","or","","should be output as",""," output method should not escape ","\ncharacters occurring in attribute values."," output method may add or remove whitespace as it\noutputs the result tree, so long as it does not change how an HTML user agent\nwould render the output. The default value is "," output method should escape non-ASCII characters in\nURI attribute values using the method recommended in ","Section\nB.2.1"," of the HTML 4.0 Recommendation."," output method may output a character using a\ncharacter entity reference, if one is defined for it in the version of HTML\nthat the output method is using."," output method should terminate processing\ninstructions with "," rather than "," output method should output boolean attributes (that\nis attributes with only a single allowed value that is equal to the name of\nthe attribute) in minimized form. For example, a start-tag written in the\nstylesheet as","