Coralie Mercier :: Head of W3C Marketing & Communications

My personal website is <a href=""=""></a>, and I blog in <a href=""="">"Contemplations in markup"</a>. I have a light <a href="/wg_a52b03be97db00a8b00fb8f33a293d141/en/de/"="">public page</a> and W3C Team may consult my <a href="/wg_a52b03be97db00a8b00fb8f33a293d141/en/de/"="">Team page</a>.

This document describes my attributions at <a href=""="">W3C</a> since February 2015. (<small="">See the <a href="admin_manager.html"="">1999 - 2015 document</a> for previous attributions within W3C.</small>)

Feb 2015 - present: <strong="">Head of W3C Marketing &amp; Communications</strong>
Managing MarComm Team
Member communications
W3C Homepage
MarComm strategy
Events opportunities review
W3C logos and evaluating logo usage requests
W3C Blog maintenance
Last updated: $Date: 2024/02/01 11:42:33 $ GMT

MarComm team management (February 2015 -&gt; present)

W3C Member Communications (January 2012 -&gt; present)

W3C Homepage (January 2012 -&gt; present)

MarComm strategy (February 2015 -&gt; present)

  1. Communicate who we are and what we do for the Web overall
  2. Support W3C Working/Interest Groups operations (Communications execution of the Process Document)
  3. Support Business Development recruiting efforts

Events opportunities review (February 2015 -&gt; present)

W3C logos (February 2015 -&gt; present)


Weekly Newsletter (March 2015 -&gt; September 2022)

W3C Press Clippings (February 2005 -&gt; August 2021)

W3C Blog (December 2008 -&gt; present)

W3C volunteer translations program (July 2006 -&gt; May 2015)

W3C Authorized Translations (July 2006 -&gt; May 2015)

Member testimonials (February 2015 -&gt; January 2016)

Positive Work Environment taskforce co-chair / editor (March 2007 -&gt; February 2017)

Community and Business Groups (January 2012 -&gt; March 2017)

Advisory Board (March 2005 -&gt; March 2017)

Social media &amp; micro-blogging (April 2009 -&gt; January 2018)

Created 24 April 2015 by <a href=""="">Coralie</a>

Last update $Date: 2024/02/01 11:42:33 $ by $Author: coralie $