Santa Ana Region - Dairies

Santa Ana Region - Dairies

On December 7, 2018, the Regional Board adopted Order No. R8-2018-0001.  This Order is the General Waste Discharge Requirements for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (Dairies and Related Facilities) within the Santa Ana Region.  The Order is a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit under the federal Clean Water Act.  The Order went into effect on March 17, 2019.  Order No. R8-2018-0001 and related electronic forms are below.  Printable paper versions of all forms are included as part of the Order.

Order R8-2018-0001 (effective March 17, 2019)

  • Notice of Intent (NOI) form - dairy operators currently authorized under Order No. R8-2013-0001 are required to submit a new completed Notice of Intent form no later than May 1, 2019 to receive authorization under the new Order No. R8-2018-0001.  Operators do not need to submit Engineered Waste Management Plans or Nutrient Management Plans if they intend to continue to implement plans that have already been approved by the Regional Board’s Executive Officer.  The NOI form includes fields for operators to indicate their intent to implement previously-approved plans or to submit new plans.

  • Notice of Termination (NOT) form- this form is used to terminate authorization to discharge under either Order No. R8-2013-0001 or Order No. R8-2018-0001.
  • Form 1 – Weekly Storm Water Management Structure Inspections Log Sheet

  • Form 2 – Summary Report of Weekly Storm Water Management Structure Inspections

  • Form 3 – This is the Annual Report Form.  This Form must be submitted by January 15 of each year for the previous calendar year.  A complete Annual Report includes a completed Form 3 and other information in Provision XI.A.3. of the Monitoring and Reporting Program for Order No. R8-2018-0001.

  • Form 4 – Manure Tracking Manifest

2018 General Permit Renewal

The following are related to the adoption of Order No. R8-2018-0001 and are available on request. Please contact Ryan Yip at (951) 394-9509, by email
[email protected] or Michael Kashak at (951) 782-4469, by email [email protected].

  • Notice of Public Hearing on Tentative Order No. R8-2018-0001 (December 7, 2018)
  • Tentative Order No. R8-2018-0001
  • Tentative Order No. R8-2018-0001 Clean Version
  • Notice of Public Hearing on Tentative Order No. R8-2018-0001 (October 19, 2018)
  • Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment: Draft Order No. R8-2018-0001
  • Board Staff Presentation for December 7, 2018 Adoptive Hearing for Tentative Order No. R8-2018-0001
  • Board Staff Presentation for August 20, 2018 work shop for Draft Order No. R8-2018-0001
  • Board Staff Presentation for April 17 and 19 Workshops
  • Comments received on Draft Order No. R8-2018-0001 during the July 23, 2018 to August 31, 2018 comment period
    • Pat Boldt on behalf of WRCAC, MPC, and other
    • Colin Kelly, Inland Water Keeper
    • Environmental and Natural Resources Law Clinic, Vermont Law School (incorporated by reference)
  • Response to Comments on Draft Order No. R8-2018-0001 during the July 23, 2018 to August 31, 2018 comment period



Historical Documents

  • San Jacinto Salt Offset and Dairy Impacts Report - 2016 Update April 1, 2016

  • San Jacinto Dairy Salt Offset Groundwater Monitoring Annual Monitoring Work Plan for "No Impact" Dairies

  • San Jacinto Dairy Salt Offset Groundwater Monitoring Additional Investigations Work Plan for Dairies with Inconclusive Impacts

  • San Jacinto Dairy Salt Offset Groundwater Monitoring Additional Control Measures Work Plan for Dairies with Potential Groundwater Impacts
  • San Jacinto Salt Offset and Dairy Impacts Report - Final, November 11, 2014

  • Drafts, comments, and response to comments for Order No. R8-2013-0001, General Waste Discharge Requirements for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (Dairies and Related Facilities) Within the Santa Ana River, NPDES No. CAG18001

  • The San Jacinto Watershed Integrated Regional Dairy Management Plan
    • Final Report - December 2009 (15MB)
    • Appendices (17MB)

  • Dairies and their Relationship to Water Quality Problems in the Chino Basin - July 1990


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