Project 2025 is nothing like what Biden says it is


President Joe Biden and his reelection campaign are so desperate to find a bogeyman to save their sinking ship that they have now turned a conservative think tank into a major element of their campaign messaging.

The Heritage Foundation launched Project 2025 as a presidential transition project to ensure that the next conservative president was ready to govern effectively on his first day in office without being weighed down by staffing shortages and a resistant bureaucracy.

For Biden and the Democratic Party, such a prospect is so terrifying that it is now the centerpiece of the presidential campaign, despite the fact that former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, is not involved in any aspect of the project.

Still, the project only exists because the myriad of personnel pitfalls that befell Trump’s first term in office exposed the degree to which conservatives were unprepared to take control of a bureaucratic apparatus filled with liberal career staff that resisted any attempts to implement conservative policy.

The promise to replace the bureaucracy’s career staff with political appointees is what scares the Democratic Party and the Biden campaign because the bureaucracy or “deep state” is the liberal establishment’s firewall against any conservative president or cabinet secretary that may take office. Sure, some conservative policies will be enacted, but these changes in policy are met with substantial resistance that Democratic administrations never face, greatly slowing the changes made or their impact.

Beyond the efforts to replace the career bureaucrats with ideologically aligned appointees, the Biden campaign and the Democratic Party like to point to the 900-page policy document A Mandate for Leadership as further evidence of an impending right-wing authoritarian takeover.


But even this book is hardly anything unusual in conservative policymaking. Practically everything in the mandate is a policy agenda item that has been proposed by the Republican Party at some point over the past four decades. Whether it is eliminating the Department of Education, opposing abortion, or building a wall at the southern border, each of these policy items has been a part of the Republican Party platform in fairly recent memory.

Biden and the Democrats are only turning to fearmongering about Project 2025 and the Heritage Foundation because they are afraid they are going to lose, and this time a Republican administration is going to be ready to govern on day one without any deep state resistance.

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