YouTube Geek: Will it Rhyme?

This week in YouTube geekery, the wordplay is the thing. While building the promised weekly music playlist, I discovered a veritable plethora of interesting people using their words in interesting ways. Not everyone rhymes, but that is one theme. And where rhythm and repeated phonemes fail, insight and clever storytelling carry the scene. The internet […]

This week in YouTube geekery, the wordplay is the thing. While building the promised weekly music playlist, I discovered a veritable plethora of interesting people using their words in interesting ways. Not everyone rhymes, but that is one theme. And where rhythm and repeated phonemes fail, insight and clever storytelling carry the scene.

The internet adores an apt tribute,
But rarely are the masses treated
To fast-rhyming salutes as astute
As when Shakespeare and Seuss rap-competed.

(Fair warning: Strong language. Screen before you share.)

"I love to love people whose brains are showing." What follows is a gorgeously geeky rhyme by a geek after my own heart. Wordsmith, you had me at 'bespoke.'

There is a crushing abundance of typos and grammar errors on the web, but some are more irksome than others. The next video highlights a special example that galls not only by being wrong, but also by failing to live up to its full potential.

Sometimes it's not the story itself, but how the story is told. And sometimes all it takes to transform something ordinary into some kind of wonderful is clever papercraft and a little movie magic.

WongFuProductions's latest short film is a courtroom drama with a twist. For parents, these proceedings will seem all too familiar and may induce groaning. Smart aleck kids might get some bright ideas…