
Even the Secret Service isn’t safe in California


California may be the only state where Democrats can hold lavish fundraisers with elitist celebrities while crime has become so bad that even Secret Service agents aren’t safe.

President Joe Biden got to party with celebrities to raise money for his campaign all while California’s criminal policies put the people who protect Biden at risk. A Secret Service agent was the victim of an armed robbery around 9:30 p.m. after returning from a work assignment in Tustin, a city in metropolitan Los Angeles. According to Tustin police, there is no threat to the public.

Well, other than California creating an environment where even men tasked with protecting the most powerful man on the planet are at risk of being robbed by common criminals. You could see how this could be a problem for residents who are not trained security agents and who have to live in these communities every single day.


This is yet another way that California perfectly lives up to its reputation of being run by liberal elites, for liberal elites. Biden can pal around with rich celebrities to raise money as part of his mission to spend 48 years serving as a politician in Washington, D.C., with both he and those celebrities having their own personal security. Everyone else has to live at risk of being one of the day’s robbery targets for career criminals that California doesn’t want to lock up. Evidently, even the people tasked with providing that personal security are at risk.

This is the California model. The liberal elitists get to live their lives feeling good about themselves for being tolerant and accepting of criminals, blowing money on political campaigns for unpopular political fossils. Everyone else must pay exorbitant taxes while hoping a career criminal doesn’t catch them on the way home. By liberal elitists, for liberal elitists.

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