","or","","\n MUST be output as\n ","","A common requirement is to output a "," element\n as shown in the example below:\n ","","This is\n invalid\n HTML, for the reasons explained in section B.3.2 of\n the [HTML] 4.01 specification. Nevertheless, it is possible to output\n this fragment, using either of the following constructs:\n ","Firstly, by use of a "," element\n created by an XQuery direct element constructor or an\n XSLT literal result element:\n ","Secondly, by constructing the markup from ordinary text characters:","","As the [HTML] specification points out, the correct way to write this\n is to use the escape conventions for the specific scripting language.\n For JavaScript, it can be written as:\n ","","The [HTML] 4.01 specification also shows examples of how to write\n this in various other scripting languages. The escaping MUST be done\n manually; it will not be done by the serializer.\n ","7.2 Writing Attributes\n ","The HTML output method\n "," escape\n \"","\" characters occurring in attribute values.\n ","A boolean attribute is an\n attribute with only a single allowed value in any of the HTML DTDs\n or that is specified to be a boolean\n attribute by HTML5 (see [HTML5]), where the\n allowed value is equal without regard to case\n to the name of the attribute. \n The HTML output method MUST output any boolean attribute in minimized form if\n and only if the value of the attribute node actually is equal to the name of\n the attribute\n \n \n making the comparison without regard to case.\n \n \n ","For example, a start-tag created\n using the following XQuery direct element constructor or XSLT\n literal result element\n ","