
Household Sewage Treatment Systems

Sewage Treatment Systems (STS), or septic systems, are soil-based wastewater treatment systems that use natural processes to treat wastewater that comes from your home. This wastewater typically comes from your bathroom, shower, kitchen drains, and laundry. In Ohio, it is estimated that there are 628,000 septic systems. As of 2023, there are approximately 6,500 systems in use throughout Williams County. It is important to properly maintain your septic system by having the septic tank pumped and the rest of the system evaluated on a routine schedule.



Operation & Maintenance Program

In January 2015, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) adopted new rules for sewage treatment systems. In Ohio Administrative Code (OAC): Chapter 3701-29, it mandates that every sewage treatment system (STS), also known as a septic system, has an operation permit and is maintained to ensure that the STS is working as designed. Williams County’s STSs have been added to the Operation and Maintenance program, with one-fifth (1/5) of the county’s estimated 6300 systems being brought into the program annually over the next five (5) years.

All 12 townships in Williams County were broken up into five (5) groups, with each group having a similar number of systems included. These groupings were chosen based upon the number of systems in each township to allow for as equal of a number in each group as possible. Per OAC 3701-29-09 (I), STS owners are required to obtain an Operation Permit. The fee is $60.00 and the permit will be valid for five (5) years. During this 5-year period, homeowners will be required to submit verification to WCHD that the following two (2) items have been completed:

1. An evaluation of their system to determine if a nuisance is being created.

a. You may choose to either have a Registered Service Provider conduct the evaluation, or

b. Register as a Homeowner Service Provider and perform the evaluation of your own system. More information on this will be mailed to you if you indicate interest on the Permit Application.

2. Have their septic tank pumped by a Registered Septage Hauler every 5 years or sooner if determined to be necessary during the evaluation. If there is a verifiable reason that the septic tank cannot be accessed for service, you are required to contact WCHD to discuss options and avoid any penalties for failure to maintain your system.


WPCLF Financial Assistance Program

WCHD receives funds from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency through the Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) to assist in the replacement of failing residential sewage treatment systems throughout Williams County.

To be eligible, applicants must qualify based on financial need and own the home that has the failing system and live in that home as their primary residence. Rentals and commercial/non-residential properties are not eligible for the program.

Homeowners may qualify for one of three tiers of funding, depending upon the size of their households, and their total household income. The three tiers are based on the current U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Income Guidelines, summarized on the Information Sheet. Please call our Main Office for more information about the WPCLF Program.