Community & Business Groups

Participants in the WebExtensions Community Group


More on how to choose chairs
  • Timothy Hatcher's profile picture

    Timothy Hatcher

    Apple Inc.

  • Simeon Vincent's profile picture

    Simeon Vincent

    Mozilla Foundation


  • Eitan Adler's profile picture

    Eitan Adler

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Ankit Agarwal

    Microsoft Corporation

  • No Photo

    Bru Ais

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Pedro Alvarado

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Tomoya Asai's profile picture

    Tomoya Asai

    WebDINO Japan

  • Cezar Augusto's profile picture

    Cezar Augusto

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Dietrich Ayala

    Protocol Labs

  • No Photo

    Erikas Baronas

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Surfshark

  • No Photo

    Michael Becker

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Wouter Beek's profile picture

    Wouter Beek


  • Jessie Berlin's profile picture

    Jessie Berlin

    Apple Inc.

  • No Photo

    Anton Bershanskyi

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Andrew Beyer's profile picture

    Andrew Beyer


  • No Photo

    Jan Biniok

    Jan Biniok (Tampermonkey)

  • No Photo

    Peter Bloomfield


  • No Photo

    Sinisa Botic

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Jérôme Boursier's profile picture

    Jérôme Boursier


  • Andrii Bozhenko's profile picture

    Andrii Bozhenko


  • Benjamin Bruneau's profile picture

    Benjamin Bruneau


  • Marvin Burman's profile picture

    Marvin Burman

    OceanHero GmbH

  • Steve Burris's profile picture

    Steve Burris


  • No Photo

    alaska canyon

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Sarven Capadisli's profile picture

    Sarven Capadisli

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Tim Cappalli's profile picture

    Tim Cappalli


  • No Photo

    Shane Caraveo

    Mozilla Foundation

  • No Photo

    Davide Carpano

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Tyler Carson

    Keeper Security Inc.

  • No Photo

    Randhir Chakraborty

    Microsoft Corporation

  • No Photo

    Piyush Chauhan

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Mélanie Chauvel's profile picture

    Mélanie Chauvel

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Dashlane

  • No Photo

    Philipp Claßen


  • No Photo

    Mitchell Cohen


  • No Photo

    Danny Colin

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Bret Comnes

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Arthur CORUBLE


  • No Photo

    Devlin Cronin

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Casey Cupp


  • Bradley Cushing's profile picture

    Bradley Cushing

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Xuezhou Dai's profile picture

    Xuezhou Dai

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Antonela Debiasi


  • No Photo

    Alexander Donesky


  • Dalton Downing's profile picture

    Dalton Downing


  • Oliver Dunk's profile picture

    Oliver Dunk

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    William Durand

    Mozilla Foundation

  • Konrad Dzwinel's profile picture

    Konrad Dzwinel

    Duck Duck Go, Inc.

  • cameron eckelberry's profile picture

    cameron eckelberry


  • Rainer Enders's profile picture

    Rainer Enders

    Keeper Security Inc.

  • Ellie Epskamp-Hunt's profile picture

    Ellie Epskamp-Hunt

    Apple Inc.

  • Felipe Erias's profile picture

    Felipe Erias


  • No Photo

    Javier Fernandez


  • No Photo

    Cecilia Firmansyah

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Che Fisher's profile picture

    Che Fisher

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Scott Fortmann-Roe

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Victor Franco

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Cristiano Fromagio's profile picture

    Cristiano Fromagio

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Casey Garland

    Capital One Financial

  • Rajaram Gaunker's profile picture

    Rajaram Gaunker

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Neeva

  • No Photo

    Matt Gibson


  • Daniel Glazman's profile picture

    Daniel Glazman


  • No Photo

    Vidal Gonzalez

    Cerby Inc

  • No Photo

    Cristina Yenyxe Gonzalez Garcia

    eyeo GmbH

  • No Photo

    Bastien Granger


  • No Photo

    Luca Greco

    Mozilla Foundation

  • No Photo

    Al Green

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Gregory Gregory Pappas

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Eli Grey

    Transcend Inc.

  • No Photo

    Deepak Gupta

    Tightrope Interactive

  • No Photo

    Hilary Hacksel


  • Jackie(Guokai) Han's profile picture

    Jackie(Guokai) Han

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Chris Hanes

    Individual CLA commitment

  • George Henderson's profile picture

    George Henderson

    Capital One

  • David Hénot's profile picture

    David Hénot


  • No Photo

    Dave Herold

    Keeper Security Inc.

  • No Photo

    Jason Hocker

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Don Hopkins

    Ground Up Software

  • No Photo

    Jon Howard


  • Rob Hudson's profile picture

    Rob Hudson

    Apple Inc.

  • No Photo

    James Hycner

    Keeper Security Inc.

  • Ayooluwa Isaiah's profile picture

    Ayooluwa Isaiah

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Rew Islam's profile picture

    Rew Islam


  • No Photo

    Darryl James

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Carlos Jeurissen

    Individual CLA commitment

  • David Johnson's profile picture

    David Johnson

    Apple Inc.

  • Andrew Jordan's profile picture

    Andrew Jordan


  • Tomislav Jovanovic's profile picture

    Tomislav Jovanovic

    Mozilla Foundation

  • No Photo

    Patrick Kettner

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Philipp Kewisch's profile picture

    Philipp Kewisch

    Mozilla Foundation

  • No Photo

    faiza khan

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Solomon Kinard

    Google LLC

  • Jonathan Kingston's profile picture

    Jonathan Kingston

    Duck Duck Go, Inc.

