 171938.60 60.1 104.08 65.46 41.54
Third Coast Volts 1 7256.70 12161.55 59.7 77.58 54.00 31.29
2019 Volt Owners Group 32 533857.64 749310.23 71.2 135.65 70.76 39.00
ACR Volts 2 62599.47 77436.81 80.8 145.33 67.54 27.85
Louisiana 2 53021.55 76926.95 68.9 115.94 65.01 36.03
Voltemorts 2 25607.56 42970.23 59.6 98.23 63.28 39.69
Wayne County Ohio Volts 1 63586.55 122592.43 51.9 68.95 50.52 33.19
Mormon Volt Drivers 2 110538.15 179609.97 61.5 100.35 61.56 38.59
Young Volt Owners (21-) 2 97278.99 132992.62 73.1 115.33 61.98 30.97
Volvo/Volt Owners 2 107337.60 208373.24 51.5 78.10 55.04 37.87
OK Boomer 2 76484.70 102999.35 74.3 115.26 62.67 29.67
Crashed Volts 1 64901.24 89525.52 72.5 110.32 60.75 30.34