World Book Night - Sign up to Give by February 1st.

April 23, 2012 is World Book Night. This is a campaign organised by those who love to read, as an outreach to those who have little or no interest in reading. The first World Book Night was held in the UK in 2011 and so you haven’t been missing out if this is the first […]
Image may contain Construction Crane

April 23, 2012 is World Book Night. This is a campaign organised by those who love to read, as an outreach to those who have little or no interest in reading. The first World Book Night was held in the UK in 2011 and so you haven't been missing out if this is the first you are hearing about it. The organisation is printing hundreds of thousands of paperbacks to be handed out on April 23, and are looking for volunteers to do so. The sign up deadline is February 1 so get your thinking caps on. Are you free that night and where would you go to hand out your books? Answer those two questions easily, then just click on over to World Book Night's registration page and register to be a giver in 2012. In order to be a book giver you must be:

  • Aged 16 or over and a resident of the United States
  • Able to pick up 20 copies of your book from your local bookshop or library
  • Committed to giving your books away on World Book Night to non or light readers

April 23 is also UNESCO’s World Book Day, the anniversary of Cervantes’ death, and the anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth and death. Even if you don't participate in World Book Night, this might be a good day to finish that book you've been working on!