Toxic Trouble: Dangerous chemicals hiding in your home

Our homes are our sanctuary, but our sanctuary could slowly poison us. Dangerous chemicals can be found in surprising places.
Published: Aug. 30, 2024 at 5:53 PM EDT
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Orlando, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) --- Our homes are our sanctuary, but our sanctuary could slowly poison us. Dangerous chemicals can be found in surprising places.

From the moment you wake up to making a late-night snack.Several things you do, and several places in your home could be slowly poisoning you.

In the bedroom, the mattress you’re lying on may be made from petroleum-based polyfoams, which typically contain formaldehyde, synthetic latex, hazardous solvents, and fireproofing chemicals.

Experts say there’s a constant buildup of bacteria within the bathroom showerhead. A study out of Manchester University found that the water coming out of the showerhead was dirtier than what’s in it and can be directly linked to Legionnaire’s and Crohn’s disease.

In your closet, polyester, nylon, and anything labeled on-iron cotton often contains unregulated toxic chemicals that have recently been linked to the rise in autoimmune disease, infertility, and asthma.

In your kitchen, if you fry your eggs in a non-stick Teflon pan, you may be putting yourself at risk for high cholesterol, early menopause,and thyroid issues.

And according to the FDA, there are documented cases of heat radiation leaking through gaps in the sealing of microwaves causing nervedamage.

The best way to protect yourself is to read the labels and be sure the products you bring into your home are not toxic.

Also, cleaning your home could worsen the chemical problem. A study in the Chemosphere journal found 503 unique volatile organic compounds in just 30 different cleaning products. Of that number, 193 are considered hazardous. To see the list of all of these, go to

Contributorsto this news report include: Marsha Lewis, Producer; Bob Walko, Editor

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