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publication date as a qualifier

Billinghurst (talkcontribs)

Hi. With reference to special:diff/1904523818 and the other like edits, the publication date and other aspects of article are best applied as qualifiers of the publication, rather than directly to the item. This is most notable when people ridiculously apply a page number directly to an item, rather than to the publication (Help:Qualifiers). You truly see the value of this approach when copying and moving these parts of an item.

Deansfa (talkcontribs)

I don't disagree but noone follow this direction, so when you query articles based on date, you miss those (or you have to have a very verbose query to handle this use case).

Deansfa (talkcontribs)

I didn't noticed you removed the date. You should not revert the change, the date can stand as qualifier AND directly on the item. There's more than 4000 NYT articles, I don't see why these 40 articles should differ from the rest. It makes querying articles against the date very challenging.

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