Magazine - Your Land

If you can use trash bins here…


Did you know that putting trash bags in trash bins instead of leaving them on the street is more sanitary, more civilized, and keeps rats out?

Did it cost you $4 million to reach that conclusion? Because if it did, you may be New York City.

Two years ago, New York City shelled out nearly $4 million to a consulting firm to figure out a system where residents could put their waste in containers for the city to pick up. Now, New York City has finally moved into the modern age, with Mayor Eric Adams wheeling out a garbage bin at a press conference with a level of enthusiasm that would have you believe the city discovered fire or the fountain of youth.


And all it took to figure out that piling garbage bags on the sidewalk was a bad idea was $4 million in taxpayer dollars and 21 months of an outside consulting firm throwing ideas at the wall before coming up with the same trash disposal system cities and suburbs have been using across the country. It is that kind of ingenuity and efficiency that justifies New York City’s arrogant reputation of looking down on the rest of the country from the top of piles of trash bags being picked apart by rats.

With trash now off of the list, the question becomes about what innovation New York City will discover next. Perhaps the city will discover that keeping violent criminals behind bars prevents them from committing more violent crimes, though who knows how many more millions must be paid to a consulting firm to reach that stunning conclusion so soon after discovering that trash bins exist.

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