Public Notices

In keeping with California's commitment to provide meaningful public involvement in governmental decisions, the Central Valley Water Board receives public comments on many types of draft documents: Basin Plan amendments, draft permits and enforcement orders, site cleanup plans, California Environmental Quality Act documents, and more. This page contains links to public notices for projects currently in a public comment period. In addition, you will find links to pages containing support materials (staff reports, text of proposed orders, etc.) below the public notices. You may also visit the Board Meeting calendar for information about upcoming public hearings, workshops, information items and other items being considered by the Central Valley Water Board and associated comment periods.


Basin Planning - Basin Plan Amendments

  • There are currently no Public Notices for this topic

Compliance and Enforcement

  • View Enforcement Orders on the State Water Boards' website
    This link directs you to a searchable list of enforcement orders adopted by the nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards. This list is maintained by the State Water Resources Control Board. Note: Due to program-specific issues, not all enforcement orders are available on the State Board system.
  • Beginning in June 2004, Central Valley Region enforcement orders are also posted within the Discharger-Specific Orders section on our Adopted Orders page
  • Pending settlements and tentative Enforcement Orders can be found on our Tentative Orders page, alphabetically by county and discharger name.

Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)

  • There are currently no Public Notices for this topic

Water Quality Certification

  (Page last updated 8/28/24)