  • No Photo

    Mahesh Kumar

    Microsoft Corporation

  • Jean-Michel Lambert's profile picture

    Jean-Michel Lambert


  • Philippe Le Hegaret's profile picture

    Philippe Le Hegaret


  • No Photo

    Graham Leggett

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Michael Leggett's profile picture

    Michael Leggett

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Shahaf Levi

    Sl's Repository Ltd

  • No Photo

    Oleksii Levzhynskyi


  • No Photo

    Marwan Liani


  • No Photo

    Anthony Loeppert

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Jacob Lowe's profile picture

    Jacob Lowe

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Toucan

  • Brandon Lucier's profile picture

    Brandon Lucier


  • No Photo

    Justin Lulejian

    Google LLC

  • Craig Lurey's profile picture

    Craig Lurey

    Keeper Security Inc.

  • No Photo

    Alexei M

    Electronic Frontier Foundation

  • No Photo

    Sam Macbeth

    Duck Duck Go, Inc.

  • Giorgio Maone's profile picture

    Giorgio Maone

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Hal Massey


  • Nick McGuire's profile picture

    Nick McGuire


  • No Photo

    Francis McKenzie

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Steven McLintock


  • No Photo

    Andrey Meshkov

    Adguard Software Ltd

  • Krzysztof Modras's profile picture

    Krzysztof Modras


  • No Photo

    Alfons Mucha

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Shirish Munukuntla

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Nir Nahum


  • No Photo

    Manabu Nakazawa

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Caitlin Neiman

    Mozilla Foundation

  • Dũng Nguyễn's profile picture

    Dũng Nguyễn

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Max Nikulin

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Theresa O'Connor's profile picture

    Theresa O'Connor

    Apple Inc.

  • No Photo

    Igor Oleinikov


  • Halil Emre ÖZEN's profile picture

    Halil Emre ÖZEN

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Emilia Paz

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Barak Peleg

    AI21 Labs

  • No Photo

    Ilya Petrov

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Rémi Pujo


  • No Photo

    Mukul Purohit

    Microsoft Corporation

  • No Photo

    Sohail Rajdev

    Microsoft Corporation

  • No Photo

    Rishik Ramena

    Microsoft Corporation

  • No Photo

    Marcin Rataj

    Protocol Labs

  • No Photo

    Miguel Renteria

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Frédéric RIVAIN's profile picture

    Frédéric RIVAIN


  • No Photo

    Kiara Rose

    Apple Inc.

  • Jeff S's profile picture

    Jeff S

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Jarek Samic


  • Manvel Saroyan's profile picture

    Manvel Saroyan

    Bardeen Inc

  • No Photo

    Saurabh Satnalika

    Microsoft Corporation

  • No Photo

    Thomas Schell


  • Todd Schiller's profile picture

    Todd Schiller

    PixieBrix, Inc.

  • Don Schmitt's profile picture

    Don Schmitt

    Blackfish Software, LLC

  • Luke Selker's profile picture

    Luke Selker


  • No Photo

    Eli Selkin

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Upful, Inc.

  • No Photo

    Aaron Selya

    Google LLC

  • Brian Shultz's profile picture

    Brian Shultz


  • No Photo

    Mark Siadat

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Roy Six

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Kyle Spearrin


  • No Photo

    Jordan Spivack

    Capital One Financial

  • No Photo

    Varadarajan Sridharan

    Microsoft Corporation

  • Jack Steam's profile picture

    Jack Steam

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Andrew Steel

    LogMeIn Inc.

  • No Photo

    Danny Suarez

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Gaurang Tandon

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Blaze Today

  • No Photo

    Tamer Temizer

    eyeo GmbH

  • No Photo

    Cory Thomas

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Alisa Tikhova's profile picture

    Alisa Tikhova

    eyeo GmbH

  • Vikram Tiwari's profile picture

    Vikram Tiwari

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Maxim Topciu's profile picture

    Maxim Topciu

    Adguard Software Ltd

  • No Photo

    Dávid Tóta

    Adguard Software Ltd

  • No Photo

    Jesse Trana

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Appareo Systems LLC

  • Maxim Tsoy's profile picture

    Maxim Tsoy

    Duck Duck Go, Inc.

  • Stefan Van Damme's profile picture

    Stefan Van Damme

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Ben van Hartingsveldt

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Dave Vandyke's profile picture

    Dave Vandyke

    Duck Duck Go, Inc.

  • No Photo

    Nikita Vasilyev

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Adrià Vilanova Martínez's profile picture

    Adrià Vilanova Martínez

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Luke Warlow's profile picture

    Luke Warlow


  • Jason Waterman's profile picture

    Jason Waterman

    Mozilla Foundation

  • Brian Weinstein's profile picture

    Brian Weinstein

    Apple Inc.

  • No Photo

    Michael Wolf

    Capital One Financial

  • No Photo

    Donna Woo

    Propel Media LLC

  • No Photo

    Jack Works


  • Richard Worth's profile picture

    Richard Worth

    Capital One Financial

  • No Photo

    Pawel Wszola

    OceanHero GmbH

  • No Photo

    Rob Wu

    Mozilla Foundation

  • No Photo

    Mingjie Xia

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with

  • No Photo

    Larry Xu

    Dropbox, Inc.

  • No Photo

    Arlen Yan

    Keeper Security Inc.

  • No Photo

    Vladimir Yankovich

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Jane Yao


  • Liad Yosef's profile picture

    Liad Yosef


  • No Photo

    Kamil Zagrabski

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Weier Zhang

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Capvision